The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Navigating Legal Challenges Post Stop the Steal Rally with Rebecca and Michael Lavrenz
Meet Rebecca Lavrenz, the remarkable praying grandma, and her son Michael as we navigate the turbulent waters of legal challenges stemming from the events of January 6th. What does it take to maintain faith and joy when facing the justice system head-on? Together, Rebecca and Michael reflect on the removal of her monitoring bracelet—a symbol of her freedom—and discuss the critical need to overturn convictions to safeguard First Amendment rights for future generations.
Picture this: a bus ride teeming with famous faces like Conor McGregor, Evander Holyfield, and the Paul brothers. It may sound like a dream, but for Rebecca, it was a profound moment that led to an unexpected dialogue on spirituality and faith. From the amusing to the thought-provoking, this chapter captures the essence of family, fame, and faith converging as we recount the emotional buildup to the Capitol and reactions to pivotal news about Joe Biden pardoning the J6 committee.
As the narrative unfolds, explore Rebecca's journey of being pardoned by Donald Trump, an act that ignites her resolve to reshape the justice system. With a call to enable a godly America, Rebecca urges everyone to return to the nation’s core principles. We also invite listeners to the Constitution Conference in Vero Beach, where we’ll discuss biblical citizenship and cultural renewal. Join us as we embark on a mission to rebuild the nation, brick by brick, with values that can withstand the test of time.
Rick Green [00:00:07] What can be the intersection of faith and culture it's a WallBuilders show, taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. And today we've got an exciting program for you. I'm so excited to have Rebecca Lavrenz back with us. This is the praying grandma. This is the lady that we've had at the Flash Point event at Patriot Academy. She's been on WallBuilders Radio and she's just done an amazing job of having joy in the trial. Just like James tells us, we're supposed to have not a lot of joy when you experience various trials and and she has done that. And now that she's been able to remove her ankle monitor and now travel, she's going to be joining me on Saturday in Florida for our Constitution conference there in Vero Beach. You want to go to that go to Patriotacademy.com. We'd love to see you there. But I'm excited to have this interview with Rebecca had a chance to have her on in the tavern again. That's my show over on Warrior Poets Society Network. If you want to see the whole thing, go to PatriotU.com. Let's jump right in with Rebecca Lavrenz Always good to have the plane. Grandma Rebecca Lavrez with us and her son, who she's going to introduce us to.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:01:08] This is the one who started it all, Michael Lavrenz. He's the one who said we need to pray about going to the Stop the Steal rally January 20th, 21.
Rick Green [00:01:19] So, Michael, good to meet you. I've met I've met your two sisters, but we have not met yet. So good to meet you, man.
Michael Lavrenz [00:01:24] You too. Great to be here. Thanks for having us.
Rick Green [00:01:26] Well, thanks for being a patriot and for standing with your mom through all this. Rebecca, obviously, you know I love you and so thankful for you and your just your patriotism, your perseverance, your ability to have joy in the fight. And now here we are with a lot of joy. But you had joy even in the midst of the storm, which is what was so miraculous and only God given. Now we can all smile with you. I understand you got to cut that ridiculous monitoring bracelet off of your ankle a little earlier today.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:01:58] Yeah. That's why Michael was here with me at the house. We actually did a video on Facebook live at the cutting ceremony.
Rick Green [00:02:05] So you went live with it?
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:02:07] Yeah. We went live with it, actually. I didn't want to cut off because I didn't want to, you know, if I cut it off, does that make me by my action? Like I'm agreeing with everything that they're pardoning and then I can appeal? I was kind of leery about all this, but I did my journey's end because actually my probation officer was getting a little bit feisty with me. She said, We need that monitor off immediately and I'm coming up an hour to get it up.
Rick Green [00:02:34] Well, I mean, really, like, okay, so we're going to harass you to put one on you and then we're going to harass you to take it off. I mean, it.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:02:43] Was like.
Rick Green [00:02:43] There's no end.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:02:44] It was something else. Yeah, she's. We're coming out immediately.
Rick Green [00:02:49] Wow. Yeah. These people. I am curious about both of your takes on this as well. And I'm convinced that real justice doesn't happen until not only you're free, the others are freed. Your records cleaned up, there's restitution. But I think there has to be consequences for those that that perpetrated all of this evil and that harassed you all and made your lives miserable all this time. I think all these judges need to be impeached. I think these these these four, the ones that were in prison and got abused in prison, I think there has to be consequences, too, for those guards. I mean, I think this has to this has to there has to be consequences for the actions so it doesn't happen again. What do you all think about that?
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:03:25] Well, that's exactly right. And that's why I had to have a little time. And I had a long talk with my attorneys and my paralegal this morning because there are some things going on that we really need to be careful what we're doing. Because I think as an attorney, maybe you understand this more and I tried to explain it on the Facebook Live that we did before I took the monitor off when we were pardoned. We that means we were forgiven, but it doesn't erase the conviction. And so if they raise all this stuff, then we're still going to have those precedents that it's okay. It's not okay to have a constitutional First Amendment right at the Capitol, which they remember from my at my trial. And in fact, right now and Well, let me backtrack a little bit. I want to say this for sure. But you'll understand. Maybe you can explain this a little bit better, because in our government we have three branches of government the executive, the judicial and the legislative branch. Right. So the government we are the executive branch, which is President Trump. He has authority to give an executive order to pardon us, but he does not have the authority to turn around a conviction. And so that will be on the server. That's part of the judicial system. So we have to go through the additional process to make an appeal and get that overturned because my purpose and you know that from the beginning, I want these cases overturned so that yeah, in future generations, if they have some kind of thing, let's say we don't have President Trump, we have another Biden administration or something, heaven forbid. But if we do, then those cases, those precedents will be in place and then something like this happens. Then they'll convict everybody again and they will have to do this whole process again. And that's not real sense to me. And my attorneys said they just got a motion for one of their cases. They have my attorneys have 13 cases that they're appealing, which includes mine and. If I'm saying this right, they got an order from the judge, from a different case or mine that they cannot appeal the case because there's nobody prosecuting them anymore. They want to wipe it away. So they don't we can't even do an appeal. So my my attorney, Roger Roots, is filing in a motion. I was going to send me a copy of it that's going to go to the judge and he said it's going to be breaking news, probably because we have to stop them from trying to stop us from making appeals. I understand people want to be free. They don't want to be imprisoned. They haven't had due process. I understand that. I haven't had it that hard. I get to be in my house, you know, and my bedroom and whatever I want to do. But at the same time, if they're just going to get rid of us all, then what happens to all the misinformation, the entrapment and all the stuff the that they withheld at my trial? Is that just going to do that?
Rick Green [00:06:18] Although I agree with you 1,000%, I think it has to go beyond the stroke of a pen of of a president. Otherwise, you just seesaw back and forth every four years. I think the appeals here are very important to get the precedent of of actually overturning some of these actions. And then I think there has to there has to be prosecution of the people that manipulated the system, that lied, that were dishonest, that did things that they knew was wrong and the use and the weaponization of of of our government and our and our agencies. I think if we if we all just go, you know, Kumbaya, let's hold hands and and sing and, you know, all that good stuff. If we do that, then you know it. You know, it's coming back in four years or eight years or 12 years or whenever it is that they if they get their hands on the lever of power again, they will do this again. These are evil people. They have to be stopped. They frankly have their power has to be destroyed, even if we want to destroy them as a as a person, we have to destroy their ability to wreak havoc on the American people. So I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know what that process is going to look like or how it's going to take place. I'm so glad you have been willing to do this from the beginning. Did not take a plea deal in the beginning to not, you know, just willy nilly accept the pardon, but actually get legal counsel and think through it and make sure that you're preserving your right to appeal. Man, I, I couldn't agree with you more. I think that's got to be done. And I hope I hope it's again, elevate your voice, you know, and gives you even more of a of a platform. I have so enjoyed reading your emails. It's always an encouragement. It's always, you know, honestly, I have my days where I get down and I'm like, Man, I don't want to get up and fight another day. And you just you sock me upside the head any time I'm feeling lazy are wimpy and make me realize, okay, great, Grandma can do it. I can do it.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:08:02] No, no.
Rick Green [00:08:04] She probably did that to you your whole life, right, Michael? Yeah.
Michael Lavrenz [00:08:07] The tables have turned. I have given her a hard time now, so.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:08:12] Yeah. Well.
Rick Green [00:08:13] Well, what? What's the first thing you're going to do now that you could not bound by this this home arrest and all. All that you had to. I mean, what are you going to travel? What are you going to do?
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:08:25] Go get some ice cream work to solve it? I don't know. I mean, it's really feels strange because I don't have to go out and feed my chickens when the government tells me to. I can do it when I want, but I don't know. I really I don't know. I'm going to keep fighting for this, whatever it is. But I. It'll be nice to know that I can go travel to another state traveling to Texas to see the.
Rick Green [00:08:50] Yes, You've got to come see the desk that you sponsored. And. And you know what? I would love to do this. I was just talking off air with with with the Maccabees about this. But I mean, I think we need to have a J6 week at the campus. I think we I think we ought to have a full blown, you know, patriot experience, legislative opportunity for lots of J Sixers to to experience what it's like to be a legislator. And then they go home and run for the legislature and let's start let's start just I mean absolutely filling up our our public servant offices with people that have had the boot of government on their neck. I think we'd see real change at that point.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:09:25] Definitely Rick. And I think you're doing the actually best thing that we need to do when I see the corruption when you're in D.C. is just like, I can't we have to have people that are not willing to be get into that position of representing us and then turning their backs. And because of money and power and greed.
Rick Green [00:09:43] That's a let's have some fun. So so you got to have your whole family right there in the rotunda for the inauguration four years later, after all of all of the lying about you and the name calling and the everything that happened to you, how did it feel on Monday to to be in there for the inauguration, which was essentially a vindication and in a in a halting of the narrative and the lies? I mean, that had to be pretty awesome.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:10:14] Yeah, well, first of all, we weren't in the rotunda, but we were in the Emancipation Hall.
Rick Green [00:10:20] Well, but you got pictures in the rotunda. That right after or before? I don't know when that was, but then you get some. I thought your pictures with Conor McGregor and Evander Holyfield and all that was was that another room I you to look closer at the pictures it.
Michael Lavrenz [00:10:33] Was an Emancipation room.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:10:35] Yeah
Rick Green [00:10:36] Okay. See, I should know that I've given tours in all those rooms. I should have. I was so I was so amazed that you're standing there. My two notorious meets. Notorious. Right. My notorious grandmother. Am I notorious fighter that to be. And apparently Connor really took a liking to you.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:10:55] Yeah. That there was a real spiritual significance behind that because when we were seated, Were you telling me this?
Michael Lavrenz [00:11:01] Yeah, when we. When we were seeing. Of course, Laura, when we walked into the building, we were with a group of people and everybody was being led down the hallway. And Laura met us first. My sister met us and said, Hey, come with me this way. And she brought us down another hallway. So we were one of the first ones in the room and she sat us down where we could be seated because a lot of the seats were reserved. And then, I don't know, five minutes later there, you know, their entourage. It was Conor McGregor, Evander Holyfield, the Paul Brothers, Theo Vonn, Danica Patrick, those guys were all together and they walked into the hallway.
Rick Green [00:11:33] I didn't see that. But you, met Theo Von, are you kidding me?
Michael Lavrenz [00:11:37] Yes. In fact, if you if you look for the video, you'll see it on. So to me, if you look for the video when he fell out of the chair, I'm on the back and I'm at the end of the video and all this was one of that.
Rick Green [00:11:47] But anyway, that kid, I don't know. I mean, he's so entertaining to me because he's just so blunt and genuine and just, like, raw. I mean, that's. That's amazing. Yeah, It's playing it well. And Danica Patrick, that's awesome.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:12:02] Right in front of me.
Michael Lavrenz [00:12:03] Like, they all came and sat around us. And so it's interesting. And mom is there it's interesting how we're surrounded by a bunch of fighters. Yeah.
Rick Green [00:12:13] That's right.
Michael Lavrenz [00:12:15] And she's as strong as all of them.
Rick Green [00:12:18] I love that.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:12:20] Thanks. That's nice. Well, the strongest of all those guys. My. Your son.
Michael Lavrenz [00:12:24] But yeah. So then. So then during the. During the event, you know, Connor was kind of by himself and, you know, he was, you know, a lot of people taking pictures and asking him questions that we don't really talk to him. And then when we got on the bus to go back to the place where we met, we got on the bus and Connor was sitting in the back in the corner by himself, and there was only about 4 or 5 chairs. There was, you know, my mom and my sister and my wife and and my sister's friend. We all got there was the only the only chairs that were left were the ones by Conner. And so the bus in the back of the bus. Yeah. So and he was he was obviously on a different bus the first time. But then we went into the back in and said, I guess we'll have to sit over here by this guy and, you know, just made a joke about it. And then I just fill in back here by myself. You say whatever you want, and and we just left him alone. And then about five minutes later, I started talking to him, having a conversation. And then, and then, you know, then he asked Mom a couple of questions, and my sister got a selfie with him. And. And then I said, we got to check out Mom's ankle monitor. She's a criminal. And so he started asking questions. And of course then mom was able to, to share some things. I think it was a God moment. I really do. And you can tell them the person that he was asking.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:13:36] Yeah, Yeah. Well, he wanted to know a little about my story. And I when I first met him, I said, I'm sorry, I don't know who you are except my children told me it, but I like to meet you. So, yeah, I don't I don't know what that did for him, but. But anyway, that we started talking about my story a little bit, and then we were still on the bus. They were trying to get us organized, but I said. I said what I did and I said, I went there to pray for our country. And I told him about being, you know, the God's presence. God told me to carry his presence in the building. And he looks at me, says, Well, what is that like for God's presence? I mean, he had all kinds of questions about who God was kind of thing, you know, a little bit about. Bad not a whole lot. But he did talk about that. So I think he was very intrigued by the whole thing. And then we get off the bus and then he didn't know which way right or left to go to the to the hotel. And then Jennifer, who very knows her directions, really well, said. Here, I'll show you. So she leads the way to the hotel. Well, and then he pulls me along like he's pulling us to keep him from all the people that are coming after him.
Michael Lavrenz [00:14:37] And you'll see the picture. You look it up on The Sun newspaper, The Sun newspaper in the UK. I guess that's the equivalent of of the USA Today over there. But yeah, that's like.
Rick Green [00:14:46] That's a big deal. Yeah.
Michael Lavrenz [00:14:47] Look Up in the Sun newspaper, there's a picture of Conor with his arm around Mom. Just walk in trying to protect her. And then they've got a circle around the the ankle monitor and. And that made the paper over there.
Rick Green [00:14:59] That's awesome. You should have said when you when you said, you know, look at my mom's ankle monitor. You should have said, my mom's notorious, too. Yeah. You would have got a kick out of that. Yeah. Mr. Notorious. But I guess I didn't even tell you that. Rebecca, when we were texting. That's the reason I said my two notorious friends, that's his nickname. And in the UFC is notorious. Yeah, well.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:15:18] Yeah.
Rick Green [00:15:20] Man. And so. So go ahead. No, go ahead.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:15:23] I guess I was just going to say to be it's very there's such significance about it because on the way to the capital, because you had asked about how I felt, you were asked about that, how we got off. But yeah, on the way to the capital about 9:00, Michael, you know, I still was didn't have access to my the Internet at all. And Michael was sitting beside me. He showed me the news that Joe Biden was going to preemptively pardon the J6 committee. And I just started crying. I was.
Michael Lavrenz [00:15:53] Pretty upset. He was.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:15:55] So angry that I was.
Rick Green [00:15:56] Crying. As you should be. Absolutely. Yeah.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:15:59] This is so unjust. And I just felt like I was saying our country is really in trouble. You know, our country is in trouble if they can do that.
Rick Green [00:16:07] I've just got to take a quick break. We'll be right back. You're listening to the WallBuilders Show
Rick Green [00:17:18] Welcome back to the WallBuilders Show. We're in the middle of an interview with Rebecca Lavrenz, and she joined me in the tavern, my show over on Warrior Poets Society Network that you can watch. Also on Patriot Use, we go to PatriotU.com, if you'd like the full interview. But such an exciting opportunity to catch up with Rebecca. Now that the pardon by Donald Trump for 1500 J6rs has happened and that includes her. Let's jump back in with Rebecca Lawrence.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:17:41] And even though we're all pardoned and President Trump's in there, I just feel there's a sense that we still need to make sure we're fighting because this fight is just beginning. I don't think it's over. And people need to realize that because I think it's time for to be celebrating and having a J6 party and all that. But we still have to realize there's a lot of stuff going on that they're going to that they're going to pull, you know, try to shove us under the rug and say that about January 6th and we need to get all that truth out. We can't let it go.
Rick Green [00:18:09] And that's right. No, no, you're right on, Rebecca. And I felt like the, you know, election night, I thought, okay, this is our chance now to to reverse the narrative. They've had the narrative for for most of the American people all this time and lied about y'all and what took place that day and all this stuff. And now is our chance to reverse the narrative. But it's going to take time to do that. And so even with the pardons, that's like a beginning of reverse, really reversing the narrative. And now we've got to do the heavy lifting. I've been telling everybody we're in 1781. It's Yorktown has just happened. We won the big battle, but it's two more years before the peace treaty. It's ten more years before the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are actually ratified and it's the law of the land. So this stuff takes time. And I believe he's positioning you and the Maccabees and a bunch of these others that are well-spoken and have the joy of the Lord. I mean, there's a lot of J6 defenders that don't exactly have the the joy of the Lord, their secular or whatever. But there's a bunch of you like you and Sarah and Colton, all of them that they do. And I think God's going to give you a platform and a voice that's way beyond even what He's given you over the last year to be able to to to to speak not only of the founding principles and those kind of things, but just like you did to Connor, the spirit of the Lord and the joy of the Lord. I mean, I just think is awesome and what a great time to be alive. I'm just glad to be around you and get to get to kind of have a ringside seat. Yes, pun intended, because as you were with all these fighters, but a ringside seat to what God's going to do with you, It's remarkable.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:19:36] I mean, yeah, it is remarkable. It's unbelievable. But I remember before I when I started, my house was I remember God speaking to my heart about that. He says there's so much more after this that you can't even believe. And I believe it is because it's for a bigger purpose. We have got to. Right. We have got to be evangelist to the world like the 1607 covenants that and we can't do that without our own country back to godliness. And we've got to stand up and be bold and courageous. And I've always lived that way pretty much most of my life after I got through a lot of my fears. But every step it's walking with God and allowing other people to see that if I can do this as a 72 year old grandmother, then certainly you can stand up and fight for our country too, because it's not about me. It's about we. The people wreck. Right. And we have to everybody has to stand up and do their part.
Rick Green [00:20:26] Amen? You got to be so proud of your mama. I mean, yeah, it's just awesome. Just awesome.
Michael Lavrenz [00:20:32] I am. There's a picture. I don't know where it's at now, but one of our socials. But there's a picture of us walking into the Capitol for the first time, and she's. She's in tears. And she, of course, she's very emotional. And it was very emotional for me and probably more seeing what she's going through because the first time she had been there since January 6th and myself as well. But it was emotional. It was emotional to go through it. I mean, I've been through and I know mom has and many others have been through so many emotions. I didn't get the the attacks and the, you know, the the arrests and all that stuff like like a lot of people did. But just the emotional roller coaster that we've went through over the last four years, whether it's, you know, joy, frustration, fear, anger, you know, any of it. You know, we've had to go through forgiveness. We've had to go through just sleepless nights, you know, And I just for me, it was just it's just scratching the surface because I can't imagine what other people have gone through on a deeper level. And so just being there after four years of experiencing this roller coaster was very, very emotional. You know, obviously, mom probably shows it more than I do, but it was it was a celebration. It was joyful, but it was also surreal all at the same time, you know, because of four years ago. I mean, you know, I said this. I said, you know, I think we were walking up to the door. There was a police officer holding the door. And I said, isn't that interesting? You know, they're holding the doors open this time, just like they were four years ago. But now it's okay. And, a lot of people don't realize that, you know, because because a lot of the information was suppressed. And now that it's being, you know, it's more public knowledge and hopefully that that suffering will be erased like a lot of the other stuff was. But, you know, now that's more public knowledge. You know, we'll see what happens.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:22:26] Know I told you about going to that but when I got off that bus, that's when those tears really started coming in, just like that picture will show You also have to then that too. But it was like it wasn't for me. It was just like I felt just like Esther might have felt or, you know. And Mordecai, when Heyman was hung in the gallows, you know, that were prepared for Mordechai, you know, that's what the kind of honor it felt like being able to go. And then I think it was I mean, I didn't even know until last Thursday, a week ago today that I was even going to get to go there in person. And then I thought I'd be standing outside in the cold because I wasn't going to go in, you know? Yeah. And then my daughter gets those tickets for us and we get to go right in. And it was just like every step of the way. It was like, God, you did this.
Michael Lavrenz [00:23:12] And we didn't find out until, I think 7:00 the night before, 8:00 the night we were at the rally that Trump was having the night before. And Jenna or Laura texted us and said, hey, I got you guys in. And. And so that was pretty exciting. Yeah.
Rick Green [00:23:27] I think that is such a you know, we make our plans, but he directs our step think, right? Because totally honestly, he's put Laura in that position over the last, what, year and a half or so for that to even happen. Right. I mean it's poetic. It's absolutely poetic that you would get a chance to be there and get to walk in four years later like that. Yeah, man. So good- two things, the email for people to sign up for that restoringgodlyculture.com is that the easiest place to sign up. Yeah and restoringgodlyculture.com we'll have that at the bottom of the screen for people to sign up for that and then I know you're working on a book. I don't know how close you are, but I'm glad you're not done with it because this is the opening chapter right here. You go on walking back in the in the Capitol four years later. My gosh. That's got to be the cover. Actually. I don't know. I don't know what you got planned, but that's all I can see is.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:24:17] Well, that's what I keep have to wait. We had to wait for that part so I can get that on there too. So we'll work. I'll work. Yeah. That's probably what I do. And I'm not going to go out all over. I'm going to finish the book.
Rick Green [00:24:27] Yes. Go do it. Go do it. And I want an interview. I want to I want to have you on to announce it. My gosh. I'm so excited. You have an amazing family. Before I let you go.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:24:37] Okay.
Rick Green [00:24:38] Well, before I let you go. How's has how's how's baseball season look in this upcoming baseball season? How the grandkids all playing ball. What's what's going on there?
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:24:47] Yeah. The three little ones. They're playing baseball but they are It was interesting. They there's my son that is the father of these three little boys. He played in the nine year old World Series against a team that now his that were from Knoxville, Tennessee. And now he kids are playing on that team.
Rick Green [00:25:07] So no way. that's great.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:25:10] The yeah baseball is in the genes so. Well yeah.
Rick Green [00:25:16] That's awesome. That's awesome. Well, we're the Greens are baseball family as well. You know, I said something about how proud you are, your momma. You know, I know the girls are, too. I remember standing outside the courtroom just talking to Jennifer. And just as you guys were going through this, the way that your family rallied around you, it was just it was a beautiful thing. And man, I'm just I'm honored to know y'all. I'm just honored to know y'all and consider your family as well. Cannot wait for your kind of Fredericksburg, the Patriot Academy campus. So God bless you and whatever the Lord's got for you next. We want that ringside seat. So.
Rebecca Lavrenz [00:25:50] Hey, man, thanks so much, Rick. Proud to be a part of the the Academy team, okay?
Rick Green [00:25:56] Yes. Amen. Alright folks, we're out of time. Thanks for joining us today. Don't forget, Rebecca will be with me tomorrow in Florida in Vero Beach for the Constitution conference that we're doing there. You can learn more about that by going to constitutioncoach.com constitutioncoach.com. Even if you can't make the conference tomorrow in Vero Beach, Florida, you can certainly sign up at any time to be a coach and get involved and make a difference in your community, biblical citizens. That's what it's going to take to turn the country around. We have to restore the country when just an election is not enough. These pardons, it's not enough. We've got to get rid of the rot in the culture and we've got to rebuild the walls. And to do that, we have to know which bricks delay and we got to know the right mortar and how to put it in. That's what biblical citizenship is all about. And you can sign up to be one of our biblical citizenship coaches at constitution coach.com. Thanks for listening to. The WallBuilders Show.