The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Justice and Redemption: Navigating the Aftermath of January 6th with Colton and Sarah Maccabee
Imagine waking up on January 7th, knowing that the events of the previous day would forever alter the course of justice in America. That's the reality Sarah and Colton McAbee faced, and today they offer a window into their deeply personal journey through the chaos and consequence of January 6th. Together, we unpack the lingering injustices faced by many individuals involved in that day's events, and the urgent need for reform to prevent history from repeating itself. Our conversation underscores the necessity for accountability and how civil suits could pave the way for substantial changes in the judicial system.
In the second half of our episode, we spotlight the tireless efforts of the Stand in the Gap foundation, which has been a lifeline for over 100 families affected by January 6th. We also highlight initiatives like the Road Home Project, emphasizing the power of community support and mental health resources in aiding those who are reentering society after institutionalization. From potential political pursuits to the unwavering support of church communities, there is a collective momentum building towards civil justice reform. It's a pivotal moment—one where January 6th defendants and Patriot Academy graduates could lead the charge towards rebuilding hope and liberty across America.
Rick Green [00:00:07] Welcome to the intersection of faith and Culture is The WallBuilders Show. We're taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. Rick Green here, America's Constitution coach with David and Tim Barton, David's America's premiere historian. And Tim, as a national speaker, pastor and president of WallBuilders. And today, we're actually going to get the conclusion of my interview with Sarah and Colton Maccabee. If you missed yesterday, it's available right now on our website, WallBuilders.Show, WallBuilders.Show. And actually I encourage you to go to the website anyway because that's where you can share the program with friends and family. One of the best ways that you can help us win the culture back, one of the best ways to help rebuild the walls, rebuild liberty in America is to be a force multiplier, to help get the word out there, to be a Paul Revere of today sounding the alarm and getting people equipped and inspired and educated. You can do that simply by going to WallBuilders.show. Take the link to share, link and share it on your social media pages. Whatever social media programs that you're using. Send them out to people via email text your friends and family tell them they need to watch and listen to these programs because they will learn so much about the Constitution, the declaration about how to restore liberty. We're going to rebuild the walls. What are the bricks that we need to lay? What's the right mortar? You know, how do we do this correctly? Meaning what are the principles of liberty and how do we actually instill them in the culture and restore them in the culture? And WallBuilders is the place to do that. WallBuilders.show yesterday you'll see there on the website at WallBuilders.show yesterday we started the interview with Colton and Sarah Maccabee in the tavern. So go check that out for yesterday, right at WallBuilders. show. And today we'll get the conclusion of my interview with them. They're in the tavern. That's the show I do for Warrior Poets Society Network. Let's jump right back into that interview with Colton and Sarah Maccabee.
Sarah Maccabee [00:01:49] To see these individuals walk out on January 20th and see them reunited with their families. It's definitely going to be a healing journey along the way. But just the mere fact that the Lord protected them and I've always said I believe it's by the grace of God that these individuals are going to be okay, you know, and in their different paths, just like you said, we can't sit back and judge the people that took the plea deals or the divorces or whatever happened in the families, because everybody has had a unique walk when it has come to January 6th. But I think that it just shows because of their unique walk, they can connect with different people in society. And that when when Colton's talking about like his next steps and stuff, the thing we have always talked about is to never let these sacrifices go in vain.
Rick Green [00:02:32] That's right. That's right. Absolutely right. And I think that's the reason for you know, it's almost it's the same as like the Covid crackdowns and all of that insanity, not just saying all let's all move on. No, you got to prevent it from happening again. It's the same thing here. We have to prevent this kind of injustice from happening again. We have to get people to absolutely have a passion for blind justice and equal justice. And so when you see the injustice here, it makes you want the right kind of justice and the right kind of kind of blind justice. And I was just I opened the program saying this is the beginning of justice and we don't have full justice until those who perpetrated this have to pay a price for this. You can't just let you guys out and say, okay, everything's okay now. No, there has to be consequences. There has to be actual justice in order to prevent it from happening in the future. And to that point, I know you guys have filed a civil suit for for some of the injustice that you received. Can you update us on that? And are there others that are going to do the same thing, I hope?
Sarah Maccabee [00:03:28] Yeah. So when he was assaulted in the D.C. jail, we opened a civil lawsuit against the lieutenant who had sprayed him while he was handcuffed and in the jail itself. But I do hope that these individuals go back and sue for their civil rights. You know, I mean, now they're talking about $50 billion lawsuits against the Department of Justice and that sort of thing. And don't get me wrong, that's absolutely where we have to start. But our whole hope is that these judges, the corrupt judges, the corrupt prosecutors, they stand trial for their misconduct that they held for January 6th. Defendants, you know, they completely clogged the D.C. court system, that they didn't even prosecute 67% of crimes in D.C. because the court system couldn't handle it, because they were prosecuting people like Colt and Maga granny, you know, for doing nothing on January 6th. And they had true murderers and rapists walking the streets of D.C.. But the way that they treated these individuals completely obliterated their constitutional rights right in front of them. There was a reason they didn't allow any media to be in these courtrooms, because the American public would have been outraged about this a very long time ago. But, you know, these judges, these prosecutors, they need to stand trial. They need to not only lose their bar card and never be able to try anything ever again, but in my opinion, they need to sit in the D.C. gulag and be treated the way that these individuals treated or in my opinion, they committed treason. And when you commit treason, there is one penalty for treason. And that absolutely needs to be reestablished in America, because it what I always say is it's not about what happened the last four years. It's about setting up the next 250 years for the future generations to come in America.
Rick Green [00:05:08] I've just got to interrupt for quick break. We'll be right back. You're listening to The WallBuilders Show.
Rick Green [00:06:18] Welcome back to the WallBuilders Show jumping back in with Colton and Sarah Maccabee in the interview. I had a chance to do with them in the tavern right after he was let out of prison. Here's Colton and Sarah.
Sarah Maccabee [00:06:26] This is absolutely a pivotal point in America that we have to make examples out of people
Rick Green [00:06:32] 100% You know, I got one of my one of my times of being blocked on Facebook or Twitter or one of them was was sharing a Steve Day's post that basically had the news and said after a trial, of course. But this is what I mean. Fouci Especially as many people have died as a result of him. But I mean, to me, a minimum, an absolute minimum, just a starting out of the block is is absolutely having impeachment hearings for these judges. And, you know, if they're going to claim because most of them were federal judges. Right. I guess they're all federal federal judges. So they're all going to claim their lifetime appointment, which is not what the Constitution says. It says for good behavior, if there is bad behavior, if there's any definition of bad behavior, it's what they did to you and what they did to the other defendants. So impeachment, at an absolute minimum, we ought to be wiping out every single one of them, getting them off the bench so they can't continue to do things like this. But like you said, trials against them as well. And especially these these in the in the in the cover of night guards and marshals and others that did the the hideous things to you guys. And then the little things like and you could probably confirm for me because you you're in contact with more of them than me. But even like yesterday in the day before, even when they're releasing a lot of these guys, put them on a bus and hauling them across town where the families can't greet them and they got to go find I mean, just stupid things like that to just keep digging it in and keep digging it in. And that's minor compared to the beatings and everything else that that took place. There has to be consequences for that stuff. 100%.
Sarah Maccabee [00:07:57] No, there absolutley does because they tried to destroy these people. And I know at every single one of them are going to be like a Phenix and rise out of the ashes. But the history needs to be rewritten because right now the mainstream media still to this day is pushing a false narrative that it was an insurrection and that these people are domestic terrorists, and yet they don't look, they turn a blind eye to what Joe Biden did on his way out by pardoning cop killers and rapists and people on death row that, you know, shouldn't have been sitting there for far less than what they did. But then because Donald Trump comes in and keeps his promises to these people and pardons them, and now investigations will be underway, which is what we've always said. It can't just be the stroke of a pen on a paper for these defendants because America deserves answers. We have never seen this sort of injustice on the level that it has. And it's not just about January 6th. You see, today President Trump signed the pardons for pro-lifers. It's the same thing for them. They had their constitutional rights dissolved in front of them as well. And so it's it's about all of these little things because we had always said when it was unsafe to to rise up and to talk about this stuff is that the American people don't know that they are next. These people were just the beginning. They they picked their constitutional rights, dissolve them and threw them into jail. And these people are our neighbors. They're the people that we go to church with. And so it's like if they were going to do it to them, it was only a matter of time till they were knocking on your front door. And so the FBI absolutely has to be dismantled. The Department of Justice needs to be reconfigured. And I think that we have a prime opportunity to make sure that their voices are heard, their stories are told in that history. They stand up on the right side of history
Rick Green [00:09:43] 100% Man, you're so good. I'm telling you everything you just said. I 100% agree. And I used to be, you know, a defender of the FBI five years ago. You know, they were heroes, all that. But no, it's got it's too corrupt. You can't fix it. You have to dismantle it. I now I don't even think constitutionally they should exist. There's nothing in the Constitution that authorizes a federal law enforcement agency like that other than the Border Patrol at the border. So anyway, absolutely agree. The Obama justice, you got to clean house completely. And I'm so glad you said what you said, Sarah. But it's not just the J6rs. It's you go all the way down the line. These pro-lifers, my friend Dr. Young, from right here in Fredericksburg, where the DOJ goes after him. This guy was doctor of the year just a few years ago, but because of his stance against Covid, because he was a Trump supporter, they threw the whole weight of the government against him. He's he's facing, I think, ten years now. And so it's so many people like that that they did this to and they literally hunted down political opponents. They figured out who's against us politically and that's who they went after. If there's ever any kind of a a, you know, selective prosecution situation, this was it. Okay. So let's let's talk about you guys next. I want to know, you know, what we can do, how people can pray for y'all. I know this is crazy. You're 48 hours out. And but but you know what? What is what do you think is next and what can we do to invite you down to Fredericksburg? Y'all come get away. Let us put you up in a cottage and you'll enjoy a few days. I mean, what can we do to serve y'all?
Colton Maccabee [00:11:12] Yeah, you know, that's a good, good question. And. And I've given you a lot of. I don't know what's out there right now. You know, some opportunities are coming my way and I'mg oing to look at every single one of them. But I don't I really don't know.
Rick Green [00:11:29] Well, forget. Don't go back into law enforcement. Come down here, Fredericksburg, and be a range instructor for Patriot Academy. And Sarah, you know, start speaking as as a constitution. Well, we'd love for you all to come do that. I mean, just open offer or just come visit and hang out for a week or two and relax. I know you'd probably rather be on a beach than in Fredericksburg, Texas, but at any rate. Yeah, I mean, I know you got to have time to figure that out, but Sarah, I do want to talk about the foundation because first of all, thank you, guys. You've already donated from your foundation. You're out here trying to do all these things. You took money out of that to help what we're doing in Fredericksburg with Ginny McCombs and the J. Six RoadHome that's coming right out of my church it at the at the bridge. But tell us about more. I know we talked about last time you're here, but catch us up on what's going on with your foundation and how that's helping other J. Six defendants as well.
Sarah Maccabee [00:12:15] Absolutely You know Stand in the Gap was birthed out of the plight of January 6th defendants because all of the organizations that state that they are there for political persecution, they weren't we were on a lonely island and so nobody was coming to save us. And so we stepped up and said, you know what? We're going to save our own. And so that's where standing the gap was birthed out of. And, you know, looking back over the years, we've helped over 100 families be reunited via visitation. And we helped five defendants get appellate attorneys to take their cases to the appellate court, as well as all the way up to the Supreme Court to petition them. And we are proud to announce that that part is over. We will no longer be sending people to the prisons because they are all out thanks to Donald Trump.
Rick Green [00:12:56] Now the break, folks. We'll be right back. You're listening to The WallBuilders Show.
Rick Green [00:14:06] Welcome back to our show. Thanks for staying with us. We're with Colton and Sarah Maccabee today. It was actually an interview I did just a couple of weeks ago, right after he was pardoned by President Trump. And I want you to share this with friends and family because too many people don't know these stories. They don't know how bad the abuse was of these J6 defendents. To finish, let's jump back in with Colton and Sarah Maccabee.
Sarah Maccabee [00:14:27] We said Stand in the the Gap up. We always said it started with January 6th, but it doesn't end with January 6th. And so now we are pivoting to justice reform. We're helping reentry for these individuals when they come out to go home to the Road home project, get their feet under them, because like I said earlier, everybody's story is different in the fact some have homes to go home to, some have families to go home to. But then there's others that don't. And so it's the community that's going to continue to rally around them because, you know, we're not just going to leave them when those prison doors opened up and said, you know, good luck, it was great supporting you the last four years because I believe each of these people, it is more than what they just did the last four years. I think that was the foundation for, you know, hope. Hopefully they're running for government positions. I hope they, you know, the same people that didn't help them, you know, their their representatives ignored them. I hope they challenged them in primaries, speak to their donors. But we have to be the ones to empower them, because as much as we don't like it, they are institutionalized to an extent. And so we have to help them get back on their feet, get their mental health back together because we have a prime time in America, at least for the next two years, to truly make some change. And then ultimately, you know, going into justice reform, it's not just the prison reform side of things. It's the justice reform side, because we never want this to happen again to Americans.
Rick Green [00:15:46] You know, you you mentioned I mean, this two years. I was just talking to Caitlin LaVar, who's one of our Patriot Cademy grads that did the MAGA Mouse. I don't know if you've read the her MAGA Mouse book, but it's great. And and she's been just a champion for so many of the J6 defendants and helped keep me informed about a lot of the stuff that was going on. But anyway, we were talking about pressing the gas. I mean, right now it's like Jeremy Brown. We can't leave him behind. Even though they convoluted his charges with that stupid grenade that they anyway, that that whole thing is a mess. We have to press the gas now. And I wanted you to know, Sarah, I think Jake's Road Home really was birth because of some of the things you said while you were here. You convicted me and a lot of other people in the room because you talked about the fact the church was not doing what Jesus specifically told us to do and we were supposed to visit those in prison. We're supposed to be doing this. And nobody was helping you from the church and nobody helping with that. And so I think that whole thing burst out of it, kind of put a I mean, a real conviction in my heart and my pastor and a lot of other people at the bridge here in Fredericksburg. And so anyway, I just wanted you to know, because of your boldness, I mean, think of all the seeds you planted over the last four years, all the places you went to speak, all the all the media, all the times we pushed out your message, all of that, you know, yet all the fruit that's going to come from that, I think you're going to be you know the old Ray Boltz song thank you for giving to the Lord. I think you're going to see fruit from that for decades and decades. We got a lot more work to do. But I just want to tell you, man, there's already fruit coming from what you planted in the last few years. I love the justice reform focus that you're that you're shifting to, and we want to help with that all we can. I mean, think of all the all theJ6 Defendents like you're saying that that are going to end up running for office. Think of all of our Patriot Academy grads and Constitution coaches that are running for office that we can get on this justice reform, the civil justice reform that Jo-Ellan is going to be working on. I mean, all of those things, man, I just see I see tremendous victory. But it's going to be a lot of work. We have to press the gas and take it is a carpe diem, you know, seize the day moment, man. We need all will go watch Dead Poets Society and see that scene, right? I mean, this is a time to seize the day and y'all are going to be leading the way. Stand in the Gap, I think is going to be a critical piece of that, no doubt.
Sarah Maccabee [00:17:52] Now, we so appreciate your support. And it's because of people like you that weren't afraid to bring us on and give us a platform to talk to Americans that had no idea what was going on. Or maybe they did, but they didn't know the extent of it. And then they saw themselves that it very well could have been them. I can't tell you how many people I've met over the years saying I was there and I've been waiting for somebody to come knock on my door. So thank you for standing up and speaking out for us, because at that point in time, they were just too afraid to do so. And I say now we absolutely have to roll up our sleeves and go to work because there was a shift in on November 6th, in the wee hours of the morning where Americans had hope restored in this great nation. And so now they are no longer afraid to talk about the stolen election, to talk about Covid in our southern border and, you know, the abortion clinics and to talk about January 6th. And so, you know, all of the work that all of these advocates did prior to January 6th not necessarily has paid off yet. It did with the pardons and that sort of thing, but it definitely laid the groundwork for what the future looks like because people do feel convicted in their heart to give back to their nation because America was once the greatest nation in the world. And you would have asked me the last four years and I wouldn't have hesitated to tell. That it's not the greatest nation in the world. And I will say right now, that hope was restored for us to make these changes. But, you know, in the Bible, it says, I believe and I say this all the time, that that call and all of these individuals were chosen for such a time as this. But it says in Esther that particular verse, people just like to pick and choose. You know, they pick and choose out of the Bible what works for them. But that verse says that he chose Esther to rise up and to take care of the Jews in the area that she lived in. And it says that, you know, she was chosen. It says karma. But if you don't rise up, I will kill you and your father's family and I will find somebody else for the job. Comma. But maybe you were born for such a time as this. And so, you know, I just for the last four years, I would just go out to people and say, find whatever the Lord puts on your heart, whether it's January 6th, whether it's what's going on with the indoctrination of kids in our school system. But whatever it is that the Lord puts on your heart, don't let it sit there. He put it on there for a reason. So take action. Everybody has a part in this journey. I mean, it literally takes a village. And I still tell people that to this day. Just because we won the election, just because President Trump is doing exactly what he said he was going to do doesn't mean that it's over. This is how we got in. The position that we are is because of apathy, which means enough good people sat back and have done nothing.
Rick Green [00:20:28] I folks, one more break today. Stay with us. We'll be right back. On the wall, the live show.
Rick Green [00:22:35] Welcome back to our show. We're going to jump right back in for the conclusion of Colton and Sarah Maccabee and my interview I had with him in the tavern.
Sarah Maccabee [00:22:43] We love Donald Trump, but he's not our savior. Jesus Christ is our savior, and he gives us free will on this earth. And so we must ensure that we are following what he has put out in front of us.
Rick Green [00:22:53] Preach, girl, Preach. My goodness. So good. So, so good. I could go off on so many things you just said, but that was just being primo. Absolutely right. 100%. And I love the shift because it's like you said, and you could feel it starting last summer when you were here, that shift from, you know, everybody was afraid to stand with you, afraid to talk about it. I mean, you know, I even told you I was like at the very beginning, even when Joey Lynn called me, was going to come over and tell her story, I was like, I don't know. Maybe they did swerve. You know, maybe they did, you know, swerve into the bus or I don't know, maybe they did, you know, break the glass or whatever. And and at this point, of course, I had my own kind of transition throughout that whole thing. At this point, I'm like, I don't care if you broke glass at this point. You paid the price and you've already done enough, you know? So I'm like, not just the good guys like you called that didn't do anything wrong. They but even the guys that did stuff that was wrong, I'm like, they paid the price. Enough is enough. It's time to let them out as well. So I'm so glad it was the blanket. Pardon. I actually think, you know, I don't know. They're still looking at a couple of these commutations. But I think at this point, that's what had to be had to be done. And obviously, I'm glad I've been forgiven for my sins and the things that I did wrong for those folks. We have to do the same thing. But I just think he's going to use y'all in such a mighty way to help restore this. I'm excited to to to lock shields with you and come alongside you in any way that we can. And I just pray God's favor. I pray that you have discernment on on which battles to fight because you're going to be given even more of a platform at this point, and you're going to have a lot of people tugging at you and pulling you to do things. So I just pray he just makes total gives you total clarity and makes it crystal clear. This battle, this interview, this, you know, state to go work in legislation or whatever, it's just going to it's going to be coming at you fast. And I just pray he gives you complete clarity on where to go with it and you just let us know how we can stand with you for sure.
Sarah Maccabee [00:24:37] Well, we so appreciate you. Thank you.
Colton Maccabee [00:24:39] Yes. Thank you so much.
Rick Green [00:24:41] Well, God bless you all. Let's do this again soon. I shed tears of joy for you, brother, the other day. I'm telling you, it was man, just amazing. God bless you all. Appreciate you coming on.
Sarah Maccabee [00:24:50] Thanks so much. God bless.
Rick Green [00:24:53] Of folks, thanks for listening today. That was Colton, a Sarah Maccabee. If you want to see the whole interview and listen to it, you can go to the tavern show on Patriot EW.com or Warrior Poets Society Network. I got to tell you, we had Rebecca Lawrence last Friday and another J. 6 defended the praying grandma. And then today and yesterday we had this interview with Colton and Sarah Maccabee. You probably seen the news that most of the major prosecutors that were involved in this injustice, the Department of Injustice, where they tried to destroy the rule of law in our country by persecuting their political opponents, have been fired by President Trump. This is this is a big deal, folks. I mean, I, I prayed for that there would be pardons. I prayed that there would be a new attitude at the Department of Justice. I prayed that that there would be a restoration of truth, justice and the American way, like in the Superman comic books, folks. I mean, the way that we used to think of our justice system. I did not for a minute believe that it would go this far. I did not believe that President Trump would be able to come in and convince his team and everybody else to go this far, to actually fire the prosecutors. That perverted justice so much. That is so unheard of in our political world today. And yet he is willing to take those big steps to restore liberty. This is huge. I am so thankful. You know, we we said we hope he comes in and it's scorched earth that he's the bull in the China closet, that there's real change taking place and that we actually get rid of departments that, you know, are supposed to be at the federal level in the first place. That I mean, all the things we dreamed about. He's actually doing it, folks. It's absolutely incredible. We are incredibly blessed to have a new president in town, to have a team that is rebuilding and restoring liberty in the firing of these horrible prosecutors that did so much damage to our country and our justice system is such a positive step. Thanks so much for listening. You've been listening to The WallBuilders Show