The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Biblical Citizenship in Modern America- with Kirk Cameron part 2
What if aligning with God's morality could be the key to crafting just laws? Join us for Day 3 of the series on Biblical Citizenship in Modern America course, where we explore this profound idea with insights from an incredible lineup of speakers, including Kirk Cameron, Rabbi Daniel Lappin, and Michelle Bachman. We promise you'll walk away with a deeper understanding of how personal faith and morality intertwine with governance to form the backbone of a free nation. Together, we'll uncover how internal transformations through faith can shape not just individuals but entire societies, ensuring the balance of justice and mercy in our legal systems.
Throughout this episode, we emphasize the critical importance of education in preserving liberty. We'll examine how external forces threaten to corrupt our youth's education and explore strategies to reclaim this vital area. We stress the need for a vigilant return to biblical values to maintain freedom and prevent societal tyranny. Through compelling discussions, we highlight how education can forge individuals symbolized as "Liberty men," strong and ready to defend the values of faith and moral integrity against shifting societal norms.
Our journey continues with an exploration of America's foundational principles. We delve into the historical significance of monuments and documents that have long supported the nation's stability and prosperity. This episode marks the beginning of an eight-week course, inviting you to join us in applying God's Word to your role as a citizen. Whether you're participating or coaching, there's an opportunity to foster informed, active biblical citizenship. Is America worth saving? This is more than a podcast; it's your call to action in preserving the legacy of American liberty.
Rick Green [00:00:12] Welcome to Intersection of Faith and the Culture. It's WallBuilders Live, where we're talking about today's hottest topics on policy, faith and the culture, always from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. And today we are in day three, part three of biblical citizenship in modern America. Now, that is actually an eight week course that you host in your home or at your church. It's filled with fantastic videos where I take you into Independence Hall and teach the Constitution there. We take you out to Thousand Oaks, California, at Rob McCoy's Church of God speak Calvary Chapel. And there we have Rob McCoy sharing. We have Kirk Cameron sharing. We got Tim Barton, David Barton, Jack Hibbs, Matt Staver, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Carol Swain, Michelle Bachmann, David Harris Junior. I mean, the list goes on and on and on. And we're bringing it to you right here on WallBuilders Live. So you get just enough of a taste. We're actually sharing the first two weeks throughout this week. We'll give you just enough a taste that you'll want to do the full eight week course, actually be able to watch the videos, get access to the digital workbook and get your friends and family together. It is a fantastic tool where you can help restore biblical values and constitutional principles right there in your community. Let's dive right back into where we left off. This is biblical citizenship in modern America.
Kirk Cameron [00:01:21] Morality is a woman seated in a chair. Her eyes happen to be closed. Some of the other figures have their eyes open. They're looking out. But morality is looking inward. Because morality is an internal quality. She's holding the Ten Commandments in her left hand. She's holding the scroll of revelation in her right hand. They didn't believe that morality was a moral standard imposed by a king through external rules. They believed that morality was an internal quality that began with a transformation of your heart. How do I know that? Look to her. Left under her chair. It says evangelist. Why would it say evangelist? In this statue that is on a hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, all about civil liberty. Well, it's because they understood that civil liberty and religious liberty must begin with a transformation of the heart. By the Spirit of God through the preaching of the gospel. That's what the evangelist does. And there's a picture of a preacher preaching the gospel to the lost. Once your heart has been transformed, once you've been born again or born from above by the Spirit of God, now you begin to love what God loves. You're a new creature in Christ. You hate what God hates, and your morality is naturally going to line up with God's morality. And there's your external standard from God's Word. You have the Ten Commandments and the scroll of Revelation representing both the old and the New Testament. And you begin to love what God loves and hate what He hates in the Scriptures, because your heart is lining up with the heart of God because of the gospel. Once you've got true and good morality or virtue, you have the two most important things that our founding fathers also said were essential faith and morality. They told us that that our government is not sufficient for any other than a religious and moral people. Faith and morality are absolutely essential. Once you've got good morality, once you've got a solid biblical worldview because you have faith in his word, it's important then to establish laws in your country that morality is the basis for for good laws. And notice, here's the man of law. He's sitting in the judge's chair. He's holding the book of law in his hand. And notice that this book of law is directly beneath the book in Faith's hand, indicating that man's laws must always line up under God's laws or they're not good laws. If you look at his side, you'll see justice on his right. And mercy on his left. And justice is depicted as a woman who is holding a sword and a set of scales representing that the government does not bear the sword in vain. And the scales are representing justice on his left. It's mercy. There's a balance in good and godly laws based on the Bible between justice and mercy, and the man of law is able to extend either one justice or mercy because he has a biblical worldview and his laws are based on biblical morality. Once you have civility and your laws are are nourishing the good and punishing the evil, you no longer have chaos. You no longer have anarchy. You've got civility. Now you can begin the all important task of education. We must educate our children, they said. We must train them up in the way that they should go. And if you look, this is a woman, probably a mom, who is leading her children in their educational journey. She has a wreath, a laurel wreath around her forehead, representing victory. She's holding the books of knowledge in her hand and on her right, it says youth. And if you look at the the relief here, here is this mother training her children and the child is there with a notebook and a pen and a pad, and she's training up her child in the way that he or she should go so that when they are old, they will not depart from it. And what's on her left is an old man with a long white beard. He's holding a globe and a Bible indicating that he has a biblical worldview. They believed that if we would educate our children to the second and third generation, we would get these principles deep into their heart and into their mind, and it would result in what everybody wants. Liberty. Freedom. Freedom, both internally from the power of sin, because we've been set free from the power of Satan through the gospel and a transformed heart and set free externally from the power of tyrants and bad governments. Remember, they just came from England. That was tyranny on steroids. And this is the Liberty Man. Look at this guy. I mean, he he is like I mean, he is swole. He is jacked. This guy is strong and he is ready to fight. He is a warrior dressed in the full armor of God that you find in Ephesians chapter six in the Bible. He's wearing the breastplate of righteousness. He's got the belt of truth. He's got that. The helmet of salvation. He's holding the sword of the spirit. He's wearing the sandals of the gospel of peace. And the chains on his wrists and his ankles are hanging there, broken because tyranny has been overthrown. If you look at his shoulder. Right? If you look at his shoulder, there's a big claw of a lion that's there. And if you look across the back, you'll see there is the head of the slain lion and the heid draped across his shoulders because the lion represented England. That was the tyrant that they had escaped from. He has defeated tyranny. And if you look down below here, it says tyranny. And it's an image of the liberty man with his foot on the chest of the beast and the sword at the beast's throat. Tyranny has been overthrown. And here on his left is his wife. Her name is Peace. And she's holding a basket full of gifts for her friends and her family. And he is looking out over the Atlantic Ocean, back toward where the tyranny came from. And he is ready to defend. His faith, his Bible, his biblical morality, the gospel that changed his heart, the laws and the ability to self-govern, and also select leaders to govern in our nation and defend his right to train up his children in a biblical worldview.
Rick Green [00:10:56] Welcome back toWallBuilders Live. Thanks for staying with us today. We've been listening to biblical citizenship in modern America. That is an eight week course that you actually do in your home or in you do it in your living room. Just invite friends and family over. You do it at your church. You get people together and and it's a great time of fellowship. The videos are fantastic. We have great guests. So you can share this with as many people as you want. Just go to biblical citizens.com, get signed up. It's entirely free and we would love for you to be a part of that. Let's jump in where we left off before the break. Biblical citizenship in modern America.
Kirk Cameron [00:11:26] The last thing Liberty Man ever would have stood for was to hand his children over to a power loving government who would undermine everything that he and his wife were trying to teach their children. Education was a parental blessing and responsibility, and he was ready to defend it and is ready to defend his liberty. How many of you think that we need to ditch the political correctness and kowtowing to tyranny and get back to these values in the USA? Now. Listen, this, this this is priceless for us to have because we know what to do. The only person who can follow this strategy, the only people who are the kind of people who can actually do something with this is a person who also takes this strategy and personalizes it. So here's the example. I personally, not just my nation. My nation doesn't need to get back to faith. My nation will become a nation that reflects these principles when each individual citizen reflects these principles. So I personally, you personally need to ask God to help us, to fear him, to love him, to repent of our sins, and be men and women of biblical faith, men and women who reason with the wisdom God's given us to every aspect of our life and have a personal, private morality that lines up with the things that God loves and the things that God hates. Listen, if I have got skeletons in the closet, if I am hiding sinful activity in the darkness. I'm not going to prosper and I'm not going to be used by God as effectively as I could. As if I would just humbly repent of my own sin and get a morality that washes my heart clean. That begins with a transformation of my heart, with a real faith in God so that I begin to do the things God wants me to do. And I begin to fight against the things that God hates. I need to be a man of morality. And so do you. And I need to be a person who is involved in the duties of the government. I need to be participating in the laws that are created in our country. And so do you. If we want to have civility and you and I need to be individuals who care about the education of our children and not just hand our kids over to be disciples by others. A pastor once said this, and I'll never forget it. He said, If we hand our children over to Caesar to be educated, we shouldn't be surprised if they come back. Romans. We have been given the sacred task of training up our children and educating them in the way that they should go. And I need to be educating myself in history and theology in the principles of our country so that I can be the liberty man, so that you can be the liberty driven citizen and enjoy the fruits of peace and have tyranny overthrown in your life personally. That's the kind of people we need to be. And the last thing I would like to point out about this monument is that if you're trying to destroy a free nation, this is also the strategy on how to do that. You can hijack the strategy for building a good nation and you can use it for evil. And here's all you have to do. I'm not revealing something that the enemy doesn't already know because he's well on his way to unraveling the good things we have in the nation. All you have to do is start here toward the end of the the the strategy with education. If you can capture the education of our youth and teach them a whole new value system, and you can teach them a whole new way of thinking through the textbooks. In a public government school system, you can begin to unravel this whole thing. Because if you capture education, you can change the way people think. And you can then begin to change the laws in our country. Have you noticed that our education is becoming corrupt? Have you noticed that the laws that are being made in our nation are going against the things that God says that our laws should be for? Well, once you do that, you're going to say, well, where did these old laws come from anyway? Well, it's this archaic morality that we need to get rid of and that morality is all tied in with this Christianity stuff. And it's tied in with the Bible, the Ten Commandments. Let's get those out of our courthouses. Let's get those out of our schools. And by the way, all of this stuff really comes from this, the root of this biblical faith. And if you can hijack faith and you don't need to actually take faith and get rid of faith, all you need to do is give people a reason to put their faith in something other than the book in her hand. Take away the Bible and let's give people the Communist Manifesto. Let's give people a different religious book like the Koran or some other book. Or let's give people the idea that we can write our own book, that we are our own God, the masters of our own destiny. And then they will reason from that faith and create a new morality, a new set of laws, a new reeducation of our children. And the problem is what people don't realize is that that produces not liberty. At the end of the strategy. What you see is tyranny. Instead, with the lions seated on this chair and Liberty Man's leg hanging out of his mouth. We're headed that way. If we do not recapture education, if we do not reinstitute a courageous faith, a church with a backbone that is preaching the Bible and using wisdom to reason to every aspect of life. And that's what this course on biblical citizenship in modern America is all about. So stay tuned. Buckle your seatbelt. We're just about to get started.
Rick Green [00:18:20] We're going to take a quick break. What you're listening to. Is biblical citizenship and modern America. It is a free course. It's an eight week course. You can get it at biblical citizens.com today. You can become a coach. You can host it at your church in your living room. We're bringing it to you all throughout this week, actually. So five separate programs this week on WallBuilders Live and we'll be able to squeeze in week one and week two. There are eight weeks total, but you're going to hear some fantastic presentations even just during these first two weeks. So let's take a quick break. We'll be right back on WallBuilders Live.
Rick Green [00:20:02] Welcome back to WallBuilders live. Thanks for staying with us today. We are listening to biblical citizenship in modern America. We're going to dive right back in where we left off before the break. I got to ask you a couple of questions, because I'm literally sitting over here in tears because. As people are experiencing tyranny, they're asking why? What has happened? And there's just this feeling of being lost right now and not knowing where to turn. And you just gave us the foundation. This is truth. We're seeing truth right here. People are so lost right now because we haven't been willing to speak truth. And Kirk, you just laid out everything we need. We stopped it. Faith in the church. And we stopped doing education and law and we started saying, those things don't apply. You just gave us the formula.
Kirk Cameron [00:20:44] And get this. This monument was established in 1889. Check this out. It took him 50 years to actually complete the building of this. And one of the first contributors to the funding of this monument was Abraham Lincoln. Okay. So the pilgrims actually planted the seeds of these principles into the hearts and minds of their children and their children's children. And it was then built by their descendants and. It was actually interrupted by something called the Civil War. It was then resumed. It was finished in 1889. And when you think about it, the people of Massachusetts understood these principles so well and felt they were so important that they created the largest granite monument so we would never forget. And that was only 150 years ago. We have lost this in only 150 years, but it's right under the skin in our nation. It's in our Christian conscience. It's there. It's still in. It's still in the soil. And we need to tell it up. We need to repent and get the stones of idolatry and pride and fear out of the way and get back to watering these seeds. And we get back to the fruit of liberty.
Rick Green [00:22:08] Man, this is Big brother. Yeah. It's so good. So good. So this is what we're going to do over the next few weeks. We're literally going to take our faith. We're going to take the word of God. We're going to take those Ten Commandments, and we're going to see how that applies to the law. How do we create good laws that reflect that? That's why we're going to dive into the Constitution and into the declaration, and we're going to talk about education and how to educate ourselves better now to educate our children and what John Jay called the rising generation. That is the formula. We're going to be applying it and you're going to help us apply it, but then we're going to ask you to be force multipliers that after you apply it to your own life, that you start teaching this course to your friends and family. And we get as many Americans as possible to understand this truth and fight for this truth. That's how we're going to restore America. That was amazing. Kirk Cameron.
Rick Green [00:23:01] You know, you're hearing it everywhere. It's around us at a depth and velocity like we've never seen in our lifetime. It's literally taking people down a spiral of destruction. And it's what we call deception. Just take a look around. Look at the young people in your life. Look at the people all around you where deception is after them with a vengeance. And we have a responsibility as as parents, grandparents, pastors, educators, mentors and coaches. We can feel the urgency now more than ever. It's an urgency to inoculate this next generation against those same old ideas that have led to bondage throughout the course of history, every time they've been tried. And we've got to ask ourselves, do our sons and daughters know how to detect the lies in the culture? Do they know how to apply timeless life giving standards of truth rooted in the gospel to the problems of today? Are they ready to step out in courage when it's their turn, their chance to influence and lead a generation away from bad ideas with dangerous consequences? The real question is, has their education prepared them for this reality? Look, if you're between the ages of 16 and 25 and you're within the sound of my voice, this message is for you. No matter your personality, what your passions are or the station of life or career you find yourselves in. The fight has come to you. The preparation you need does not happen by accident. It takes purposeful sharpening, role play and intentionality to train for battle. And that's where Patriot Academy comes in. It's not a summer camp. It's a boot camp. Patriot academies take place in state capitols across the nation throughout the summer. And we teach you essential communication skills and how to assess the ideas around you. But through a lens we call the lift principles. That's limited government, individual liberties, the free enterprise market system that rejects dangerous ideas like socialism and communism. And then lastly, it's timeless principles of truth. Our three day boot camp is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of learning on how to influence and take action to advance freedom, no matter where God leads you, because the connections you'll make, you're going to have full access to a network of leaders who stand ready to engage the culture and stand with courage with you. Make the decision today, be the influence that God has destined you to be. Be that one person who's equipped strategically, place and takes action. All right. So that's a close on week one. It's the first week of biblical citizenship in modern America. Each week we'll start right here in the classroom and then head out to talk to those experts in all these different areas so that we can apply God's word to our lives, even in how we form our societies and our culture. Now, next week, we're going to be diving into the seeds of liberty, and we're really going to answer this question Is America worth saving? Is our value system our founding documents worth saving? And if so, how do we do it? Be back next week for biblical citizenship. Okay, friends, out of time for today. It's an eight week course available to you right now at biblical citizens.com entirely free. We're giving this away for free. You can sign up as a coach for free. Hosted at your church for free. I mean, this is just a way to get people educated on the biblical foundations and what it means to be a good citizen, a biblical citizen in modern America. Thanks so much for listening today. You've been listening to WallBuilders live.