The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Exploring Modern Politics Through History: Parallels and Media Influence with Brad Stein
What if the political landscape we know is just a modern-day Salem witch trial? Join us on the WallBuilders Show as we dissect the intersection of faith, history, and politics. With our guest Brad Stine, we delve into Dinesh D'Souza’s latest docudrama, "Vindicating Trump," where we explore the parallels between current political accusations against Trump and historical events like the Salem witch trials. Uncover how biblical principles of due process have shaped American legal standards. Our discussion also brings Congressman Barry Loudermilk into the spotlight as we challenge the findings of the January 6th committee.
Our excitement grows with news of a collaboration with actor Nick Searcy. Searcy takes a pivotal role in D’Souza’s "Vindicating Trump," painting the portrait of Trump’s transformation from a playboy billionaire to a political force. We chat about Trump’s intricate legacy and how the media has sculpted public perception, setting the stage for some thrilling upcoming projects.
Our episode takes a critical look at the portrayal of political figures. We scrutinize the accusations of racism and dictatorship against Trump, juxtaposing these with his actions in office. The conversation shifts to justice and accountability in politics, questioning the media's role in shaping narratives and influencing public opinion. As we wrap up, we share our enthusiasm for a lineup of intriguing films, including Joe Kennedy's "Average Joe" and Matt Walsh's "Am I Racist?"—a treat for our listeners who crave thought-provoking content.
Rick Green [00:00:07] Welcome to the intersection of faith and culture. It's The Warbelow Show. We're taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. I'm Rick Green here with David Barton and Tim Barton. Later in the program, Brad Stein will be joining us. Got a new movie. Guys, it's Dinesh D'Souza. Man, he turns out at least - it seems like it's a movie a year and a Police State was not that long ago. And it does a great job. I love Dinesh's movies. I love how he narrates them he has you know, reenactments with guys like, I don't know, he has different people in them. I remember that scene of George Washington. I don't remember which movie was you guys remember that scene where George Washington is like walking on the horse. Somebody shoots him, he falls over, dies, and then Dinesh goes. Imagine what it would have been like for George Washington to be killed. Just it's just such good reenactments were so delicious movies coming out. I guess it's out now. It's called Vindicating Trump. So we're not you know, we're nonprofit. We're not endorsing any candidates. But I'd say Trump needs to be vindicated based on a lot of the things they've said about him. What do you guys thinkhave you guys seen this yet?
Tim Barton [00:01:04] Well, that was in the trailer. And this is something that Dinesh has done a lot of these political kind of docu dramas might be the appropriate word for it, going back to doing one on Obama and then one on Hillary. And and he's done several, in fact, aided the 2000 mules back in 2022. Where people said that it was the most fair election. And there was some that were being very critical when there was the idea that this might not have been a totally fair election, that when President Trump had for a long time advocated that there was stolen and rigged and etc., and there were people that just couldn't believe that he would say that. Of course, you know, the political pundits from whatever news outlet they were on. And when the news came out with 2000 mules and you saw video footage of people stuffing ballots in boxes in Georgia in various places, and it kind of gave some insights, maybe at least for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear going, you know, maybe there was something to this all out to say. He does a pretty good job of not just shaping a narrative, but of giving some really solid, foundational history in the midst of it. And so this idea of vindicating Trump, I don't know a lot of the details behind the movie other than I saw some of the trailer and knowing how well some of his other things have done, I am very curious what what all is going to be the vindication where where is the truth going to come out that you go, Trump was in fact correct about this issue or if that's the direction he goes? So I think it's definitely to be something that will be worth seeing. Again, everything Dinesh has put out, by and large, has been very informative and has been really accurate from from what we can gather, at least from the ones that we have seen. And so I'm very curious about this one.
David Barton [00:03:00] You know, speaking to a group recently and we were talking about history stuff, and part of what we covered was the Salem Witch Trials. And it went back to a comment made by Justice Stephen Breyer when he was on the court. He's now retired off the court. And he he pointed out that the due process clause is we have in the Constitution were the result of Bible verses that were introduced by ministers during the witch trials, because there were some ministers who said the witch trials are wrong and here's why. And one of the things that was happening in the witch trials in America and all over the world was that once you were accused, once someone said you're a witch. You were not allowed to know who accused you. There were there was no you couldn't confront your accuser. Also, you were not allowed to offer witness or evidence or the other side once the accusation was there. That's the only side that was heard. And you were not allowed to even testify in your defense and say, this is nonsense. I wasn't even there when they said this happened. So what what happened was only the prosecution got to present its case. And guess what? Everybody was always found guilty because based on what the prosecution said, there was no other option. And Justice Breyer pointed out that it was the Bible that stopped that practice, that ministers and in Salem, Massachusetts, went to the governor and went to the judge and said, now the Bible says you have a right to confront your accuser. You have a right to compel witnesses in your behalf to testify that the other side there has to be a prosecution and a defense, not just a prosecution. And you get to speak in your own defense. All of us, they had Bible verses for. So what's happened is this Trump has come out with all this insurrection kind of stuff on January 6th. And that was one side of the story. There was a congressional committee that went through everything. But then after the change in Congress, they put Congressman Barry Loudermilk in charge of investigating the investigation, and he found thousands, tens of thousands of hours of footage that the prosecution side never let come out. And as they went through it, it exactly contradicts the conclusions that. The committee and it comes out that much of what the committee said and what witnesses said was absolutely irrefutably contradicted by witnesses who said, no, no, that's not what happened, but that never came out. So in the sense of that, yeah, Trump has to be vindicated because he had a lynch mob. This is like the witch trials where the only one side is heard and you come up with the conclusion it's always going to be the prosecution's answer. So we now know that there's a very matter of fact Barry Loudermilk and wanted Congress now to get the House to pass a condemnation of the previous declaration about Trump. The House cannot rescind its studies that have been done by the previous Congresses, but they can repudiate them. And so we now know that there was another side. So this is part of vindicating Trump all in the sense that when the rest of the evidence comes out, there's a whole different story than what was presented. So in that concept, yeah, I think Trump needs to be vindicated If the evidence shows he did something wrong, that's fine. But at this point, that's not what's out there. The lynch mob is out there, but the evidence shows something different from the lynch mob.
Rick Green [00:06:13] Yeah. And I think, you know, at least most of the Danish movies that I've seen in the past is almost like apologetics for politics, if that makes sense. Like is a reason. And, you know, he'll bring the facts and it's, you know, just as you defend the faith, it's almost like he defends the narrative or attacks the narrative if the narrative has been false. So it's it's very much what you're talking about. It's almost like due process through entertainment or due process through just getting the information out that hasn't been there before. And so I'm looking forward to it. I mean, I think you're right. I mean, I thought even in the debate, I thought there was the one part J.D. Vance did not do well was really a defense of the whole G6 thing. He really I thought the rest of the debate was great. I thought Vance was was remarkable in parts of the debate. But then when he came to G6 is like he wasn't good at the at the apologetics, right? He didn't he didn't defend the constitutional process of questioning electors and that sort of thing. And Wallace was able to control that narrative. So I'm really interested to see if that part of this is covered in the movie as well. Well, one of the guys in the movie is our friend Brad Stein. So we'll take a quick break. We'll come back and find out what Brad says about the movie. Stay with us, folks. Brad Stein, our special guest today. We'll be right back on the WallBuilders show.
Break [00:07:21]
Rick Green [00:08:27] Welcome back to the WallBuilders show. Thanks for staying with us today. Brad Stein now, and it's actually one of those that you just you just got to enjoy. I mean, Brad is one of these guys is he's funny, but he's serious. He packs a punch. He cares about the country. And he's he's got a new movie out or he started in a new movie. And we had some folks asking us about it. So we thought we'd get Brad on to tell us a little bit more about it. So I actually interviewed Brad in the tavern, and I want you to hear the opening of of the show because he's he's just funny. And if you're not familiar tavern's weekly TV show that I do, it has nothing to do with alcohol. It has everything to do with the taverns from the revolutionary period where the Constitution was first ratified right there in a tavern in Delaware, twice the first state. It's where Washington bid farewell to his officers there at that tavern in New York. It's it was just a gathering place in the communities where you could talk about the revolutionary strategies and tactics that that you needed to be able to to save liberty, in their case, to launch liberty, in our case, to save liberty. So let's jump into the tavern with Brad Stein. Hey, welcome back to the Tavern, folks. Brad Stein back with us. Brad, Hey. Always good to have you in the tavern, man. You got it. What is that? That's not what it is.
Brad Stien [00:09:34] Because the tavern. Actually, this was hand forged by Paul Revere. I went ahead and bought it on eBay because I knew this show was coming up. I said, you know, I'm going to go ahead and plunking down his $25,000 as his were that it's Rick, it's hand forged. It's got the DNA even of of Revere who apparently hit his hand on it anyways, it's got a quite a provenance and I did it just for you. So there you have it.
Rick Green [00:10:07] I didn't think anybody would fall for it. Rhett. Rhett, my son is the one that put that up on eBay. He was out in the Yeah, it's out of the art. And he thought, well.
Brad Stien [00:10:15] I'll always Yeah. If he comes to fake paraphernalia you guys have made quite a killing. So God bless you. You're entrepreneurs, you're Americans. I mean.
Rick Green [00:10:23] It goes to good cause Brad it's goes goes to the cause. So thank you for the contribution.
Brad Stien [00:10:27] What buyer beware is the way you guys look at it. If you say you're not paying attention, you deserve to get better. You know it. Barnum thing. You know there's a sucker born every minute.
Rick Green [00:10:36] Hey. Hey, P.T. Barnum. Folks, we're Brad and I are talking. We're scheming. We're coming up with a good Chase and American Legends episode that might actually involve P.T. Barnum. Okay, That's all we're going to say. We're not going to give away anything else. Hey, man, I miss you. It's good to have you back in the tavern.
Brad Stien [00:10:52] Well, I'm glad to be here. But I was talking to somebody the other day. It was Nick Searcy, the actor. Nick Searcy saw a man.
Rick Green [00:11:01] I love that guy. You know Nick Searcy. Really?
Brad Stien [00:11:04] He was. I just had him on my podcast.
Rick Green [00:11:05] I got to watch that, man. I loved.
Brad Stien [00:11:08] He's in the, you know, the vindicating Trump film I sent to you. The trailer, right?
Rick Green [00:11:13] Yes, I saw the trailer. So that's how you got to know? I should have known that because I saw, by the way, the trailer looks amazing.
Brad Stien [00:11:18] You guys.
Rick Green [00:11:19] I love your part. So you're like a media guy, right?
Brad Stien [00:11:22] I'm like the DNC chair head. Okay. So I got we're all sitting there going, okay, this guy can't run for it. Well, he's certainly not going to win. And then it's like, okay, so they, you know, he does docu dramas. Dinesh So it's kind of like a documentary. He he interviews Trump extensively, interviews Lara Trump. He interviews these guys to see if they can get battles in ballots, come to find out you can order ballots and have them shipped to you. I mean, all of the crazy stuff that, you know, we knew was afoot for years.
Rick Green [00:11:54] Right
Brad Stien [00:11:55] He reveals again. So you can see how this could go sideways.
Rick Green [00:11:59] And so when you say docudrama, so he's he's doing the interviews but then the draw the what's the word dramatization. Am I saying that right? Yeah. Anyway, you guys are actually acting. So the scenes I saw your full blown acting and it looks like it's really, really good. So what Searcy do, what's his part? Is he like it? He is usually like the CIA bad guy or what does he play.
Brad Stien [00:12:18] At pretty much yet he's it's not CIA, it's not FBI, but he's kind of like an underground black ops, You know, We never really know who he's with, but he is the enforcer. He's the guy that makes things happen. How do we destroy this guy? Get some eyes on him. We need to do this. We need to propagandize over here. We got to get the. You know, we got to get some some press out there. And basically.
Rick Green [00:12:41] He does. He's in police state, too, right? He does. Dinesh, his other movie. Yeah, the one he did right before this police state. Yeah.
Brad Stien [00:12:46] Yeah. So he. But he was no, he was here in studio just like a couple days ago and we filmed this. So it's I'm running it to tonight.
Rick Green [00:12:55] Since I totally interrupted you, bro. You were going to tell me something y'all are talking about.
Brad Stien [00:12:59] That's Monday.
Rick Green [00:13:00] Well, Brad, what is the name of the movie? And and where can people find out more about it? And I want to know what what you're covering in the movie.
Brad Stien [00:13:08] Okay. Well, the movie is called Vindicating Trump. And what it is, is.
Rick Green [00:13:12] It and this is a Dinesh D'Souza docu drama, as you said.
Brad Stien [00:13:16] Yeah. So Dinesh goes in, he kind of looks at the history of Trump, kind of where he came from, what his life was like. Certainly discusses his his philanderer been in the 80s. He was a. Playboy billionaire in New York in the 80s. And he was a he was a secular he's a heathen. Of course, he's going to get as many women as again. Yeah, that's what I would have done do under the same circumstances. I'm a man. I would have that kind of power. Yep. Going to do all that, obviously. And so he doesn't pretend like this is a man of pure honor and integrity, but he halos over him, but he also shows clips even back in the 90s where he's concerned about America and where it's going.
Rick Green [00:14:00] I was going to ask, does he show that side where you had really a lot of entertainers and people that now are on the left. They loved him because, you know, even 911, I mean, his response to 911 and just a lot of the things that he. Yeah. You're going to see these days is he have some of that in there.
Brad Stien [00:14:15] In some even in some of the the the acting elements, you know, where they talk about all these rappers that were like best friends and rapped him and yeah, he was like the man. So this whole thing he's a racist, doesn't hold water. So he really tries to just break down who really he is, what he actually did during his first four years. Again, an odd scenario. We actually don't have to. Ill turn it into a fascist dictator, you know, totalitarian z.
Rick Green [00:14:43] But we've been there. We know. Yeah, we got a four year record. Were you were.
Brad Stien [00:14:48] You were you going to become the fascist dictator? And he failed miserably. You Yeah. So, you know, we already have some record of it. And then it just talks about what happened to him the moment he he declared as a Republican to go run for president, then won. And it just really just breaks down everything that happened as far as the dossiers. The Russian, you know, unleash the hounds. There's nobody paid for that. I mean, it's all documented. It's all out there. Came out of the X when when Musk took x only could read the email. It's all been exposed. And here is where it all kind of full circle in our conversations. Nothing happened to any of these people. Rick And and there in of all things I mean.
Rick Green [00:15:30] Meaning the people that violated everything about due process about it.
Brad Stien [00:15:34] And in it honest and for sure my friend if you can sell the American secrets or if you can expose things or take bribes for influence, if you can do things that are proving and you're not only not even prosecuted, you're not even indicted, then there is no longer justice. You know.
Rick Green [00:15:58] You're not even Westerner.
Brad Stien [00:15:59] Is not.
Rick Green [00:16:00] A question. So, you know, accountability. So you you of course you're going to do it more.
Brad Stien [00:16:03] But there's nowhere to to go with that, Rick. There's nowhere to go because the channel of moral justice that keeps things in balance has been eliminated. So we can't vote them out because you can't vote. We can't. They'll go to jail because they don't. And if you try to defend yourself, you will be indicted. So even those who are innocent and actually try to defend themselves. One of the earliest preeminent human rights, self-defense. Nope, you deserve it because this guy comes from a lineage of slavery and he can't help but it's he's just acting out. It's like, what do you. What are you talking about? I just the guy mugged me and I was trying to save myself. And now I'm you know, he was trying to threaten people on the subway, and I choked him out, and the guy died. But it's clear he was dangerous. Nope. We're. We're going after you. If that's all we have in America, there. Well, there is no answer where we're. Right.
Rick Green [00:17:00] Right. Well, what is the movie? What would you say is the take home from the movie? If it's.
Brad Stien [00:17:05] Say, if you are a Trump supporter, you're going to laugh at the way that they tried to go after him and how he overcame it. You're going to laugh it at the you know, the silly things that will be said. And some of the dramatizations are kind of funny, you know, behind the scenes, if you are a leftist who has do you are so cultly driven that you despise this man. You have become obsessed with hating this guy. There's this won't help you at all. This is your idea. There's nothing here for you. You don't have time. Waste your money because you're in a cult. You've already sold your soul. You've already accepted.
Rick Green [00:17:44] Even with the facts presented, even with the data, even with the video of these things, if they're if they're in that camp that you're talking about.
Brad Stien [00:17:52] When you're.
Rick Green [00:17:52] Not, you're still not going to see.
Brad Stien [00:17:53] Erwin or Marx into your heart as your Lord and savior. You cannot come home. You are gone. Yeah, but if you're in the middle, if you're like, Yeah, I just don't like him. I just don't like he did A, B and C, Maybe it will give you some insight, some thoughts to think about. It might show you another site. It might at least give you data that you're different than propaganda. And maybe that will help some of the undecided. I mean, if you're undecided right now, you're either so out of touch with me that I really know how to deal with it, but I'm sure they. These wonderful.
Rick Green [00:18:28] People. Yeah.
Brad Stien [00:18:29] Wonderful people still going, Yeah. Kamala Yeah. Donald...If you guys actually existed, please go see this, right? I help you realize that. Let's try.
Rick Green [00:18:43] One. We don't know, you know. You know who is out there, though? Not necessarily undecided. They just they know Trump's the you know, they Kamala's a communist and all the bad things that she she's going to do. And they know they can't do that. And they but they just can't get over all of the negative propaganda and all the stuff about Trump. So that that's the person that it seems like this would really help to realize, number one, you're not voting for pastor. You're not voting for a, you know, the person that's going to run your your And.
Brad Stien [00:19:13] As a church, they're going to.
Rick Green [00:19:14] Run the country, you know.
Brad Stien [00:19:15] And as a Christian, which sometimes that's the leverage is, you know, the guy was, you know, look at the crude things he said and look at the things he's done and blah, blah, blah. And it's kind of like, well, you know, don't read your Bible because I'm not here. And I guarantee you don't.
Rick Green [00:19:32] Want to look at that David guy or.
Brad Stien [00:19:35] Or I'm sure most it's all when you bring up David. Mean it in a in a positive powerful way. Right. A redeeming way. Well he did exactly And worse than Trump. He killed a guy, let alone, you know, had sex with his wife. And Solomon was not a good guy. And, you know, and so I and then the Romans were running the show during the New Testament. So we didn't really have any way to even understand that. And what we were told be good citizens, try to be good for these people. The Romans.
Rick Green [00:20:07] Yeah, we're different when you're living in a dictatorship than but when you are in charge and you have the choice.
Brad Stien [00:20:12] Right, So you don't have any choice. But but you were even then you were allowed to say, But but listen, if if anything that they're doing would compromise your faith in what is true about what Christ is real to us, then you have to ignore that. And that is a hard lesson. If the lesson we can find ourselves in as American Christians that you might have to you might have to pay a quite a significant price if your faith is more important than getting along or making people say nice things about you, or even disobeying a law that clearly is unconstitutional, which is okay to regulate your moral compass on that because it's the law of the land. That's what a citizen does, is here's how the law is supposed to work. So if somebody breaches that, a Christian gets to say, well, then I'm not going to honor that because they're breaching the law of the land that I'm responsible for as long as that law is good. And it is because all the founders gave us were laws that were Judeo Christian based on the history of what it means to be a moral, virtuous man. So, you know, you got to quit playing this game about I don't want to be around politics anymore. Politics is how we defend ourselves and how we try to seek justice on this earth. If God says it's.
Rick Green [00:21:28] How you treat your neighbors, man, it's how you treat your neighbors. That's all it is. And that's that's let's say the Bible has a lot to say about that vindicating trump.com. I just looked up the website. So if you want to see where a movie theater might still be playing it close to you and you want to go watch it, watch it there. And then of course, I'm sure soon available for streaming. You said it's it's you. It's Nick Searcy. Anybody else in there that we would know that?
Brad Stien [00:21:50] Well, I mean, Laura Trump and Donald, I mean the interviews are obviously people that are happening right now. Okay yeah I think I mean others another actor, I don't remember his name. He was in another movie I was in called Running the Bases, but I didn't know he was in it. But he's been in a lot of big episodic television. And I'm trying to think if there was anybody else that kind of surprised me. Was it.
Rick Green [00:22:16] Harder to play a Democrat or did you know, were you able.
Brad Stien [00:22:19] To. I like to play the evil guys. Yeah. I find to be the middle. He's the bad guy. It's fun. I played so many heavies. I don't know why they keep giving me that role, but it is fun to kind of play the dark guy and the hard guy. But listen, you guys go see it participate, put your money where your mouth is, protests by lifting something up, not turn something down and yeah, and and just be prepared to sacrifice and yeah. Get out there and go watch the movie and hey, if you have some calls with or whatever, that's up to you. That's what free speech is. But truly go support like Dinesh, who's trying to casually put this information out to defend America. We are at a place where we have to do any tiny thing we can write to see if we can, in fact, just keep liberty going further.
Rick Green [00:23:08] Vindicating Trump vindicating trump.com is the website new movie by Dinesh D'Souza. Our good friend Brad Stein, starring in it with Nick Searcy. And you can still see it in movie theaters vindicating trump.com. Brad, always good to have you, man. Thanks for coming on.
Brad Stien [00:23:21] All right brother. We'll see you soon.
Rick Green [00:23:23] That was Brad Stein. Make sure you check out the movie Vindicating Trump of course we're nonpartisan here, but the movie sounds very interesting. And Brad, being a friend of ours starring in it, we wanted to be able to tell you about it.
Rick Green [00:23:33] That was Brad Stien. Stay with us. Folks will be right back on The WallBuilders Show.
Break [00:23:36]
Rick Green [00:24:44] Welcome back to the show. Thanks for staying with us. Back with David or Tim Barton now. Well guys will Brad seem to have fun making the movie anyway. Got to get along with Nick Searcy, who's people might recognize from the TV show Justified or he's in a lot of these docu dramas now. That's kind of become his thing. He plays one of the FBI guys in Police State, one of the Nash's other ones. So anyway, sounds like Brad had a good time making the movie. So we should have tell Brad he needs to send us some tickets. You know this least he could have done for his friends.
Tim Barton [00:25:12] Absolutely. Or at least have maybe an early screen or something. Yeah, Yeah, something. But maybe he's just used to playing the bad guy now. And so. Yes, that's. That's it. Mess with us did not send us this screener. But this is something like many of the other movies we've talked about that are coming out, whether it be our friends in First Liberty, the Joe Kennedy movie coming out. It's really super good. You know, there there's so many that that we want to encourage people to get behind and support. And so, of course, that's what we're going to do with with this movie. We're going to go try to see it in theaters so we can vote with our dollars and also just kind of let them know that this is what we support. And certainly in the midst of it, probably, but maybe for us not find out things brand new we didn't know, although Dinesh presents them sometimes in such a good way that he makes arguments and we go, that's a really good way to say that. That's a good way to look at this. So overall, I am very excited to see this and I definitely be fun seeing our friends in the show and maybe heckle them a little bit afterwards based on on their performance.
Rick Green [00:26:15] The website is vindicating trump.com. If you want to look up some theaters close to you, take your friends family. As Tim said, great way to vote with your dollars supporting these movies. And speaking of Joe Kennedy, we'll have him on tomorrow to talk about that movie. That one's called Average Joe. So we're we're blessed to get a lot of options here, man. We got am I racist? Matt Walsh's movie? We got the movie. Reagan. So folks have lots of good ones, too, to see. Thanks so much for listening today. You've been listening to The WallBuilders Show.