The WallBuilders Show

Mom’s for Liberty Protecting Our Kids from Society’s Corruption- with Tina Descovich

August 20, 2024 Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Curious about how Moms for Liberty has managed to pass 42 pieces of legislation in just three and a half years? Tune in as we uncover the strategies behind their success with co-founder Tina Descovich. Discover the powerful impact they’ve had on school board elections and the pivotal role of informed participation in education policy. This episode promises a deep dive into their upcoming March for Kids in Washington, DC, where active engagement is key to shaping the future of our children's education.

We also bring you the heartfelt stories of Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice, who have supported parents through the challenging times of 2020, expanding their mission from Florida to 48 states with 320 chapters. Learn about the personal challenges faced by parents at school board meetings and the unwavering community support that fuels their advocacy. With a star-studded lineup of speakers like Tulsi Gabbard and Dr. Alveda King, the first annual March for Kids is set to be a monumental event. This episode underscores the vital importance of in-person gatherings and educational perspectives in today's climate. Don't miss this celebration of dedicated parents making a national impact.

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Rick Green

Welcome to the Intersection of Faith and Culture. This is the WallBuilders Show. We take on hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. I'm Rick Green, America's Constitution Coach and a former Texas legislator, here with David and Tim Barton David's, america's premier historian and our founder at Wall Builders. Tim's a national speaker and pastor and president of Wall Builders. All right, David and Tim, we're going to have Tina Descovich with us.

Well, actually she was in the tavern with me doing an interview talking about their summit that's coming up for Moms for Liberty in DC here in a few days. And then this March for Kids, which is pretty cool. You've got I think it's 40 or something 50 organizations that have come together for this March for Kids. Glenn Beck will be there and a lot of other folks bringing some attention to some of these things. So just really good work. And, by the way, I didn't realize this, they've only been around. Moms for Liberty has only been around for three and a half years, so the Lord’s really blessed that and given them favor to have a lot of good impact. 42 pieces of legislation they've already passed. They're doing some crazy stuff.

Tim Barton

Yeah, and we've known tina uh for a couple years really, since she was kind of the beginning starting with this. We've all done stuff with moms for liberty and they're one of multiple groups out there doing really good things. But, because you mentioned, god has just done incredible things with how they've kind of exploded across the nation and really they recognized there was a need that when so many people the the moms during COVID that saw what their kids were being exposed to and they said this is crazy, what's going on, and moms wanted to protect their kids, they were an advocate helping moms know how do we get involved, how do we do something at the school board level and now, as you mentioned, they're doing things in legislative chambers all around the nation and it's so much good that it's happening. And even, as you mentioned, up in DC and I know you had Tina with you on the tavern not very long ago and we said, man, we need people to know what Moms for Liberty is doing here, kind of some of the stuff out there, what's going on, and so we really wanted to share this interview with Tina with all of our listeners.

David Barton

You know, one of the things that really stood out to me and you guys pointed out that they've not been in it that long, but they've been very, very aggressive and I think that is really a much needed thing now. And they've been not only aggressive but they've been effective. They've been very strategic in how they operate and so they've gone after school boards. I think it's Miami-Dade County. Last cycle they got 25 out of 30 school board positions. So they've recruited well. They've done well. They've trained their people well. They're getting good things done. That's a great organization. That's a healthy organization when you get those kind of results, and so it's been really fun to partner with these guys. And they are going after so many places in the United States and we're starting to see change as a result of that. Parents are starting to wake up and see what's going on within the school. Say not my kids, you don't. And it's just part of a really, really healthy movement going across the nation. But Tina's done a great job believing that great vision, great leadership, 

Rick Green

all right, so we're going to jump over to the tavern and interview Tina Descovich when we come back from the break, so stay with us. You're listening to the Wall Builder Show.


Rick Green

Welcome back to the WallBuilders Show. We're headed over to the tavern, which you can see the full interview at PatriotU, that's, or at Warrior Poet Society Network, and Tina Descovich is joining me there from Moms for Liberty and, by the way, their website But also we're going to be talking about the March for Kids, so please check that out, Great way to support our efforts to protect the kids. Let's jump into the tavern 

Welcom back to the Tavern. Great to have Tina Descovich with us. Moms For Liberty is kicking tail all over the nation. I love watching what they’ve been doing making a difference and I’m just clanging cymbals, man. They are making a difference on the ground. Tina, God bless you! Welcome to the tavern. We are ready this is great stuff. I’m excited, we are going to do some great stuff for Mom’s for Liberty. I mean you have only been at it for what, three years now? Four years and your impact on the nation is unbelievable. 

Tina Descovich

Yeah! So I can open with a summary of that. So we are three and a half years old and some of the highlights are 380 schoolboard seats have been taken by Mom’s for Liberty Members. 42 bills in 12 states have been signed into laws that we have championed and been there for signings by governors. We have won federal lawsuit cases and junked of relief against the Biden administration's Title IX for members of their children in different public schools across the country. We know how to win. We know how to win.

Rick Green

Hey, love it, I love it. Not just fight, but win. That's what we need more of. That's men of Issachar understand the times and know what to do. We're going to change that to moms for liberty of Issachar understand the times and know what to do. We're going to change that to Moms for Liberty of Issachar Understand the times and know what to do. I'm going to add to your victory list Patriot Academy would not have our campus if it wasn't for Moms for Liberty, because one of your local folks right there in Fredericksburg, Texas, moms for Liberty, involved in what was going on there and then connected with my wife and found the property that we are now building the Patriot Academy campus on. So and found the property that we are now building the Patriot Academy campus on. So I mean, I'm telling you we were meant to partner together.

Tina Descovich

 I did not know that. That is a new story to me. I'm wondering which one of our chapter chairs that was. I have an idea who that might be, but that's great to hear.

Rick Green

I'll just tell, I'll give her a shout out Nicole Stewart In fact I don't even think she's the chapter chair and because she was involved there she kind of knew a little bit about who we were and she just, I mean, she knew what we were looking for in terms of a Patriot Academy campus and it just anyway, it worked out great and we love the local folks in Gillespie County. Now, in fact, a good friend of ours that our family grew up with, known her for gosh 30 years I guess, is now your Hayes County chapter chair, Amanda Boehm. I mean, it's just like God's just been weaving all these things together, for us to be working together and then we see each other. We've seen each other at events for the last couple of years.

When I heard you speak at CMP I was just like, oh my gosh, god has given this woman a gift for not just communicating but a fighting spirit and the strategy to win, which is, hey, that's what we do in the tavern. We talk revolutionary strategies and tactics to take back ground in this nation, and you're doing it already. So we wanted you to share with our audience, both on Warrior Poets Society Network and over at Patriot U, what's the Moms for Liberty plan going forward and how can people at home help you?

Tina Descovich

Well, moms for Liberty, it takes people at home helping us. We are totally a grassroots, bottom-up organization. You know we form in chapters around the country. We talked about that we're just three years old, three and a half years old. We started in my back bedroom. I had lost my school board re-election, didn't really know what my next step was to do. I made a list of things that were important to me and God, family, country and education because I was just coming off the school board which I loved that job and I saw what was happening to children in my community around the country and joined forces with Tiffany Justice and we launched Moms for Liberty.

Rick Green

Now wait, stop there, tina, stop there. I got to highlight this. You lost your school board race. You didn't go curl up in the fetal position and give up. Oh God, why me? You know why? Obviously God doesn't want me in the public arena. No, no, you said okay, well, obviously the Lord's got a different direction and you doubled down.

Tina Descovich

I I I wasn't planning on doubling down, to be honest, uh, but I knew that I would always be in the fight at some level and my faith is strong. I don't know what else to say. I wasn't devastated by the loss. I walked outside after I knew a couple of weeks prior that I was going to lose.

She was a force to be reckoned with with the Democrat Party and with the teachers union in the state. They came after me full force because I was one of the most conservative school board members in the state. They bussed people in to knock doors. I was watching the numbers. She beat the pants off of me before early voting even started with mail ballots, and so I knew by the time election day comes, just even just look at the numbers, like, even if I double turned out what I had done four years prior, I still couldn't beat her, because she beat me so far in advance with mail ballots, and so I knew the writing was on the wall. But of course you know you're still hopeful. So I had my win party and we were all watching the numbers roll in and and it didn't take long to realize that I was not the winner and I walked outside the tavern that where my win party was at Interesting.

Rick Green

No, come on. Are you serious?

Tina Descovich


 Well, it was a restaurant bar, so you know tavern.

Rick Green

Okay, we're going to call it a tavern, okay.

Tina Descovich

What did that tavern feel. Totally? Yeah, I walked outside and, honestly, I stood out there because I knew I had to make the call. You know, congratulations, right. And I looked up and there was a beautiful rainbow and I wasn't. I mean, I was sad because I loved my position on the school board, I loved serving the children in my community and my community, but I wasn't devastated. I kind of saw it coming. I knew God had a different plan. I had no idea what it was. I never could have imagined that it was Moms for Liberty and what I was getting at with joined forces with Tiffany Justice did not know her, by the way. We're in this like lifelong marriage now, running Moms for Liberty and we didn't even know each other.

Rick Green

Is she in the same state as you? Are you all in the same state?

Tina Descovich

Yeah, she was a school board member too, from 2016 to 2020. She chose not to run again. She had a really rough experience serving on the school board in her community. So she, her husband and their family said peace out. We're done, uh, with this.

Rick Green

 I did our, we did our tour of duty, we're, we're going home and and hey, by the way, tina, I want to tell you most people cannot say this I know exactly how you felt that night. I've won and lost elections and and I I, as you were describing that I was literally taken back in time to the night of a big race that was, you know, all over the media and a really nasty millions of dollars, and that having to make that phone call and watching those numbers come in and realizing I know exactly how you felt that night and the looking for okay, God, if that's not where I'm supposed to be, what's next? So, anyway, just wanted to tell you, God bless you for being in the fight, man.

Tina Descovich

I'm with you. You're there with your friends that have been working so hard.

Rick Green

That's the hardest part. You're looking at them. They've been putting out signs. They've been working so hard. I hear you. It's like I literally cried because of them. I was like y'all paid the price for this and now what you did is not paying off and I feel not responsible, but it's like I don't know. It's just a weird feeling. All those things together. You're tired because you've been going around the clock for months. Most people have no idea what that feels like. As the candidate, I just want to tell you God bless you for being in the fight.

Tina Descovich

Oh, thank you, and thank you for your service, too, and Tiffany for her service and so we I reached out to her and said, hey, let's do this thing. And she was like, okay, we need to help them. I'm shortening it down, which was a much longer conversation and discussion, but in general, we were watching both watching what was going on in America in the fall of 2020, from at school board seats and we saw parents across the country showing up at schoolboard meetings, trying to advocate for their kids and their kids in their community, trying to get schools open, masks off kids trying to get the ideologies that they now are seeing were happening because the lessons are being streamed into their home stopped. And you know, everybody knows what happened their mics were getting shut off. They were getting locked out of school, literally public locked out of school board meetings shut down. They're making no progress.

And she and I had a discussion and we knew how this process worked and we knew why they weren't being effective and they knew what. We knew what they needed to do to be effective, and so we said, let's just, let's start this thing. We'll help the moms in Florida that we're seeing show up. We were going to my five year business plan was to have 67 chapters, because there's 67 counties in Florida in five years. Long story short. We're three and a half years later. You know we are in 48 states, 320 chapters, I think, 130,000 moms on the ground, and so you know God had a different plan.

Rick Green

Oh, my goodness, did he? Yeah, you can make your plans. He's directing your steps, absolutely for sure. And I want to point out something for people that are watching this notice what happened here to both Tiffany and Tina. We don't know sometimes what God's taking us through to prepare us for a bigger battle coming down the road. And so what you just said, tina, is you're watching all these people try to impact what's happening at the local school district. They don't know how. They don't know how the meetings work, how to deal with all these things.

You and Tiffany had both, at the separate school districts, gone through the fire and learned how to do that, and now you're going. Okay, we've got this skill set, we've got this knowledge of how this process works, as we would say here in the tavern, the strategy and tactics, and so why are we? Let's go share this with other moms, and then you're hoping to just to have an impact in Florida and boom, God explodes it all across the country. Lance Wall and I would call it convergence. I mean God literally prepared y'all for this moment in time Talk about an Esther moment, such a time as this, to take what you had learned and equip and inspire and literally prepare thousands and thousands of moms and dads across the country to take what you had learned, that whole story.

That's what God does, and there's people at home right now. That's happened to you. You've had something in your life that God's used to equip you and prepare you and sharpen you, and sometimes that refining is painful, but it's for such a time as this and He's ready for you to step out in the fight. Sorry, tina, I had to preach a little bit. Go ahead.

Tina Descovich

No, I just you keep saying such a time as this, and that is one of our mottos here at Moms for Liberty.

Rick Green

Love it.

Tina Descovich

I feel very strongly that that is what's happening. We have a shirt for such a time as this. We'll probably talk about our national summit here in a few minutes. There is such a time as this gala, and it's when we give out seventh awards to moms that have been nominated by other moms around the country for what they've been doing, and we showcase the work that they've been doing. There isn't a dry eye in the room because they are out on the front lines, truly truly just getting abused and battling, and they get hardly any attagirls, and so this is a moment to really give them a good attagirl, and it girls, and so this is a moment to really give them a good at a girl. And it's a powerful night.

But at such a time as this, and that we've been prepared for this in so many ways we say it all the time who knew that me standing in front of town halls here with a thousand people and screaming at me over local issues would have thickened my skin to be able to handle? I have to handle nationally now. And the same thing for Tiffany. Like I said, she got cut through the ringer in her district. Our Republican parties locally turned their back on both of us. We didn't know each other while these things were happening and we felt both very alone in what we were doing, and so we've been able to build this army because moms across the country, and dads for that matter, have felt very alone, and we are them and we identify well with them, and so it's just grown 

Rick Green

you know what you just described is so important, like when you say they didn't get the attagirls.

It's the opposite, it's. It's it's you you really do. You go speak at the school board and now, all of a sudden, you're a pariah in your own community. People that you've known for years used to be cordial with maybe your kids played ball together, or whatever it might be and all of a sudden they shun you, simply because you've been willing to stand up and speak truth, and I think this is what the founders meant in the Declaration lives fortune, sacred honor. It's your reputation. You literally are putting that on the line, and if you don't have other people locking shields with you, encouraging you, are you able to encourage them? Man, it's hard to stay in the fight. That community of patriots and community of people willing to stand together is vital, and that's what y'all created and networked all of these moms from across the country knowing exactly what they were going to face when they did stand up in their community. And that's why it really is such a time as this. And so to honor those that you're going to at the dinner and then to just give all the other moms across the country that are involved, as you said, and dads too, a place that they can learn and realize we're not alone. There are other patriots that are saying the same things, fighting the same battles in their communities and a lot of our rural community. Moms and dads think it's not happening in their community and then they find out what's happening, even in their school district. It's not just this, you know big city stuff. It's happening everywhere across the country because all these teachers have been educated at these left-wing schools. So man.

I mean it is absolutely perfect timing what you guys are doing. So let's talk about that perfect timing in DC, the summit that's coming up in just a few days, and you guys got some fantastic speakers and a great agenda coming up. Tell us about the summit and about the March for Kids.

Tina Descovich

Oh now, this is where I get passionate. Our summit is, hands down, the best event Sorry if you put on events too, rick, but the best event in the country all year long. A lot of people go to a lot of conferences year round and we send out a survey after, and if you could just read through what people say, I've been going to these things for 30 years and this is the best one I've ever attended.

We try to make sure every detail is perfect, because we know the people that are coming to us.

They've been on the front lines and we are bringing them in, we're feeding them well, we're trying to take care of them, we're equipping them, we're empowering them, we're training them, we're giving them all the tools and resources that they need to go back out to the front lines, and that's how we look at what's happening at Summit. We also celebrate them, as we talked about for the Saturday night dinner, but a majority of our Summit is I'm going to call it intensive training. We have breakout sessions on how to knock doors. Train you on how to canvas doors, on the app to canvas doors. We train you on issues like social, emotional learning and what's happening in the schools critical race theory, gender ideology, a lot of discussion on that happening. We bring in experts from around the country to do that. It's not just me or Tiffany standing there talking about what we know, but we bring in the best people that can really equip us to go back out on the front lines, and so we so it's both.

Rick Green

It's both a respite where they get to come and be encouraged by others and you go home kind of fired up because of that, but also education and training so that when you go home you fight better, You're more equipped for that fight.

Tina Descovich

There's so much laughter and tears and just people saying I just it's so good to be here with my, my people, because you do feel like a pariah in your community when you stand up and when you speak out and when you're doing this fight, and so it's just great to be around people where you can speak freely, speak your mind, what you believe, what you stand for, and get at a girls for it. Right, you stand up in one of the breakout sessions and and share a personal perspective and everybody in the room agrees with you for the most part, it just feels really good and so it’s just a great place to be. Historically, so this is year number three so historically, we have brought in amazing speakers. Last year in Philadelphia we had all five Republican presidential candidates. We invited Biden and RFK jr but they chose not to come. This year- well we’ve had Dennis Prager and Dr. Ben Carson and Secrtary DeVos and, of course, Governer DeSantis because it was here in Florida the first year and he even came again last year. This year we have another amazing lineup at our dinner. We have Glenn Beck headlining it.

Rick Green


Tina Descovich

Yeah, always a warrior for truth. Yeah, and Friday morning for our breakfast we actually have three people that were former Democrats. We have Tulsi Gabbard, jennifer Say, I'm not sure if you're familiar with her

Rick Green

Oh yeah, man, I follow her on social media Levi's Right she was. She was running Levi's and man totally took a stand and got canceled and she's been a great voice against all the insanity of men and women's sports and everything else. That's great. I'm glad you got her yeah.

Tina Descovich

Yeah, so we have Jennifer Say and then Tulsi Gabbard and then Maude Marin. I'm not sure if you're familiar with her. She's on a school board. Well, was, I think they just threw her off A school board in New York City. Either is a Democrat or a former Democrat, probably not too far away from leaving the Democrat Party. been just abusing her because she is a member of Moms for Liberty and championing and fighting for the things that we're doing in the New York City area. So we've got Sebastian Gorka in the afternoon, Dr James Lindsay, who is a champion always, and then, if we move over to Sunday, we have some speakers. On Sunday we have Dr Alveda King.

Rick Green

Love Alveda King. We did a show with her once. We do this thing called Chasing American Legends, where we go do history mystery, and we went to MLK's church where he grew up, and Alveda came of course his niece and told us stories about her dad, ad King and MLK the Sons of Thunder. Oh my gosh, she's amazing. I love Alveda. I'm so glad you got her.

Tina Descovich

She is a walking piece of history.

I love her.

And spirit she brings to everything, if she's in the room isn't there just a whole other spirit?

Rick Green

It's incredible.

Tina Descovich

Yeah, and we have that morning. We also have Marissa, the CEO of PragerU, moderating a panel of three Ivy League Jewish students who the theme that morning is the blessings of liberty, and so they're going to be discussing about how their religious liberty has been threatened and at risk and what they've experienced in K-12 and since they've been in college and Ivy League schools. So that should be fascinating. And then we also have somebody else Sunday morning Do you know that?

Rick Green

What else would you talk? I don't know what you would talk that morning off fascinating. And then we also have somebody else Sunday morning. Do you know that? What else would you talk? I don't know what you would talk that morning off with, like, maybe something about biblical citizenship or the history of the founding fathers and how they were people of faith. I don't know who could do that If David Barton's not available or Tim Barton. You got to dig out of the bottom of the barrel and there you might find America's Constitution Coach.

No, I am so pumped about being there with you guys. It's going to be amazing. I don't know if I want to follow Alveda King though. Man, that's tough, okay. But the Prager panel's between us, or not? Oh, that's going to be tough, yeah. And, by the way, prageru I have a standing scholarship offer to any student that will do one PragerU a day for 365 days. I give them a $500 scholarship to come to Patriot Academy, because it's better than any college degree. You'll be broader and deeper on your thinking than any college degree would do for you. So love PragerU. And Dennis usually comes in, or at least pipes in and talks to the Patriot Academy grads, and I think he's the wisest man in America, so I'm glad you got him as well.

Tina Descovich


It's going to be a great weekend it is going to be a great weekend and I'm looking, is it?

Rick Green

too late to register. Are you full up or can people? I know we're doing this kind of last minute, but we have 75 more tickets left.

Tina Descovich

We also have another speaker that we have not announced, which um, sometimes it just takes a while to be able to announce some of these people because their schedules are crazy. Everybody is going to want to be there for that speaker. Hopefully we'll be able to announce him I'll give you that much of a hint in the next day or two. So 75 tickets left and then we're sold out. Every year we sell out. I'm sure we're going to sell out, so get your tickets. Right on the front screen, click on Summit and get your tickets.

Rick Green

And if they can't come, or once you do sell out, will you stream any of it or is it ticket only? You got to be there in person.

Tina Descovich

Yeah, we live stream all of the general sessions on our website and record them and post them later. And then all the breakout sessions are recorded too, because they're training tools and so those usually take a couple of weeks to process and get them up on the website and such, but eventually all of it will be accessible to be watched.

But there is nothing like being there, and so yeah, 

Rick Green

you know the iron sharpening we talked about and just that camaraderie and knowing you're not alone. There's no substitute for being in that room and having the conversations in between sessions and all those things. I totally agree. I think that's why COVID killed so much of the American spirit because people weren't getting together and having that fellowship. So yeah, love it, love it, love it. And it's DC JW Marriott, that's where you're having it right.

Tina Descovich

August 31st, which is a Saturday morning, and we have canceled all of our events for summit for Saturday day. And we have joined forces with you all and 40 other organizations and we are all in for a coalition for the March for Kids. And so did you know? You know so much about history, but did you know? In the history of the United States, there has never, ever been a March for kids or children on the National Mall. Did you know that?

Rick Green

It's time I did not know. You know this is one of those literally sorry, Charlie Kirk, stealing this from you for a second turning point moments in history, because it is when they go after the kids that all of a sudden people wake up and realize what was going on. And of course, course, you guys have been dealing with it right on the front lines of this battle, but for most Americans, they had no idea just how nasty and evil the opposition was, and so this really is. I mean to have this march right now, before the election, and going into the sessions, the legislative sessions next spring, to raise awareness to what they've been doing and that your own children are at risk for what's being fed to them in their brain, to what's being done at schools. This is the moment to do the first March for Kids.

Tina Descovich

It absolutely is. It's going to be at the Jefferson Memorial, so it's going to be very unique. We picked the Jefferson specifically because anybody that's researched Jefferson again, you historic. You know you're a history buff and expert. Can I call you a historian? Can I call you a historian?

Rick Green

That'll scare a lot of people. But yeah, I don't know.

Tina Descovich

I don't know those things. I'm sorry, but I think people look to you that you are an expert in American history and so when you study Jefferson, he is, you'll see, behind me. Monticello is right there. I've been to Monticello more times than anybody really should visit.

Rick Green

Did you know that we're rebuilding Monticello at the Patriot Academy campus? What we're building Independence Hall and Monticello it's going to be amazing. I'm sorry. Go ahead, can you?

Tina Descovich

please invite me out there.

I have not seen even what you have now. I think we need a Moms for Liberty satellite office in Monticello. I think that would be just amazing. Alright folks out of time for today. We're going to pick up with Tina tomorrow and get the remainder or most of her interview tomorrow. But also be sure and check out Only a few days left, but you can still join us in DC for the March. Thanks so much for listening to the WallBuilder Show. 


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