The WallBuilders Show

Navigating the Aftermath of January 6th and the Pursuit of Electoral Fairness- with Rebecca Lavrenz and Jenny McCombs

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Can an event redefine the course of history? We start with a bold examination of the January 6th aftermath, drawing parallels to pivotal moments like the Reichstag fire of 1933. This episode of The WallBuilders Show challenges the narrative that has labeled many attendees as instigators, focusing instead on the majority who sought electoral transparency and fairness. We delve into the stories of resilient individuals like Rebecca Lavrenz, whose journey through legal battles since that day exemplifies perseverance, faith, and the pursuit of justice.

Rebecca Lavrenz joins us to share her unwavering resolve amidst her legal challenges following January 6th. Rebecca is not just passively waiting for a pardon; she's actively appealing her case to overturn the wrongful judgments. Her steadfastness speaks volumes about standing firm in one’s beliefs, while her reliance on faith and community support underscores the essential role of prayer and financial contributions in her ongoing fight for justice.

In the final segment, we highlight the supportive arms of community initiatives that are helping those affected by January 6th to rebuild their lives. From financial aid to job opportunities and telehealth services, the efforts are diverse and impactful. We underscore counseling, pastoral care, and church support as vital elements in this restorative journey, envisioning a future where these individuals could even step into public office. This episode is a call to action, urging listeners to spread the message and amplify the values discussed, fostering meaningful change through shared commitment and partnership.

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Rick Green [00:00:07] Welcome. The intersection of faith and culture is The WallBuilders Show taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. You can learn more about us at our website. and also for all of your education needs. Man I'm telling not needs wants desires. I mean don't you want to be a patriot? Don't you want to understand the nation that you live in? Don't you want to understand how to be a good biblical citizen? Of course, you too wouldn't be listening to this program if you didn't. Anyway, all of that information available at Get the books, the DVDs. Does anybody actually watch a DVD anymore? Okay. You can stream it. You can get the downloads, you can get the MP3s, whatever you need. You want to learn about the founding fathers, You want to learn about the Constitution. You want to learn about the principles that make a nation great. All of that information is available for you at, including some good swag. So get some cool stuff there that you can wear as an advertisement for those principles. Check it out at then it that's where you can catch up with the radio program. So if you missed any of these programs over the last few weeks and months it's available for you right there at Easy to listen right there on the web page, or you can go to pretty much any podcast app out there and listen to the program as well. By the way, I'm Rick Green, America's Constitution coach, serving here with David Barton and Tim Barton, Tim Barton is the national speaker and pastor and president of WallBuilders. And David Barton is, of course, America's premier historian. All three of us appreciate your listening and appreciate you being a person of action In 2025. It's time to take back some ground. But sometimes before you can take back that ground, you have to have some justice on the things that have happened in the past. And January 6th is certainly one of those items four years ago on January 6th. Absolutely an opportunity for the left to create their own version of the Reichstag Fire from 1933. If you're not familiar with that story in 1933, of course, that was Hitler's attempt to get total control by getting rid of his political opponents. Using the Reichstag Dark Fire, which was the burning of the parliament building there. And they blamed the political opponents and used it to arrest and destroy and remove and all of those things. Well, January 6th, the Democrats figured out we're going to make that our Reichstag fire fact. We talk about it here on WallBuilders right after it happened. So this is potentially a Reichstag fire. I mean, this is bad. They're going to be able to make all patriots seem like bad guys. They're going to try to call us terrorists and all these things. We start coming immediately. And they did it. They did exactly that. They persecuted their political opponent. And we have said here on WallBuilders over and over again that there were people there on January 6th that did bad things. There were definitely people that pushed cops and shoved cops. There were definitely people that broke glass and ended things. Now, some of those people were instigators, Antifa and others that were planted. Some of those were just really angry people that got out of control. There were definitely federal plants and and agents and informants and all kinds of things. So it was a mix of good and bad and ugly, no doubt. But most and I'm talking and I mean, if I could put a number on it, I'd say 99% of the people that were there were peaceful. They wanted their voice to be heard. They didn't try to have an insurrection or try to take over the government. They were simply there for the very same reason is what happened this week on January 6th to ask that the correct electoral votes be counted, that only the legal ones be counted, that that Congress do its job and investigate if there was a question of legality on the electors that Congress and the vice president do their job and ask the states to clarify if there was a question. For instance, there were six states that no doubt had questions. They sent two sets of electors. My goodness. I would say that's a question. So how do you know which electors to count? So that's all the people were asking for is that Congress would do its job and investigate, not take over, not nullify an election. Nobody was asking for any of that. What they were asking for was for the Constitution to be followed, for the process to be followed, get to the right answer. And if that turned out to be Joe Biden, he would be sworn in on January 20th, that it turned out to be Donald Trump. He would be sworn in on January 20th. That's all people were asking for. And, of course, he became the Reichstag fire. They turned it into something it wasn't. They lied about what happened that day. They lied about the motives of people, and they destroyed as many lives as they possibly could. Thousands of patriots have been, I mean, literally persecuted their lives, turned upside down their lives, some people would say ruined. I would say in some cases it might be that they went through the trials of the last four years so the guy can use them in even mightier ways. One of those is Rebecca Lavrenz. She's known as the praying grandma and she has been put through the wringer, no doubt about it. I went out and testified at her trial in Washington, D.C. It was a complete sham trial. It's shameful what the federal government did here. It's shameful what the justice system did here. It's shameful what the Department of Injustice did. But Rebecca. Had this amazing joy through the whole thing. She really did live out that scripture that says to have, you know, to counter our joy when you experience various trials, because God's going to use that to make you perfect and complete teacher perseverance, all those things. She's been a wonderful living example of that. And so here we are, you know, now another January 6th has passed. It was peaceful. It was easy. I was smooth because, you know, so obvious that Donald Trump won in a landslide, which made it a lot easier for Kamala Harris to stand there and, you know, look statesmanlike because she had no other option, because there was no question Donald Trump had won. It was kind of her Mordechai Heyman moment where she had, you know, lead her enemy through the streets and sing praise. At any rate, you know, now that that the momentum is gaining for the request to President Trump to pardon all of the J6rs, we thought it would be good to interview a couple of the J6rs and to talk about what happens next if you're pardoned or you finish out your sentence, whatever it is, how do you get your life put back together? What are people doing to help you? This a biblical command that the church is to visit those in prison. And I think it goes beyond that. It's it's having ministries to help them put their lives back together. So we're going to talk to two J6rs today. The first one is Rebecca Lavrenz, the praying grandma. And then we're also going had Jenny McCombs with us. She has a ministry. She was a J6r, but she now has a ministry in my hometown of Fredericksburg, Texas. It's been built right out of our church at the bridge in Fredericksburg, a ministry to to help these folks get back on their feet. So we'll talk about that as well. We're going to take a quick break. When we come back, Rebecca Lavrenz, our special guest. 


Speaker 2 [00:07:47]  


Rick Green [00:07:53] Welcome back. It's our honor to have the praying grandma back with us, Rebecca Lavrenz, our great friend, constitution coach for Patriot Academy and all out patriot who was just absolutely criminalized by our Marxist government under Joe Biden and his Department of Injustice for simply walking through the Capitol for a few minutes did nothing wrong that day, and they just put her through the wringer and she kept a smile on her face and the joy of the Lord not only in her heart, but it was in her voice. It was in everything that she said throughout the trial, every chance she had to talk about it. So we love her and I love having her on the program. So, Rebecca, thanks for coming on. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:08:35] I'm delighted to be on with you again, Rick, as always, Thanks. 


Rick Green [00:08:38] Well, considering the week, fourth anniversary of that day and of course, a couple of weeks from now, Donald Trump to be sworn in and there is an awful lot of hope out there that there will be a blanket pardon or if not a blanket, almost blanket. Maybe there's a couple of folks that that they may not. But, Rebecca, I would think you ought to be at the top of that list, even though you're not sitting in jail right now, you're still on house arrest. You're still you know, we're having to do this interview without being able to do a video with you because of these absurd rules by the judge. You know, wouldn't want you talking to guys like Rick Green and Lance Walnau. Now Gene Bailey. He even said that. Anyway. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:09:19] Yeah, I know that you're on the top one of the top Venice landfills anyway. 


Rick Green [00:09:23] Well, I'm an amnesty. Lance was the worst, right? And. And then me. And then. Yeah. Yeah. No, seriously, what does it mean for you if you were to receive a pardon? What would that mean? 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:09:37] Well, I've got to let you know, I might deny the pardon. I don't know. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:09:43] Yeah. Yeah, that's an interesting piece that I'm having to go through. The reason being, I am appealing my case and I just talked to my attorneys actually today, Sunday, and we're recording this. And they said that they reiterate the fact we've already discussed this, that if I get pardoned, there's the possibility and if I accept the pardon, then I wouldn't be able to appeal my case. And for me, the most important thing is appealing my case to overturn the precedents of the wrongful judgments that have been made in all these J6 cases. Because if we don't overturn them and have them overturned by the higher courts, then they'll be on the books. And that, you know, when President Trump's gone or the next administration, if they're unfavorable and they try to attack us, they those are the things that the judge that judgments overruled that will be on the books and we need to get that overturned. So because I don't know about yet, I'm not 100% sure that I accept the pardon. 


Rick Green [00:10:40] You never cease to amaze me. Patriots never cease to amaze me. The fact that you would even consider not taking what is a deserved pardon for yourself personally to get rid of this and be able to move on with your life and that you would continue in this fight. You you're a Thomas Paine of today. I would rather have the fight in my day so that my children may live in peace. You live that out, Rebecca. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:11:15] Well, that's because I go back to, you know, Jesus was always number one in my life, and He is. And that's why I went there in the first place. That wasn't because, yes, I was upset about the injustice of the the way the election was taken. And they were nobody would listen to us. But if we are going to stand up for something, then what's the point of being alive? Sometime we've got to be able to stand up for what's important. Even it means, you know, prolonging this. But I'm. I'm I want to stand up for my country and I want to overturn it. You mentioned Thomas Paine. He was one of my favorites back in high school. 


Rick Green [00:11:48] No kidding. I didn't. I know that. Well. I. I hadn't even thought about this. Honestly, I really expected you to say no. I've heard that. That. That I'll likely get it. And we're excited. And I had not even contemplated the fact that that would ruin any chance to correct the record and to get good precedent on the legal front to try to prevent this from happening again. Otherwise, if everybody's pardoned, then we potentially have to fight this same fight four years down the road, eight years down the road, whatever it might be. So man, lot of wisdom in that. When will you have to decide that? Do you wait and see if you get the pardon and then you and your attorneys circle up and decide. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:12:28] I, I, I really don't know. They don't know either because they have told me they that pardons the federal pardons like this are very rare, that they don't know how they're going to be process what they're going to do. So I, I really don't have anything to say until I guess we go through it that and they say the stipulations on the pardons, I guess I'm not 100% sure on that, how that process worked. And they didn't have an answer for me either, except that they said that from the beginning. I remember when we talked about the appeal process, they said if the you know, Trump gets in. That was before he did. And they said this could hurt your case. You know, where you wouldn't be able to you know, if you take the pardon, then you're pardoned. And to me, that's just crazy. I would never do that. I mean, I'd never take a pardon if I knew it would interfere with my country. 


Rick Green [00:13:19] I have to ask you, though. I mean, appeals are expensive. You know, it's hard to do. How can people help? And where do people donate for your legal fund? Because, you know, that's going to take, I'm assuming, not just months more, maybe even years more. What can we do to help you on the appeal? 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:13:33] Well, just continue to pray. I am. God has always been providing for me. And that's why I know when I knew that He was all this money people were giving to me, I knew that they were supporting what I what was at my heart, you know, they probably didn't know everything. Maybe they didn't probably feel the same thing about me. Maybe they did it for other reasons. But the fact that God was making provision for the vision that I have, I just knew that this is what God called me to. So they can still give to my Givesendgo account. It's just Rebecca Lavrenz Lauren so they can get my email list and they can give through that too. So I'm still doing my daily newsletter. Yes we did keep writing. 


Rick Green [00:14:17] Yeah, well, that's what I was going to tell you is, you know, the people at home get on that email list because you're going to be blessed. I mean, it's almost like you're getting prayed over every time you read one of Rebecca's emails or from the kids. She got her whole family involved. It's awesome. I love it. And it's good wisdom just for life, let alone our patriotism and our country and the future of everything. So keep up. Keep up what you're doing. Rebecca. I would. I would love for you to be pardoned so that you can, you know, get back to normal life. But at the same time, I 100% respect your decision. And frankly, I'm moved by the fact that you would even consider doing that. And, man, I can't wait to get you back to talk about what we're what we're going to do to keep teaching the Constitution and get you out there in front of more people. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:15:01] Yeah, well, the other thing they could do, they can pray for me because I am working on a book. 


Rick Green [00:15:05] Excellent. Well, you've got to come back and we'll talk about it when you get it. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:15:08] Of course. Anything to do with having you interview me with you, Rick? That be great. 


Rick Green [00:15:14] Well, God bless you, girl. We love you. We appreciate you. God's favor is on you, and He's using you to help save our country. 


Rebecca Lavrenz [00:15:22] Thank you. Praise God. That's what the goal is. Glorify God. 


Rick Green [00:15:26] Amen. Amen. That's Rebecca Lavrenz. Stay with us, folks. We'll be right back. 


Rick Green [00:16:38] Welcome back. Thanks for staying with us. Jenny McComb is back with us. Jenny, God bless you, girl. Thank you for being on. Thanks for all that you're doing. A J6r yourself and going above and beyond to help those who are have already gotten out, but soon to be Lord willing, as we're all praying, pardoned on January 20th. Jenny, God bless you. Thanks for coming back. 


Jenny McComb [00:16:58] Thanks, Rick, for having me back on. 


Rick Green [00:17:00] Well, you've you've been preparing, working hard already, reaching out in ministering to so many that have had their lives turned upside down by this Marxist regime that we call a presidential administration for the last four years. But tell us what's going on in Fredericksburg, Texas, where you have the Is where people can go to find out more. But you're building tiny homes. You're you're creating opportunities with employers to get jobs and really help these folks get back on their feet. I think it's just amazing. And of course, full disclosure, Jenny and I go to church together and a lot of this is coming right out of the Bridge Church right there in Fredericksburg, Texas. But J.D., go ahead. Tell us a little bit more about what you got going. 


Jenny McComb [00:17:43] Absolutely. I'm so excited, Rick. It's amazing what God has done just in the last month since we launched our J E-Comm website. We have had an unbelievable outpouring of support from the community. And we're currently building five tiny homes to house the J6rs and help them rebuild their lives after prison. And I can tell you that the first tiny house will be done by January 20th, when all of us J6rs expect to receive a presidential pardon of innocence. So we have two different guys that are already coming down here. One of them is currently in a halfway house in Baltimore, Maryland, finishing out his sentence. The other one is currently incarcerated. And both of those guys are coming down here. They both have construction, handyman skills, different different trades like that. And they are so excited to have somewhere new to be able to go where they haven't been on the cover of the newspaper for months and months and years in a row. And to be able to build their life back up from the from the ground up. 


Rick Green [00:18:50] Well, I have to admit, as soon as you said that at the head construction background, you know what I was thinking, Jenny? I want them over here working at the campus. Let's go. Let's get some of this stuff built out. And I know you've got an opportunity on the website there for employers and to get on there and say, hey, we're looking for folks. And so so any anyone that's interested in helping donate and obviously it's huge. This is not cheap to get these tiny homes built. Believe me, I'm doing it over here at the campus as well. But to get get the things built out that you're doing to provide the services that you need to coordinate all that and takes dollars. So, yeah, those that are listening from outside are watching from outside the Fredericksburg area or the hill country of Texas. Anyone can help by donating. 


Jenny McComb [00:19:30] Absolutely. And of course, we need financial support, but also some of the other things that people have donated. We've had two vehicles donated, donated to us, which is fantastic because those first two guys that are coming will automatically have a vehicle. We've had several different employers sign up across the country for all different types of jobs. I even had a sweet lady send me two sets of queen sized sheets to put in the first tiny house. 


Rick Green [00:20:00] Every little thing counts, right? I mean, yeah, little thing helps. 


Jenny McComb [00:20:04] Absolutely. And then we also have several different professionals and different fields that are donating their time and services. So through some of the other J6 organizations that I'm a part of, there's already a nationwide telehealth network set up with doctors, medical professionals and licensed professional counselors that are willing to donate all of their time and services to help these guys heal. Because we believe that God restores all things. And a lot of the people that are coming to us are already military veterans and have PTSD from that, much less after you've seen what the country has done to them after January 6th than having been incarcerated for four years now. And so the counseling, the pastoral care, the community support, the involvement of everybody out here is vitally important so that these guys can heal body, soul and spirit. 


Rick Green [00:21:00] You know, we we say often that justice is coming and that we're about to see some really godly things happen in this nation, including justice. I remember Pastor Jimmy saying a couple of weeks ago when he mentioned what you're doing it up from the pulpit and talked about, you know, the church being involved in this. I started thinking, now this is a biblical command anyway to visit those who are in prison. I think that goes beyond visiting those who are in prison. It goes to the restoration, as you said, I believe was the word you use when they come home and and not just leaving them on their own and making it that much harder for them to get their lives back together. So this is a really a very biblical thing that you're doing, not just for the community in Fredericksburg. These guys are from all over the country. And, you know, I know we've talked about this before, talk with Sarah Maccabee about this, too, the lack of church involvement and frankly, us just leaving these people on their own and not ministering to them while they've been in prison and not helping the families that were left out in the cold on this. It's a it's a black mark on the church, in my opinion, for the last four years. Me, frankly, I say it all the time. I said it to you the first time we visited, and every time I've had you on a program, I feel guilty for not doing more. You know? I mean, I know we're all busy and we're doing things that are good, but it's like these were people in need that are our fellow Americans and patriots that have been so wronged. Now is a chance to make it right by donating to what you're doing there to help make this happen, by praying for them, by offering opportunities for them to come in and work. It's time for folks to step up and and bring real justice. 


Jenny McComb [00:22:32] Absolutely. Absolutely. And we're looking forward to being able to serve these people in all different ways. You know, I'm going to be counting on you, Rick, and I'm going to be sending people over to your place, which is just 20 minutes from my place, and hope that we can partner up on a lot of stuff. Because one thing that I do know is there are a ton of January 6th defendants that are interested in running for office and need to know all of the things that you provide at Patriot Academy and need to know all of the education and background and founding Fathers and all of that kind of stuff. Because these are warriors, you know, men and women that were willing to stand up and fight, not back down and say something is wrong. And they have been dragged through the mud. I mean, some of them have. A lot of them have lost their small businesses. A lot of them lost their homes because they were forced to sell them in hopes of hiring a decent attorney, which had zero effect on their sentence in the end in the. 


Rick Green [00:23:28] And in D.C.. Yeah. 


Jenny McComb [00:23:29] And unfortunately, a lot of them also got Dear John letters while they were locked up. Yeah. And don't really have families to go back to or fighting for at least joint custody of their children, even though they've been labeled as domestic terrorist and all of that kind of stuff. And so, I mean, there's there's opportunities for every single person that wants to get involved in the healing and restoration of helping these January 6th defendants rebuild their lives. 


Rick Green [00:23:58] Jenny, you just said something that got me excited because I believe strongly that when the government has had their boot on your neck and then you end up in the government, you're just a little different in a very good way. You know, my friend Shelley Luther was one of the ones that got arrested for keeping her barbershop open or salon. Sorry. We guys go to barbershops. You ladies go to salons. Anyway, she kept her salon open in Dallas because our, you know, our employees were starving and couldn't see their kids and and went to jail over it. And now she's a state representative in Texas getting sworn in a week from now. And she's the worst nightmare for those who perpetrated that. I think in the same way what you just said gives me hope for this next generation of candidates. We're going to have maybe hundreds of candidates that had the boot of government on their neck. And and now we're going to bring justice to the system. So God bless you for leading the way in that. And yes, we're going to partner on that for sure. For sure. 


Jenny McComb [00:24:51] Awesome. 


Rick Green [00:24:52] Jenny, appreciate you very much. Thank you for the sacrifices you made. I know you've been through the fire yourself. I think that's what part of what gives you the passion for doing this for so many of them. So thank you for what you're doing. Look forward to teaming up. Appreciate you telling folks about it tonight. Jenny McCombs appreciate. 


Jenny McComb [00:25:11] Thanks Rick. 


Rick Green [00:25:12] Well folks we've heard from two amazing patriots today Rebecca Lavrenz and you know her praying grandma story and the fact that she's still in the fight and continuing to fight for our freedom, not just hers, but our freedom. Yeah, she did this from the beginning, as she said, for her grandkids. And I just think it's inspiring to know that she's willing to take that even to the next level. And then, of course, Jenny McCombs, same thing, taking it to the next level, taking it to a point where you're actually, even though she was a victim herself, now she is ministering to the others that were so abused and persecuted through this thing, and I'm excited about that. I actually think that's a great opportunity to make things right and to be a part of something really, really cool, be a part of of the healing that can take place, be a part of the ministering to these. These folks who their own country persecuted them. Can you if you're not you know, if you're not one of them, it's hard to imagine if you haven't had the boot of government on your neck. You don't realize just how evil it is and how helpless it feels. And and so I just mean, I am so thankful that Jenny's doing this. And I think it's important for us to get behind her and help to serve these people and to make this right. I hope you've enjoyed both of those interviews today. I hope that you will look for ways in 2025 to make a difference, to bring back that biblical, historical and constitutional perspective that we have here. While bowlers really appreciate your list and hope to share in the program with your friends or family as much as you can get the word out there. Be a force multiplier. Thanks so much for listening to The WallBuilders Show. 


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