The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Triumphant Legal Battles: Upholding Truth, Free Speech, and Citizen Authority- with Joeylynn Mesaros
What if standing up for your beliefs could lead to a monumental victory against all odds? On this episode of the WallBuilders Show, we explore the riveting story of Joeylynn Mesaros and her family's grueling four-year legal battle after participating in a Trump train event during the 2020 election. This episode underscores the importance of viewing contemporary issues through a biblical, historical, and constitutional lens, as we highlight the Mesaros family's perseverance in the face of overwhelming legal attacks from figures such as Wendy Davis and the Biden-Harris campaign.
Celebrate a David vs. Goliath victory with us as we reflect on the Massaro family's triumph. Despite facing lawsuits under a KKK statute and intense pressure to silence their political opposition, Joeylynn and her family stood firm in their commitment to truth. Drawing inspiration from iconic comic book moments, we emphasize the power of defending free speech and standing unwaveringly by the "river of truth." Their victory is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that steadfast resolve can indeed overcome tyranny, no matter how daunting the opposition.
The fight for truth and justice doesn't stop there. This is a significant victory for the First Amendment and free speech. Join us as we express heartfelt gratitude to the Patriot Academy community for their steadfast support and tease more inspiring stories of perseverance and triumph in our next installment. Tune in to The WallBuilders Show for a powerful reminder that unwavering resolve can lead to monumental victories.
Rick Green
Welcome to the Intersection of Faith and Culture. This is the Wall Builder Show, where we're taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. I'm Rick Green, America’s Constitution Coach, always honored to serve here with David and Tim Barton. Tim, you know, is a national speaker and pastor and president of Wall Builders and if you haven't had Tim in to speak, you need to do that. Get him into your church or your organization business convention. I'm telling you you will be incredibly blessed. We just had Tim down at the Patriot Academy campus a couple of times, had him for two different events in the last month, and I mean everybody was talking about it for weeks afterwards. So really encourage you to check that out today. Wallbuilders.com is the website to find out more about booking in speakers. Wallbuilders.com and then David Barton, of course, America’s premier historian and our founder here at Wallbuilders. If you haven't read a David Barton book, you are missing out Again. Go to wallbuilders.com. The bestseller from the olden days, if you will, when I first came around for Wallbuilders is called Original Intent and it'll teach you everything about the First Amendment and our freedom of religion and how the court got it so wrong for so long. And then, of course, you need to check out the American Story. David and Tim did that together and there's two volumes out so far, probably going to end up being I don't know 50 volumes, who knows before they get done with all that, because it's such good information.
And then, if you want to do something with all three of us, we have several constitution classes out there where we're all teaching. Biblical citizenship in modern America is our main one. That one's available on a thumb drive you can get at wallbuilders.com right now. Or, if you want, the old school DVDs if someone out there still has a DVD player that actually works, I'm impressed. We have them just in case you need them. And then, of course, the workbook's available there as well. We also offer the opportunity to host a biblical citizenship class, and you can do that for free. You can do it in your living room, church, library, wherever you want. Bring in as many friends and family as you want. Doesn't cost them anything to take the class, doesn't cost you anything to put on the class. You can sign up to do that by going to constitutioncoach.com. Constitutioncoach.com Now, don't let that coach word scare you away.
Constitution host is the entry-level position and you literally just host people over. You don't have to know anything about the Constitution or history, or wall builders or Patriot Academy or any of those things. You just got to be hungry to learn. You got to want to know what's the Bible say about how to be a good citizen, what does it say about how to treat my neighbors? And what does it say about how society should be formed? What's the Bible say about that? And then, how do you do that in America? How do you do that under the United States Constitution? How do you do that in a constitutional republic? That's what that course is all about biblical citizenship in modern America. Check it out at wallbuilders.com today.
Okay, we got about. Well, it's going to be three days. We're going to have three days of sharing with you one particular story. So today, tomorrow and Friday Joeylynn Mesaros. So if you haven't heard her story, it's absolutely amazing. She is a young mom with an amazing husband and son and they just they got caught up in the lawfare.
You've seen all these suits against Donald Trump, against all these people that simply were attorneys giving advice and things like that during the whole 2020 insanity, and you know it's been an effort to silence opposition. It's been an effort to use lawfare, in some cases using government, using the weight of the entire federal government, the Department of Justice, the FBI, all of that coming down on pro-life activists that are simply trying to save babies or on people that are simply going to a political rally and letting their voice be heard, and so most of that has been criminal in that aspect, whether it's the DOJ coming in with all the J6 defendants or it's the Sor know, the Soros-funded corrupt DAs in places like Fulton County that go after Trump and John Eastman and all these other people. But there's also those are all criminal lawfare efforts by the left to silence the opposition. There's also civil lawfare efforts. So even some of the suits against Donald Trump were civil, but Joy Lynn and her family were sued civilly by none other than Wendy Davis, a former state senator in Texas that ran for governor.
She's called the abortion Barbie and the Biden-Harris campaign teams and literally the president of the United States, joe Biden, talked over and over and over again about how Joeylynn and her family were the beginning of the United States. Joe Biden talked over and over and over again about how Joey Lynn and her family were the beginning of the insurrection. Because here's what they did they drove down the highway in their truck with their Trump flags flying and they drove in the lane next to the Biden bus that was traveling through Texas back in 2020, about October 2020, along with a whole lot of other folks in their trucks and cars waving their Trump flags. You remember the Trump trains? Right? We had boats that were Trump trains. We had people driving down highways that were Trump trains, and it's just people letting their voice be heard and voicing their support of a candidate. Joeylynn did that and it was the first political thing they'd ever done.
Well, the Democrat left decided that they wanted to silence anyone from doing that, so they sued all these people. Claiming that they tried to run them off the road Didn't happen. All video evidence proves the opposite. Um claiming that they intimidated them, sued under this kkk statute, trying to say that they were trying to prevent them from being involved politically. So for four years, Joeylynn has tried to defend against these massive lawsuits. It's nearly bankrupted their family. Uh, she scratched and clawed to raise money for her legal team.
We helped her at patriot academy by just having her on our programs to tell her story, because we're all about the Constitution and defending the First Amendment and free speech, and anyway, she's been an absolute warrior and I wanted you to hear her story. We've had her on for some quick interviews. But here's the crazy thing she won and I say it's crazy because it was a city of Austin court, a federal judge in the city of Austin who's an ultra left-wing liberal, and we did not expect her to win at the district court level. We thought she would have to win at the appellate court level. Well, she won, and so we got her on in my TV show, the Tavern, which you can watch on Patriot U.
That's patriotacademy.tv. So if you want to go watch the interview, you can see the entire thing there. But I'm bringing you the entire I've never done this with a Tavern episode bringing you the whole episode the opening, the closing, the interview, everything so that you can experience this wonderful conversation with Joy Lynn. I think it's the best interview I've ever been a part of and that's why I want to share the whole thing with you. So let's take a quick break. We'll be right back with Joeylynn Mesaros.
Rick Green
Welcome to the Tavern. I'm obviously not in the Tavern. I'm at the Patriot Academy campus today, in the William Weber Force Committee Room, and so audio is going to be a little bit wonkey. We don't have our studio built yet. If you'd like to contribute to building that studio, please donate at patriotacademy.com. We're getting close, but anyway. So I'm having a film from the campus. We got a great constitutional defense course going right now. You might even hear some of the gun shots. So folks are out there training as I speak. But I had to record today because we have a massive victory.
Folks, this is a huge victory and there is one person that has fought the good fight so incredibly well, full of joy. I don't want to give her all the credit. Her husband and her son have been right by her side fighting with her. But there's just something about the spirit, the warrior spirit that this gal has. We've had her in the tavern a couple of times. She has been over the target and taking flak for four years under significant attack over the target and taking flak for four years under significant attack. It's until you have the boot of government on your neck, until you have the boot of a massive machine trying to destroy your life. It's just impossible to understand what it takes to stand up against that. I've been there and so I get it, and I have such immense respect for the Mesaros family and what they've gone through over this absurd lawsuit, trying to destroy their lives, along with several other defendants, and to scratch and claw and do whatever it took to gather the resources and to raise the money and to find people that could help her for four years, fighting against a massive machine, fighting against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their entire Democrat machine. So, folks, this is a Tavern episode you do not want to miss and you want to share it with everybody you can, because it's going to give them hope that we can win in the fight, even when you're David against Goliath, even when you have the weight of this entire machine against you and it feels like almost no one is standing with you, that if you will stand firm, if you will stand up, if you will stand on truth, you can win. And so I'm going to set this up with.
I've told the story several times here in the tavern, so too bad if you're tired of it. I wish I had my Captain America watch that Tristan Gazelle gave me. I wish I had that on today, but this is the moment where someone was willing to say exactly what Captain America told Spider-Man to say in the Civil War book back from the 1980s in the comic book. And Spider-Man says to him I know you're laughing at me because I'm being so serious right now about Spider-Man and Captain America, but the example is perfect for the real serious losing the First Amendment I mean the seriousness of not having free speech in a nation means you go to tyranny. You cannot avoid tyrannical control and totalitarianism if you don't have free speech, if you don't have the ability to assemble, if you don't have a free press. If your First Amendment rights are gone, everything else will be gone. This is why the Enabling Acts in Germany had to be done. This is why Hitler had to get rid of those things before he could become a tyrannical chancellor and actually implement the sick, evil tyranny that he did. You have to get rid of free speech and freedom of assembly and political competition in order to do those things. And that's what the left has been doing, not only with what they've done to the J6ers, but what they're doing in the civil realm, going after people like Joeylynn Mesaros.
So back to Spider-Man and Captain America. So, captain America and Spider-Man, spider-man says to Captain America what do you do when the whole world turns against you? What do you do when the very people you're trying to defend are against you and telling you that you're evil? What do you do when the mob and the press and everybody's against you? And Captain America famously says it doesn't matter if the whole world says that something wrong is right, when the mob and the press and everybody is telling you something wrong is right, and they're telling you to move from what's right to what's wrong, he said when that happens, your job is to plant yourself by the river of truth. I love that line. Plant yourself by the river of truth and say no, you move. That's your job. That's your job as a person that loves freedom. That's your job as someone that cares about the future of our country.
When the whole world is telling us that disinformation, misinformation, has to be regulated by those in power who know best the ministry of truth, as George Orwell would have put it. When the whole world is telling you that it's moral to murder babies, that it's moral to allow a baby that has survived an abortion and is born. It's moral to let that baby die instead of giving it care. But it's moral to chop the breast off of a young girl because she's confused, that it's moral to castrate boys because they're confused by the lies that you've told them. When people are doing that and saying that what is wrong is right, we have to be willing to stand up and say no, you move. We're standing firm on truth and Joeylynn Mesaros did that. For four years she fought this fight and she led the charge and she wouldn't let everybody else cave. Most people did, but there were six defendants still standing at the time.
This thing finally went to trial and we're going to hear the whole story when we come back from the break, because victory in an Austin Texas left-wing court with a left-wing crazy judge that has been awful gets overturned all the time. I don't want to go into all that, but the odds of her winning were essentially 99 to 1. I didn't think they would win. We'd already talked about it here in the tavern. She's going to lose at the trial court level. We got to get this to the Fifth Circuit and that's where we'll win and then eventually, if we have to, all the way to the Supreme Court. And they won.
God parted the Red Sea folks. This is hope for America. This is hope for the First Amendment, this is hope for free speech. This is hope for you, in whatever battle you're fighting, where you feel like you're David against Goliath. Maybe it's financial, maybe it's a health issue you're dealing with, maybe it's political in your community, or maybe it's just what you're seeing in the nation right now. This is hope for America. This is hope for you. You're going to love this story. Stay with me. Welcome to the Tavern. We'll be right back with Joeylynn Mesaros
Rick Green
all right, we're back here in the tavern Joeylynn Mesaros, back with us.
And right after the trial, this is the day after, uh, we got great news, folks, great news, but I don't want to tell you. I want Joeylynn Mesaros to tell you. God bless, joey, good to have you back. Thanks for coming back on the tavern. You probably don't even have a mug with you. I don't have my tavern mug, I'm out at the campus. I got just a regular old oh, at least you have something to drink. I wish I was wishing I had my. Biden is the worst mug that you gave me, but it's back at home and I'm out at the campus. Anyway, god bless you, glad to have you back.
Joeylynn Mesaros
Oh man, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else today. You guys were the first to cover this story. You sure ought to be the first to be celebrating with us. Our Patriot Academy family has army crawled with us across the finish line. We even had Constitution coaches in the courtroom with us over the last two and a half weeks from across the United States.
Wow People flew in Rick. We heard what we've been waiting for years to hear. We heard that we were not guilty. And it was an ever-loving miracle, because I'm going to tell you today You're an awesome.
Rick Green
I mean, yes, it's a rigged trial. I got your text and I didn't believe it. I was like no, no, no way, she's not a, she's not the fifth circuit, yet she's still in that horrible Austin, you know, crazy land court. There's no way. Yes, yes, I cannot wait to hear this whole thing.
Joeylynn Mesaros
All right, it was that bad that they brought this case that even in Austin they could see through the expert witnesses they hired. They gagged us. They had these motions in limine that prevented us from speaking about key components of this case. The judge ruled in favor of every blessed thing the plaintiffs asked for and objected every single thing we asked for. They watered down the First Amendment. We were not allowed to reference the Constitution. It was the biggest joke I've ever seen in my life, but the jury saw through it.
Rick Green
No kidding, that's shocking, and the first part's not, because I went up for Rebecca's trial. Same thing All the ridiculous stuff that they did to limit what the jury was going to get, and so I expected your jury to only get half the story when it was all said and done and not see through it. They typically don't, so they came back. I guess, walk me through, let's go, let's back up, let's go to the beginning of the trial, because this has been almost well, it's four years now. Right, it's right at four years. Yeah, four years, four years in the making. They've done everything.
For any of you watching that did not watch the last couple times I've had Joy Lynn on, go watch those either all the way back to the Front Porch Live or in the Tavern. But if you don't know her story, just absurd. What happened here? A non-involved, not politically involved for the first time in her life, involved and literally just drives in a parade, a Trump-trained parade, waving flags, and ends up for the last four years having her life turned upside down. All the financial pressure, all the lawsuits called everything in the book.
The President of the United States, you know, blaming you for an insurrection. I mean, it's just unreal the things that you and your family have gone through and praise God, thank God that you went through it, because I've watched you turn into an absolute warrior, an absolute giant for the cause and for the kingdom that you would not have been turned into that without going through the fire. So the fire has refined you, joeylynn, to become the warrior that God's sharpened. I mean literally. You're like that sword in the old Marine commercial. Joeylynn to become the warrior that God's sharpened. I mean literally. You're like that sword in the old Marine commercial. You know where they're heating it up and beating on it and sharpening it and then it becomes this finely tuned instrument and I can't wait to see what God's going to do with you.
But OK, I had to say all that. Now take us back the trial itself. Let's assume people know at least that you know. I guess they were after for you specifically. It's not criminal, it's civil. So were they just after financial damages? What were they trying to get from you?
Joeylynn Mesaros
Yes, so you're right, because it's civil. All that was up for grabs here is money, but we don't have any because they completely bankrupted us through this process. So then you're left asking yourself what is it that they actually want? And, rick, it was so obvious throughout the whole trial that what they want is to shut down the Trump train. They want to shut down a giant display of support for President Trump.
They, we predicted this all along. We, we knew they were circumventing the Constitution. We knew they were infringing on free speech rights. We knew that they didn't want us to exist in the same space with them, with a, with an opinion that doesn't align with their narrative. But it just became so abundantly clear that that is what they were after went to this elaborate effort to paint us as a conspiracy because the Ku Klux Klan law they brought against us. So for anybody who doesn't know, we were sued under the Ku Klux Klan law for four years civilly, where they're claiming they have emotional damage from our exercise of free speech. And in order to meet the basic requirements of this Ku Klux Klan law, you either have to prove a racial animus, motivation based on race, or you have to prove some sort of conspiracy to intimidate by threat or force somebody from a political candidate.
Rick Green
And you were wearing like white pointy hats and carrying, you know, had burning crosses in the back of your truck and right, no,
Joeylynn Mesaros
Well, despite the fact that they hired graphic artists to portray us that way in artwork, they used to fundraise on their website. Well, we never did.
But guess what? That was another motion in limine that was approved by the judge that we were not able to point out to the jury or talk about. We were not able to shed a bad light on them or to portray the way that they portrayed us in the media for years. And so, no, we were just average Americans driving in a Trump train, exercising free speech, the same way that so many other Americans did, and we're just the lucky ducks that they hand-selected. We know, through going through this process, they hired a private investigative firm, a monster firm that essentially cherry picked us after doing background checks and researching our you know everything about us, from our women's status, our eight time status, right, and then they're like this one, this one, not that one, that one, and that's how they picked us. We also know, rick, that they cherry pick their plaintiff.
The plaintiff did not call the nonprofits and say we have emotional damage from these Trump supporters driving next to us. The plaintiff's attorneys, the counsel, called them and said do you want in on this case, rick? We learned that they essentially created what they thought was going to be their most successful odds at winning. They shopped for the defendants. They hired a monster PI private investigative firm to shop us with background checks to look into our private lives, our income, and they cherry picked us yes them, no, not them. Yes them. And then they called and reached out to the plaintiffs. The attorneys in these law firms said we have a case if you want in. It's not like. These plaintiffs called them and said we have emotional damage and we need help. No, they were shopped for.
Rick Green
So they weren't ambulance chasers, they were bus chasers, they were political operative chasers, that's it.
Joeylynn Mesaros
It's a political emotional whiplash that they're claiming to have right. Exactly these headhunters have gone out and then they've hired expert expert witnesses to study us for for a year and a half, to portray us as political extremists, threats to democracy, white supremacist tendencies, and they're using these. Then these experts were ushered in, by the way, into the trial, but the expert witness at the defense council tried to bring was denied trial, but the expert witness that the defense council tried to bring was denied okay, so you're still just getting one side of an expert story and then they've got these motions in lemonade that are preventing us from talking about the death threats we're receiving, the hate mail, the way that they portrayed us in the media, the way that they have, uh, lied about the details of this case, the facts that they um tried to portray us as destroying evidence because they waited a year to bring this lawsuit and some people's phones fell in the river, or some people you know. I mean, they just painted us in the worst possible light that they could, yep. And then they gagged us from speaking about the fact that they tried to force us to settle what the conditions of that were, that the key plaintiff dropped the case and walked away. So not only was he not required by the judge to testify in this lawsuit, even though we tried to subpoena him, we couldn't even mention him in the lawsuit. The jury had this much of the story, and yet still truth prevailed.
Rick Green
Wow, it's one side. They literally paint a false picture and you're not allowed to say it's a false picture and here's the evidence of why it's false and yet somehow the jury figured it. You know, you and I have had this conversation offline. As a lover of justice and the law and all of those things, it makes me so angry when you can't present your case, when you can't say everybody's supposed to get their day in court, and you're supposed to say here's one side, here's the other side, okay, jury decide. And the fact that you're literally like choked out and boot on your neck as you're trying to tell your side of the story and yet the jury still saw it.
Joeylynn Mesaros
I cried out of sheer frustration when I was on the witness stand because I was restricted to yes or no answers only.
Rick Green
All right, folks out of time for today, we'll get the rest of the Tavern episode. Actually, we'll jump in with Joey Lynn. We'll get the whole story, all of that, tomorrow and Friday. You don't want to miss it. You can get these programs at wallbuilders.show. Share them with as many people as you possibly can. They need to hear these David versus Goliath victories so that they have hope in the process. Thanks for listening to the WallBuilder Show.