The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Faith in Action: Mobilizing Voter Impact for Cultural Change with Chad Connelly
What if your vote could be the catalyst for cultural transformation? Join us on the WallBuilders Show as we explore this compelling intersection of faith and politics. Our guest Chad Connelly brings unique insights from across the nation, revealing how a small number of votes can change the political landscape. Our discussion stresses the influential role that people of strong biblical faith can have in elections and raises concerns over the millions who might choose not to vote. Dive into eye-opening statistics and hear how pastors can significantly boost voter turnout by encouraging their congregations. Together, we unpack how Christians can ensure electoral transparency through active participation.
In our mission to inspire and mobilize the church community, we highlight the indispensable duty of Christians to influence society positively through voting. Chad Connelly, along with Faith Wins, leads the charge by providing resources. By understanding candidates' values, believers can make informed choices at the polls. We spotlight Chad's extensive outreach efforts, engaging voters in key areas with a packed schedule of meetings across multiple states. Tune in to learn how your vote, rooted in faith, can be a powerful force for change in the upcoming elections.
Rick Green [00:00:07] Welcome to Intersection of Faith and Culture. It's The WallBuilders Show, taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. No hotter topic right now than a presidential election just a few weeks away. Chad Connelly And Faith wins out there on the front lines, quite literally all over the country. David Barton and Chad traveling all over the nation, educating pastors on the importance of getting Christians involved and getting them to vote. And so Chad will be with us a little bit later in the program. David and Tim Barton with us right now. I'm Rick Green, and you can learn more about all three of us at WallBuilders.show and wallbuilders.com. David, you're out there on the road with Chad right now. And so when he comes on a little later, he's going to kind of update us on how many cities y'all are hitting and just what you're hearing on the ground right now, because we really are days away from this massive election.
David Barton [00:00:56] Where we are now is we're really looking at people of, I would say, serious biblical faith. They know something about the Bible and its values. And within that, we're seeing kind of a mixed bag. There's a lot of people that are understanding their duty, but there's a lot of people who all those values that are not. It happens that we just we're just in North Carolina and here here states that we got on North Carolina. We did this and a lot of the battleground states. But for example, Chad has to pull together. And North Carolina, last election, four years ago, North Carolina went and what I would say is the wrong direction from from my position of art, if I judge by platforms, the much more faith friendly party, the whole state lost did fail to go in that direction by a total of 10,277 votes. Okay, so 10,000 would have flipped or 11,000 would have flipped North Carolina in a different political direction last time. And so what Chad did was he went through the state and looked at all the registered voters and went through and profiled their values, went on Facebook and other things, and had a team do this. And they found that here in North Carolina, those that would be at least 80%. And I agree with where we are on things like Israel and marriage and and unborn life and and religious liberty, things like that. And last election, there were a total of 3.7 million Bible believing Christians in North Carolina, at least 80% Bible believing Christians in North Carolina did not vote, and the whole state was lost by a total of 11,000 votes. So there are so much low hanging fruit. And the polling that we've seen from Barna that we commissioned by the show go and we get the results yet. And those results showed that among serious biblical people, there's about 32 million that planned not to vote this election nationally. That's enough to turn every state in the United States. And so if this if this goes the wrong direction, I'm not going to blame progressives. I'm going to blame church people who maybe have listened to progress and tell them this shouldn't be involved and believe that. But nonetheless, what we're seeing on the road is a mix of the two things, but we're seeing a lot of good results. Chad was recently in Arizona and did a meeting in Arizona with about 65 pastors. And of those 65 pastors, more than half of them were not planning to do any type of voter registration or even mentioned voting from the pulpit. And after Chad got done, all but one had changed their position and they were going to go back, do voter registration, get their people move in, move in the right direction, get them out to vote. And we saw the polling for Barna that if a pastor will simply from the pulpit say, guys, you need to go vote this important election, that we would have a 17% increase and that biblical voter turnout, if just that kind of simple mention was made. So we're seeing the good results. We're seeing lots and lots of people sign up to be poll watchers. We believe that having Christian eyeballs on the process will stop a lot of the fraud we've already seen that have done it. A number of places were that the eyeballs caught, the fraud, saw what was going on and other places. Sunshine's just a good disinfectant. If you have sunshine in the room, there's less likely to be evil going on there. And so it stops some of it simply by having eyeballs watching. So we're seeing a great number. I mean, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds sign up to be poll watchers. So a lot of good things from the road. And, you know, we're still got a lot of meetings to go, but a lot of the things on the road.
Rick Green [00:04:27] What we'll have in fact, we'll have Barna on tomorrow George Barna on tomorrow to dive a little further into those numbers and that data. Tim course, you and I are also out there traveling across the country. It's divide and conquer, right? We're all going in different directions right now to hit as many folks as we can and churches and pastors and just community groups. What are you hearing out there?
Tim Barton [00:04:46] Well, I think a lot of what my dad indicated that there's a lot of people that are motivated, but there's also a lot who feel discouraged, who feel like the candidates aren't necessarily reflective representative of their values and what they want to support. And then, you know, guys, what we see so often as we travel and speak in these churches and these events is that there are so many Christians who just needed the encouragement and motivation to see the biblical connection, because afterwards there's people that come up and say, I'm so grateful you were here. I, I am now going to vote in this election. In fact, averages at a church, I guess it was last weekend in Oklahoma. And I had some friends who were pastors, went to college together years ago. It was really great to see them again. But they posted on social media. They tagged me in and I responded on social media. And then somebody replied. They comment and said, Hey, I was one of those people. They don't really vote in elections. But after hearing your talk, I'm going to make sure I vote, recognizing how important it is and that Christians can make a difference. And so that's what we're seeing. Even some of those that are more apathetic that when they hear the right message when when they hear somebody encourage and challenge them, show them what the Bible says. Challenge them to be people of faith and salt and light in these cultures that they do get motivated and they're going to be now part of the process, which is really encouraging.
Rick Green [00:06:13] Well, guys, let's let's take a quick break. When we come back, Chad Connelly joining us. Stay with us, folks. You're listening to The WallBuilders Show.
Break [00:06:18]
Rick Green [00:07:25] Welcome back to the WallBuilders show. Thanks for staying with us. Chad Connelly back with us. Faith wins out there, man. Mobilizing the church, equipping people, getting them engaged. Chad, thanks for coming on. And I know you are I mean, we're in the last few weeks, so you probably won't sleep for the next three weeks.
Chad Connelly [00:07:40] Not much required. David, I have 19 more meetings in ten states. We're going to do one in that congressional district in Minneapolis. That's you know, if Americans would show up, Americans may win. We're going to be doing one off in Nebraska in that congressional district and in Orlando because of Amendment four. And then, of course, you can add in the other key states that we think at random will be in Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina like that.
Rick Green [00:08:09] So pure coincidence that I see those particular states on all kinds of a lot of hand out. Yes. Man, now that Chad, I've got to start by asking you, you know, the barn the barn study caused a lot of waves. And I've heard a lot of people talking about it. And I've been sharing the graphs and telling people. How does that match up with what you're feeling on the ground in terms of church turnout? You've done this for many, many cycles, so you've got a real pulse on on what people are, you know, are they do they realize how important this is? And do you think we're going to have any kind of a wake up in the next couple of weeks? Has that helped to shake some people out of their slumber, I guess is really where I'm going with this?
Chad Connelly [00:08:50] Well, as you know and David, to Cheryl, certainly to our entire program, my model was built on what Boehner's survey confirmed is Christians. And, you know, it runs the gamut, Rick. They don't like the candidates. Both of them seem like sinners or evil. And they're not perfect, which we know.
Rick Green [00:09:08] That imagine they're.
Chad Connelly [00:09:09] Not happy with the not happy the parties, don't they? My vote counts. And my message has always stayed the same. Register everybody in your church to vote and teach them about biblical values. What George did, he kind of revealed that that survey at our Arizona Christian meeting, he was with us and at Arizona Christian, I think three weeks ago, four weeks ago, where he had 65 pastors from 52 different churches, and a lot of them weren't going to participate in the process for all those reasons that Barna survey revealed. However, I think there's an awakening going on. I think it's been going on. I think the progressivism, it's not a Democrat versus Republican. It's a it's all unhinged leftism against common sense and American values. Yeah. Look, I think this is the tide has shifted the last ten days. I think it is because of the church. But I'm going to tell you that I think it's always because of the church. Now, the consultants in the media won't acknowledge that, but it is always about the church.
Rick Green [00:10:10] Well, you used you saw that and proved that in Virginia a couple of years ago when faith wins went in there. And you guys I forget how many people you mobilized, but it was
Chad Connelly [00:10:20] 77,000. Yes.
Rick Green [00:10:20] Wow. I mean, off the charts. And so you saw the results of when the church engages look at the results. Because Virginia was I mean, it had turned blue. And to get Youngkin elected and the legislative changes there. So you're is that kind of I guess I don't I don't know if you can even answer this question, but are you feeling a little bit of that, what you felt in Virginia and you kind of saw coming there? Are you feeling that in those states that just happened to be drawn out of a hat, Nevada and Georgia and Wisconsin and some of those?
Chad Connelly [00:10:47] Actually, I am. You know, in Virginia. It was so funny, Rick. I think you and I talked about this at one of the conferences. All my political buddies in D.C. literally mocked me. You know, why are you spending money in Virginia? I was trying to prove a point that the consultants, they'll always blame the church and they'll never give the church credit. We know that, right? That's what the quacks do. And then, of course, by mid-September, early October, those same consultants I wasn't trying to get on TV and say, look what we've done. I didn't care. I was just thought this matters. But they did not you over get into a camera to take the credit. And I think that's what you're seeing now. Listen, there was a strategic move made by some of the consultants to push a lot of us out of the way and assume that they didn't need us. I'm one of those people that thinks everybody is needed all the time. I think this tide has shifted. I think Trump's going to clobber her. I think that the fact that she went after the black male vote trying to buy them off was yesterday. If you're trying to work on the black base, vote as a Democrat nominee for president three weeks out, you're yeah and all means she's done a lot of media that I think they were trying to do the basement Biden model with her hiding Harris and she hasn't done well. She's she's not sharp. And then even today The New York Times admitted she plagiarized her 2009 book. So I think Trump's going to smash her. I think it now depends on us coming out and Christians and evangelicals in the church coming out to vote in the numbers that we can. I mean, you dug into that study, 31 million Christians said they're not. But when you dive in a little bit further, the most interesting segment of that interview was the number one reason that that will move the most of them, 17%. In fact, they would said they would vote if their pastor told him it was important. I saw that.
Rick Green [00:12:40] Yeah.
Chad Connelly [00:12:40] That is all I focus on, Rick. That that's that is been our laser beam focus since we started doing this 15 years ago. And faith wins seven years ago. Get the pastor to be the pastor leader.
Rick Green [00:12:53] Yeah, yeah, yeah. And honestly, even even if the pastor. Just even if the pastor and say who to vote for, you just said this is a biblical responsibility. You cannot biblically sit on the sideline and defend that. That's really what you're saying.
Chad Connelly [00:13:08] You know, And we've never told them who to vote for, how to vote. And, you know, anybody who's seen me speak knows I've got plenty of problems with the party that I'm most closely aligned with. It's not about a party. It's not about a person, certainly not about a personality is about policies and principles that line up with a biblical worldview. You know, that's what you spend your life doing. You've dedicated your adult career to that. I have to. If Christians would just occupy till he comes and we be salt and light, you know, I keep going back to that. Matthew five Rick I reread it again the other day at a church. I spoke in a North Carolina. Do you know that Jesus doesn't put a pause, a hyphen or semicolon or a comma? Yeah, but don't worry about being salt and light in the public arena. That doesn't matter.
Rick Green [00:13:50] He didn't.
Chad Connelly [00:13:51] So it's going to be salt light. And so many Christians have been talked out of the arena. But let's face it, people hate our Lord. They hate us too, but they hate her more.
Rick Green [00:14:01] We I thought it said go and make disciples of all nations teaching them to obey only those things that aren't politically controversial. That's not what it says.
Chad Connelly [00:14:09] I know it's not. It's not. No, it's not amazing, though. I mean, I meet pastors, I talk to pastors every one of our meetings. I've been challenged in our key guys. I think we have 61 on our team right now that are in faith wins team efforts in states where registering poll workers from churches. Only in those seven random states. We're doing voter registration all over the place and I challenge the pastors, I'm sorry, I've deputized you to bring a pastor here who doesn't agree with you and let them hear from me and David Barton or just me or just David or whatever and then let out talk to them. So I talked to those guys literally everywhere and they'll say things like, you know, nobody's ever said it this way. We never thought about it like this. I'm sorry. Everywhere I go, pastors can come up and say, you know, gosh, I got to apologize. I was in north central North Carolina this weekend and had a local pastor who came to of the Sunday evening service and he told me the same thing. So, yeah, I think there's an awakening going on. And if they'll deputize others because they know pastors mean you don't know. And if we can get to those people, look, it's not about just an election either. I want to make this point. This is not just about telling people, vote for elections, help us focus people. Right. But to me, it's about go be a Sunday school teacher. Shouldn't you go back and get involved in scouting or coach your kids little League team? The things that people on the left are doing right now are just wicked. And I don't I don't relate. But when you take away parental rights, when you let open borders take place and fitting all poisoning and human trafficking, not to mention prices and inflation running out of control and spending out of control and affectless defense, You're probably seeing the videos of these people wearing lipstick in their army uniform. I won't say in public what would have happened if they had done that, my tank platoon, but it wouldn't have been a pretty sight. Wow. We wouldn't put up with that stuff. And it just it's a weakening of of the cohesion of units, all that's going on. And people people are frustrated. People are angry. I've had pastors from every denomination, every stripe, every background, ethnicity. I think there's an awakening, brother. I feel it.
Rick Green [00:16:18] Chad, you. You just said something so important beyond the election. It's really what you just described as essentially living out your faith. It's like, you know, I mean, being involved in the Little League and being involved in the stuff in your community and coaching a trail life troop or whatever it might be. It's the way, man, It's just living out your faith and being that that that salt and light in every area of the community and getting people to think like that, that's just that's just huge, man. That's, that's the cultural change overall. And not just like you said, one election. You you said you said something I hadn't thought about. I mean, you're telling these pastors bring somebody that doesn't necessarily agree with us and that and that has concerns. And that is the one basically, the Frederick Augustus Muilenburg not just the John Peter Gabriel Muilenburg are the ones that are objecting to the involvement. Get them in front of David Barton and Chad Connelly and these guys where they can hear why, what's our heart? What's the Bible? What are we actually quoting out of the Bible to make us go do these things so that they can have that epiphany moment? Really? I mean, that's what's happening at these faith wins events.
Chad Connelly [00:17:23] I think it is. I look back from July 1st to the Election Day, we had 128 meetings. I think DB Barton's going to do like 75 to 80 of those with me and I've done the others. That doesn't count the hundreds of small meetings that those pastors in those states. I think we have pastors in 16 states right now who are wearing the Faith Wins banner, doing meetings that I'm trying to get around to, but they're just leading. And that is exactly what we're telling them. Bring in the pastors who don't necessarily agree. That's the whole reason we do small breakfasts and small lunches. And then, of course, I won't be able to talk to a crowd in the evenings, but we're talking to pastors, some of whom may be from a different denomination. We've had 24 different denominations host us this year, all biblical, all conservative. Of course, some of those denominations split because, you know, they've had a leftist move in some of them to capitulate on the word of God and give up on scripture. But we're talking right at those pastors, Rick, and just saying, you know, one of them told me the other day how he put it. We just don't want to get them all the political mass. I said, good. Neither do we want a nonpartisan voter registration. I'm I'm with you. I agree with you. Don't do politics. Run a nonpartisan voter registration. And, of course, he he got what I'll say it is I'm not I'll tell you be political. But how is it you would tell your people not to go go vote biblical values? And I even told him, I said, Pastor, I don't want to judge you. I don't want to even ask you, But how quick did you watch some of your pastor buddies run out to march for the Marxist BLM to pander or that won't march for babies or will hang a pride flag and then they'll not teach you about God's role in American history? Yeah, When you put that in a questioning form, Rick, it disarms them. They don't know where to go. They don't know what to say. And it's just handling objections one on one, right? Yeah. Good. I'm with you. Don't do politics. Let's do a nonpartisan voter registration drive at church and tell people you ought to go vote. Biblical values.
Rick Green [00:19:27] Yeah, it's not being partisan. It's literally just being good citizens, just going out and being biblical. About that, Chad, in these last couple of weeks. So if folks want to encourage pastors in the areas that you're going to go to these events, what's the best way to follow the schedule where you and David are going and encourage people to go to those events?
Chad Connelly [00:19:46] We have 19 more in ten states, and I think most of those are locked in. We tried to keep the last 8 or 10 days pretty flexible. Well, you probably heard about that with David, where we're working on having a a guest speaker with us and a couple of the states. And we don't want to reveal that just yet. But if they go to faith wins.org for W.A. faith wins.org Most of those are already slotted and the locations put in the host church probably that last week is not fully put in, but just for people to listen. It will be in North Carolina tonight at an evening service in Greensboro. That's on the website. Tomorrow we're doing a lunch for a separate denomination of nobody. Nobody's ever heard me or David except the house pastor that I built a relationship with. And they're more like, we're back in Wilson at a church, all that's on the website. Then we're in Orlando because at a minimum, four's awful. Rick And so we're doing a very large meeting in Orlando Thursday night. And then Sunday night we're actually in Minneapolis. Monday. There are two in Wisconsin, Tuesday, two in Wisconsin, Wednesday, two in Michigan, Thursday are two in Ohio. Then we fly to Atlanta and do one in Georgia, Friday, midday. And then I'm home for like 28 hours and we roll again. So we're going to hit that many states in the next ten days. I think Nevada and Las Vegas and also Phenix and Tucson, Arizona are where we'll finish up those last few days.
Rick Green [00:21:22] Faith wins And I always get I always mess it up. Faithwins.org faith women's dot org schedule will be there. And again to everybody out there who's listening start thinking also beyond the election and and what you're going to do in 2025. You can and you can also become a faith wins constitution coach and and do the biblical citizenship classes. There's a lot to do after the election, but man, let's stay focused the next next few weeks. Encouraging pastors. Last thing, Chad, what's the best way for somebody to approach their pastor and just say, hey, man, we're in the final weeks? Can you at least mention the biblical responsibility here to to go.
Chad Connelly [00:21:57] And I love what you're doing with the constitutional coaches. You and I are going to hit that hard in the off year. I think they need to go there, Pastor, and say, Pastor, I like to volunteer to run a voter registration table at the back. Most states you can literally restaurant line, others have forms, some you can turn in, some you can't turn in all those rules on our website, if they go to faith wins.org, they'll find that. But if somebody wants to get involved, by the way, if they in those seven states, they need to sign up to be a. Whole watcher with our team. That's on the website too. We need more help. But if they'll go to their pastors I pastor. I'd like to run a voter registration drive in the back. Nonpartisan. And if you want me to run it. You don't like me. Then you get somebody else for. I'll help facilitate it because we need to let people know it is their biblical obligation to vote. That's simple. And tell them we're not asking you to charge up the beach at D-Day. We're not asking you to march down to Trenton on Christmas and attack the Hessians at dawn with burlap wrapped around your feet in icy weather. Just register by the vote. And teaching of a biblical. That's it. And look, if they really want to get involved. Poll watchers, poll one.
Rick Green [00:23:01] Yeah, that's man. What a contrast. What a contrast. I love the examples you gave that last thing. Poll watchers. That's huge because a lot of people are saying, well, they're going to deal in any way, blah, blah, blah. Listen, this is this is a big part of why we ended up winning Virginia. Was Chad organizing these poll watchers and getting people out there. So, folks, you can do that in those key states. Faith wins.org is where you can learn how to do that. Chad Connelly. Man, don't sleep for 21 days or 20 whatever we got left in. And keep up the great work, brother. God, God bless you, man.
Chad Connelly [00:23:31] Appreciate you, Rick. See you soon, buddy.
Rick Green [00:23:33] You, too. Stay with us, folks. We'll be right back with David and Tim Barton.
Break [00:23:35]
Rick Green [00:24:43] Welcome back to the WallBuilders show that was Chad Connelly from Faith wins that's faith wins.org David. Tim I think you know one of those things. Well David you mentioned it at the top of the hour. The whole idea of actually watching being a poll watcher. Chad talked about that at the end of the interview. Huge, huge way to help above and beyond just voting.
David Barton [00:25:00] Yeah, it's really pretty easy. As I mentioned, just in North Carolina and it's about a 30 minute process here to become a certified a state certified poll watcher. And being state certified gives you the authority to step in or something, not just show up as an observer, though. You're actually a certified by the state to be there. And that gives you some basis of authority. And so if you see something going wrong, it's not just like a citizen walking in and saying, hey, don't do that. You have some authority to do that. And so in all the states, we're getting people connected with their secretary of state or with the training. And as some trainings are taking up to two hours, some trainings take just 30 minutes. But that's a very, very small investment. And hopefully for people who do this and you go to Faith wins, Dawg, and sign up there and get the training for people who do this, hopefully it'll be a very boring day for you. Hopefully nothing happens at all. You don't have to intervene and that may simply be because you're there or you're the presence there and they don't want to pull anything or somebody there. So it's a it's an easy thing that that everybody can do. And I encourage you to go with Faith wins dawg, and sign out there to be a poll watcher then they can get you the training you need and get certified by the state, whatever state you're in.
Rick Green [00:26:11] Check it out of Faith wins.org to sign up as a poll watcher to to get folks registered at your church to to vote to even have, you know David Chad come out if not in this election cycle in the future even faith wins. Dot org is the website and then also visit today wallbuilders.com that's wallbuilders.com. Make your one time or monthly contribution their lives fortunes and sacred honor folks we can all do a part to help restore this culture and bring back our constitutional republic based on biblical values. Thanks so much for listening today to the WallBuilders Show.