The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Crafting History: Rebuilding Independence Hall at Patriot Academy- with Marc Adams
What if you could step into history and be part of a groundbreaking project that celebrates America's rich heritage? This episode features the inspiring Marc Adams, a visionary in craft education, who is collaborating with Patriot Academy to construct a replica of Independence Hall. We explore how this ambitious endeavor not only pays tribute to the nation's founding principles but also offers a dynamic, hands-on experience for craft enthusiasts and history buffs alike.
Listeners will gain a fascinating insight into the world of craft education as Marc Adams shares his passion for woodworking, blacksmithing, and more. His craft school stands as a beacon of pure educational pursuit, free from corporate influences, and serves as a creative retreat for those eager to learn from world-renowned instructors. This collaboration with Patriot Academy promises to enrich both institutions, offering a unique opportunity for participants to contribute to a historical project, while forming lasting connections and celebrating shared values.
As we prepare for America's 250th anniversary, we reflect on the meticulous planning involved in recreating Assembly Hall with historical accuracy. This episode captures the excitement and anticipation of becoming part of a legacy, where participants can engage in crafting furniture and decorations that will stand the test of time. Join us in this extraordinary journey of collaboration, historical reverence, and the celebratory spirit that unites us in honoring the past and shaping the future.
Rick Green [00:00:07] Welcome to Intersection of Faith and Culture. It's a WallBuilders show, taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. I'm Rick Green here with David Barton and Tim Barton. Thanks for joining us today. Be sure and visit our websites. Wallbuilders.com and WallBuilders dot show. So while WallBuilders.com for all the programs and actually one of the things I want to mention we had mentioned and while as we look at some of the resources under there for your pastors make sure your pastor knows about WallBuilders and knows about the Black Robe Regiment and the pastors from the founding era. Lots of great tools there for your pastor. Check that out today at wallbuilders.com. A little later in the program Marc Adams is going to join us. He's actually got this amazing school out in Indiana where he trains people on doing woodworking and glassblowing and ironworks. Everybody out there is going, wait, what's that have to do with politics and all these things? We're actually going to do some wall building. We're going to rebuild the walls. We're going to actually build the walls of Independence Hall. We're doing a replica of Independence Hall at the Patriot Academy campus in Fredericksburg, Texas. And this guy, Mark Adams, has volunteered to pay for all of the stuff we need and teach people how to make it for the assembly room where the declaration and the Constitution were done so that people can come to the campus and relive that history and study the Constitution in that room. Now, if I can talk David and Tim into it, we'll we'll sneak into their vault and get a whole lot of original documents to decorate that room. No, seriously, guys, this is going to be really cool. American Journey experience. And you guys at WallBuilders have been down to the campus and showed off a lot of the cool documents. But now we're actually going to build the building to replicate Independence Hall.
Tim Barton [00:01:37] Yeah, it really is incredible what you've done with the facility already, where we've come down and done some of the constitutional fence where you've already had your leadership Congress kind of the what used to be known as. Right, the Patriot experience, where people would come down when I guess maybe it still is. I don't mean to butcher and mislabel some of what you do, but where people would come down and they go through a mock legislative process and they learn how it works. And there's committee rooms and I mean, it's just what would you guys have been doing is incredible. But one of the things that's so cool about this story and what I'm excited about this interview is the Bible is really interesting and giving us example about the Body of Christ, where we all have different parts we play and we're all necessary to the body, but right the hand doesn't go, hey, that foot's not useful because they can't do what I can do, right? The nose is not like the ears dome because it can't smell. No, we all play this different part. What's so cool right now is we are seeing a resurgence of a lot of people recognizing the value of what God has given them and gifted them to do. And they want to use their gifts, talents and abilities to make a difference in God's kingdom. And so some people go, You know what, I might not have all this money I can give, but I have this skill, I have this ability, this resource, and I want to contribute to what's going on. And we're seeing more and more of that happen. And to me, this is one of those examples of somebody that's that's right. Being the hand, the foot, the eye, the ears, the nose, whatever, to help do something that can have significant impact going forward by, as you mentioned, even helping build this this replica of Independence Hall where the declaration was done, where the Constitution was done, and where one day people will be able to come down to the Patriot Academy campus and be able to to actually do things in that building. It really is incredible.
David Barton [00:03:25] And, you know, one of the things we do so often in the program is look at things that are going on across the nation, whether that be at the national level or at the state level or whether it be at the local level. And we're highlighting things that that are going on that people can do are covering issues that are popping up or looking at what's happening with the new Trump administration or whatever it is. And we just really kind of don't really inform people all the time about all the terrific stuff going on in the background. So, Rick, I mean, for 20 years you've been doing stuff, a page academy, maybe longer than that. But I know that as we go across the country, we bump into all sorts of folks who are graduates of Patriot Academy or who have been through the training program or who are Constitution coaches, all these folks in all these different areas, all these different cities and levels. And you just been faithfully turning these folks out and they're making all sorts of difference across the country. And so now that you've got that campus in Fredericksburg, I mean, you can really bring everything there and such a cool way. And so and of course, Tim and I have already been there. We were there. One was going up. We've already spoken there. And having that replica of Independence Hall and having the replica of a legislative chamber like and the Texas legislature where people come in and they feel like they're really actually back when it's all happening and seeing that, it's just such an unbelievable experience. And then, as Tim said, for people even come contribute to that and help finish it out. I mean, this is something that's going to be transgenerational. This will go for generations and generations. What you built here and the work is already making a huge difference. So this is a great opportunity, not only hear about what's happening down at Fredericksburg, but also for people to come be part of it and to learn a skill while they're at it and to learn not just skill is the wrong word to learn a craft. I mean, this is really back to artists and stuff like the Founding Fathers when they literally built Independence Hall back at the beginning. It was by hand with hand craftsmanship and hand tool. And this is just going to be a really cool interview today with Marc.
Rick Green [00:05:20] Well, and at the end of the day, what we're building is a place where people can come learn to be better citizens, not just to have a building that looks good or to walk through there, but to actually be hands on and learn how to be better citizens. Folks, if you want to be a part of it, you got to listen to this interview. Quick break. We'll be right back. Marc Adams, our special guest.
Rick Green [00:06:42] Marc Adams where I'm going at the end of May for an amazing week. Marc, God bless you, man, for being a part of Patriot Academy and helping us to build Independence Hall.
Marc Adams [00:06:52] Can't wait.
Rick Green [00:06:53] It's going to be awesome, man. Yeah, I am. I got to tell you, when I did the tour of your place, I didn't know a place like that existed. I was blown away at the skill level, at the tools, at the machinery, at the all the the variety of things that you make from the wood to the glass to the ironwork stuff. I mean, it was absolutely incredible. So I got to get your story out to our folks, not just for the week that we're going to be with you, which folks Hang on. We're going to invite you. You can be a part of this and get to learn a really cool skill. But I'm telling you, there's a lot of people that would love to come spend a week with you, and it may be a different one than what we're going to do. Just to learn a craft and a skill and have an amazing week. So tell me, 30 years you've been doing this.
Marc Adams [00:07:39] Actually, this will be our 32nd year.
Rick Green [00:07:41] 37.
Marc Adams [00:07:42] Yeah. And we are a what we call a craft school where we focused mostly on woodworking, but we include all other time honored type of crafts. So we do everything from blacksmithing classes here to glassblowing classes to quilting classes. We have new classes on the science of chocolate making. And so we cover a lot of different things. And what we are is we are basically a vacation destination. Now, what makes us different than anybody else is that we only run in the summer months from April until October. Our classes are hands on and our instructors that we bring in are the best craftspeople of all of modern time. So what it does is it gives you an opportunity to come and take a workshop in a variety of different type of craft with people who are world renowned for what they do. And so our our goal is to to bring in a combination of maybe a husband and wife or parent child or something where one could take one class and one could take another class because we have up to seven workshops going on at the same time. And so this coming.
Rick Green [00:08:45] When you when you say the best in the world, I remember you showing me I remember one of the ones that stood out to me was I can't remember the guy was from Japan. And it was it was this just intricate detail. It was like an almost like lattice work of some kind. I can remember what it was for. But it was amazing to me was like I felt like I was holding a piece of China. And from that to making a crib or making a chair or making a bed to I mean, it's that diverse and it's like you said, the best the best people that make White House furniture, too. Yep. You know, the I remember the boxes, the incredible, you know. What's the fine detail of those those boxes? The wrong word because it was so fancy, you know. But anyway, that's that's the kind of stuff we're talking about here.
Marc Adams [00:09:32] Yeah, it's incredible. And so so for us, what happens is our classes typically are one week long and most people can't break away and spend a whole lot of time. So it gives it an opportunity to come and play in a shop or in an environment where you can do the type of craft work that it is that you enjoy most while you're here. And it's it's we provide lunch every day. It's a it's a full immersed program. So when you get here, the shops open 24 hours instruction goes on probably from 8:00 in the morning till six. And then at the end of the week you go home and somebody else comes in on the weekend and then they go home on Monday or on Monday we start another group of workshops and this summer it's going to be 274 classes. So there's going to be a lot of things going on. And the big great thing for us is what we're going to get to do with you guys, which I'm really, really excited about. Yes. And so just to kind of give your your audience a little bit of an idea, this past summer, we had the opportunity for you to come down and to visit us in the middle of one week, I believe it was in June. Yeah. And at that time my wife had just finished one of your programs, and so she knew a little bit about who you were. I didn't at the time, although I had seen the scene, some of your Constitutional Alive shows, but I didn't make the connection when you first got here. Yeah. And you were having lunch and you started to talk about your project that you were getting ready to do, and then you started to talk about history. And it, it clicked in me who you were. But your project was so intriguing to me. And because of what we do here, we do a lot of volunteer workshops where I choose four different workshops a year where we just give back. And that's the that's the blessing of my school. And my program is, is me and my wife own it. We don't have any outside sponsors in any way, so we exist 100% by tuition only. So when you come here, you're not being product. It's true craft education at the highest level you could possibly be at. And so what happens for us is the.
Rick Green [00:11:39] One that's, that's both I mean professionals that. That do this full time, come and get training from you. And then, you know, people like me that have no skill in hobbyist.
Marc Adams [00:11:48] You know what? We're all we're all the same. We're all here to learn and have fun. And so for us, because making a living, when you don't take money from all these outside corporate sponsors, again, I want to keep it pure. So when people come in without being sold anything, the money that we and my wife make for the school, we reinvest in school. But we also like to take that money because it means a lot more to us. We're able to do things for people like you where we can do things to help organizations in some way through the school. So, for example, with you in this project that you're getting ready to do, you're going to remake Independence Hall. Eventually we can come in with the talent that we have here and our instructors, and we can put together everything that you would need for your room. Now, here's the great thing about it. When I talk about everything, we're talking about making the assembly, all the furniture that's in the assembly room in Independence Hall right now, and that includes all the Windsor chairs, the tables, it includes all the the wall molding and paneling. And because our facilities can do so much, we can also do the glass chandelier that was in there and we could take on people to do quilting. So here's the thing. Because of these experts that I have teach here, I can bring them in not not to teach, but to give us leadership. And so what would happen is we're going to try to take 120 people. Of those 120 people, they do not need to be skilled. They don't have to have anything. They don't have to have knowledge in anything. If they do have particular knowledge, we might put them in a certain part of the week that they could be most productive at. But for us, what they do is they come in, they're going to spend a week with us, we're going to make stuff and it's going to be stuff that matches historically what is in the the assembly room right now in Independence Hall. So I brought in to help us with this project David Wright, who I believe is one of the best Windsor chair makers alive today. He started teaching for me over 30 years ago. He has his own shop. He started out in Berea, Kentucky. Right now he's in Maine. And he's going to come because there's a lot of Windsor chairs and there's different styles of those Windsor chairs, but they are Windsor chairs for the most part. There's a few lider back chairs as well. And so David is going to come with his expertise and and along with 20 of the hundred and 20 people that are going to be here, they're going to help make these chairs. And again, you don't have to have skill in order to do it. We need people that can help sand people that can hold and move and handle. And we can show you what it is that we need you to do. So in one of our facilities, you're going to be making these chairs in another facility. We have Gary Strickler come in, who is America's most famous home builder. He's been on the front and back cover of Fine Home building more than anybody. Wow. And Gary's specialty is trim work, interior, trim work. And so Gary's committed to come and he is going to again be a leader in helping people run all the molding that we're going to need. Now, the molding eventually have to be painted and installed at your place, but at least we could get the footage taken care of. We could get the pediment made, we can get the friezes done, all those things we could do under Gary's leadership. So 20 people will be with him. And again, you can handle boards as they go through the planer, you can sand or whatever, and we will teach you everything. You don't have to worry about safety. We've got that covered. Everybody will be safe. We also have all the turning. So the Windsor chairs involve a lot of turnings and there's what's called the bar. That's the break between where the participants would be and the the community might be watching. And that break has a lot of turnings. So Alan Lazar, who is America's Premier Turner, he is a lifetime achievement award winner from the attorney community, is going to come and he's going to work hand in hand. We have 20 big lays here and we're about 20 people on those lays. And we're going to show them how to turn the parts for the Windsor chairs and the parts for that bar break that we have. Wow. Then we've got on top of that, we have David and Brian Lee, who are two of the absolute best glass blowers in America, period. And they're going to come in and we're going to take we only need about six people in that area, but they're going to blow and make all of the glass pieces as accurately as we can to the chandelier that's that exists right now in Independence Hall. And finally, we have Frank Stasio, who is from Texas, by the way, who is probably one of America's premier furniture makers. He's done work. That is it. The White House, as a matter of fact. And he, along with 6 or 7 people, are going to make the president's chair. Wow. We're going to try to make a one.
Rick Green [00:16:29] With the rising or setting sun on the back. Yes, right.
Marc Adams [00:16:32] There. And then the final thing is I will be working with a group of probably 15 or 20 people again. And we're going to make the desks now. The desks in Assembly Hall are covered. There's a there's, there's a table cloth. And we really don't know what they looked like, but we're going to make those out a really nice cherry wood. They'll be productive that you guys might be able to use someday as regular desks as well. And so I will have a group of people doing that with me. Now, the other thing that we need is I would like to do the sewing for that and maybe make the curtains as accurately as we can for what you guys know, you haven't made the windows yet. We could at least have people come in and do some of that design work so we can use quilters as well. We're going to need people to help prepare food. And so in this week's period of time, in five days, we are going to do our best effort to produce everything we can as historically as we can, although we will use modern technology to make everything that we can and will have all of these people whose hands will actually touch these pieces that you guys will be able to use in your facility when you're ready to build it. And you know what? We've got the 250th anniversary coming up. Wouldn't it be great to be involved with something this big? Yeah. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Now, here is what I'm asking people to do. They do need to get registered and there is going to be a cost. The cost is $750. The check is made out to you for you guys to use as you're building the environment, as we make everything, we are going to provide the wood and all the labor here. Wow. And we're going to provide the meals to so. Well, people are here. We're going to take care of their food, but they will be able to take you and to promote your program that you have there. And so some of the money that you guys get from this can go to help with those final steps that we need to get things ready to go in place. Whenever you guys are ready for that to take take place. And it'd be wonderful to to experience the 250th anniversary of the birth of America at Patriot Academy. I when I was in high school, I was a junior. And at the end of the year, the last day of school, they they called everybody into the to the gymnasium. And we're trying to figure out what's what's going on. And while we were in there, they rolled out two huge red, white and blue cakes because that was the 200th anniversary of America's signing of the Declaration of Independence. And so I celebrated that as a high school kid. And this would be great to to do it again at this 250th anniversary mark. So so that's kind of what I have.
Rick Green [00:19:11] And just imagine. Well, Mark, just I mean, for people that are watching, just just imagine if your hands helped to make one of those pieces that not only that day when we celebrate on July 4th, 2026, but quite literally for generations to come, Americans will come through this Independence Hall and study the Constitution and learn about the history of America and bring their families together to to look back at and what happened in the room in Philly where we're going to recreate it right there and to know I made that chair help, to make that chair where I helped to make that curtain that's that's over there. I helped to make that that paneling that's on that wall. I get goosebumps even thinking about it. I just think it's a special, special thing. And, you know, you mentioned doing the finished work and all that later. Well, the McPhee family, which is the connection, how we ended up meeting you, they're going to come down and help with that for sure. And I think people have to know this was so such a God thing. The fact that we met the way that we did this family had moved. I mean, what, two miles from you? I mean, they're right around the corner from you, from Las Vegas where I met them and did training with them out there. And Chris Dunham, who who is the dean of our Patriot Institute here where the Independence Hall is going, He you know, he was the reason that we were able to even end up just we just went out there to get a tour of your place just because it was cool. And then, like you said, you realize what we do. And then we started talking. And then you came to the graduation ceremony at the Capitol. You and your wife both. And I think got to see a little taste of what we do. And when you first said you were like, you're like, hey, I'm going to be contacting you. I've got an idea. You didn't even tell me that day. Do you remember that? You didn't even tell you what the idea was. You just said, Hey, I've got an idea, man. I'm going to send you a new one. I got your email, Chris and I both, we both were in tears, man. It was like. I mean, that's a lot of money that you're going to save us big time money, which means we can build faster because the money that we're raising to build the Independence Hall, I mean, you're saving us a ton, not to mention making an experience. You're creating an experience for our people and for your people as well to be a part of something that's going to last for generations. I mean, it's just this is really, really cool stuff.
Marc Adams [00:21:21] It is. It's just going to be fun because what will happen in that week's period of time is we will we will meet new people. We will develop friendships that will have forever. And here's the thing. Three years from now, if you're not at this event, there won't be any memory of of the event. If you're here for this event a hundred years from now or. Or 20 years from now, whatever it might be, you will always remember that week. And so it's an event where it'll be great memories. You'll meet people. You'll make things. And then I'm hoping to have a prayer breakfast sometime during the week as well. Because a big part of this is the blessing for us, as Susie and I have been blessed to do what we do. Thousands and thousands of people come through our program this summer. And that didn't happen because of me. I don't possess the ability to know how to do any of that kind of stuff. God gifted this to me. I'm a steward of this. And that was a big thing that intrigued me, was knowing how biblical you guys are and how you tie all of that together with American history. And in being a patriot myself, I just see the connection. And you mentioned the McPhee family. They've only lived here for about a year. And as my neighbors, they've had so much impact on our community. They're just incredible people. So this whole thing, like you said, it's a God thing and it's a blessing. And I think that people who are here are going to have all of these things are going to take place. They're going to learn. They're going to make they're going to be a part of history. And they'll they'll get to share their their faith experiences. And I think that that's a real important part of the success of what's going to make this week so great. Plus, we're going to be able to do a lot of really good things for you.
Rick Green [00:23:01] It's it's I mean, I don't want to. I feel like an infomercial when I say this, but I mean, it's really a once in a lifetime thing because, you know, they can do classes with you on different things. You know, you're not year round, but every year, you know, in the season they can come to Patrick Academy and do different programs with us. You know, pretty much any week of the year. But to be there for this week and get to make the things that are going to be in there for generations to come, to have the fellowship that we're going to have to be a part of the creation of this thing that's once in a lifetime, man. I mean, this is this is a this is a cool, cool opportunity. And it's it's fairly limited, folks. I mean, you're talking 120 people.
Marc Adams [00:23:39] And just to let your people know, one of the things that you've done to make this more historical, which is going to be really cool, is in February that those experts that I recommended or that I mentioned, I'm sorry that we're all going to go to Independence Hall and we're going to say we're.
Rick Green [00:23:55] Actually going to do we're going to we're all going to dress up as Nicolas Cage from National Treasure and we're going to break into Independence Hall in the middle of the night and go measure everything and take. Okay, Not really. We've got a friend there that's we're booking it. So we're actually and we're going to film it, too. So we're going to make it part of our we'll put out some videos of our just our trip there to to measure everything and take pictures.
Marc Adams [00:24:14] It'll be really cool and it'll give it'll give our guys an opportunity to be as historical as we can with the things they see. It's just going to be a great event. I mean, I'm really excited about it and can't wait for it to happen, so. So what we need to do is, is people need to to go to either our our web page, which is www.marcadams.com, or they can email me I'm just at marc@marcadams.com And then and then I can give them what information I can. But but at the same time they could either sign up through me or they can go directly for you. And again, Rick, I'm going to leave that up to you.
Rick Green [00:24:57] And I know no worries. I love your catalog. I'd love for him to go to your website because I want him to see there's so it's so broad. I mean, there's no way to describe. I can't I've tried describing it to people. It's kind of like probably when you try to describe Patriot Academy to people, it's is impossible. You just can't communicate the full picture. And at least when they flip through your catalog, your online catalog, they can see the breadth of of how many different things you'll make and how much how the expertise is wide and deep. Man, I'm so pumped about this. I can't. I don't we've never done anything like this that's been this unique. You know, I make videos and teach classes and you make things man something that they can. That's one of the things I've already been talking to some other people about. Going to one of your other weeks to make family heirlooms, to make things that that you're going to pass on to, you know, your kids and your grandkids. It's just really special.
Marc Adams [00:25:47] That's that's what my whole objective is for the for the week is to have fun, to learn, to make you something that you can have to help support your program in any way that we can and maybe introduce people to what we do here in Indiana. And I would love to have them come, maybe like you said, for another workshop and maybe sometime either this coming year or in a year or two to come. We we are in our 32nd year, so we've been out here for for a while. And it's just it's just been the people we meet is incredible. The fun we have is unbelievable.
Rick Green [00:26:19] Look at all the other classes as well. But our week is May 26th. All right. Well, brother, I'm looking forward to it, man. Thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this. Can't wait for this. Can't wait. See you in Philly in a couple of weeks. And and then, of course, the the four week there in Indiana. It's going to be fun, man. God bless you. Thank you for doing this.
Marc Adams [00:26:38] Yeah, thank you very much. It's an honor.
Rick Green [00:26:40] That was Marc Adams. Thanks for joining us today on The WallBuilders Show.