The WallBuilders Show

Rediscovering Historical Truths Amidst Challenging Cultural Narratives- with Seth Gruber

August 19, 2024 Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

What if the key to understanding today's cultural battles lies in events and ideologies from over a century ago? We start by exploring the critical role of personal responsibility within the family and local community, drawing from biblical, historical, and constitutional perspectives. We also shed light on the detrimental effects of progressive ideologies on American education and culture, particularly focusing on the eugenics movement and Margaret Sanger's role in promoting that mindset in America. Don't miss our conversation with Seth Gruber about his upcoming initiative, the 1916 Project, which aims to counter the narratives of the controversial 1619 Project.

Our journey continues as we uncover the historical and modern cultural conflicts that have influenced today's ideological struggles. We'll delve into the contributions of figures like Max Horkheimer, Antonio Gramsci, Herbert Marcuse, and Angela Davis, and discuss their impact on movements such as the 1619 Project and Black Lives Matter. We also critically assess the evolution of Planned Parenthood, from its eugenics-based origins to its current role as a major provider of abortion services and cross-sex hormones for youth. Finally, we emphasize the importance of revisiting historical truths to better understand and address current cultural issues, advocating for critical content evaluation, especially for children's materials. Special thanks to Seth Gruber for his invaluable insights and contributions to this deep and thought-provoking discussion.

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Rick Green

Welcome to the Intersection of Faith and Culture. Thanks for joining us today. I'm Rick Green, America's Constitution Coach, here with David and Tim Barton, and we appreciate you joining us. We're at the Intersection of Faith and Culture because it's the place where we have our faith influence the culture and every topic we talk about is from that biblical, historical and constitutional perspective, because you need those foundational truths and you need those guideposts, if you will, to have a good culture and a good society, and so we're thankful that you're here with us to be a part of that.

And one person in this system can make a difference. I think we've seen that with David Barton, We've seen it with Glenn Beck, We've seen it with Donald Trump, We've seen it with you know people that are willing to step forward, and you don't have to be a president or a radio host or start a big ministry. You just got to stand up for truth wherever you are. You got to rebuild the wall where you are so you can be that person that makes a difference in your town, in your community or maybe even your whole state, but, most importantly, in your home, right there, with your kids and grandkids, teaching them truth, so that the most important thing you'll ever do is make sure that your family is a good small political unit. If you will, If you really want to impact America, impact your family in a positive way. It's not near as important what's happening in the State House or the White House as what's happening in your house. It's vitally important for us to recognize that we can complain about Washington DC, complain about our state legislatures, all day long. Let's make sure we're doing our part and I'm preaching to myself here. Listen. I need to do more in my local community. I need to do more with my family, and every single one of us can do more, and now is the time to do that. Lives, fortune, sacred honor and now is the time to step up and give more of our time that's our life more of our money to our reputation, our sacred honor, our willingness to speak truth and let the chips fall where they may. That's what we do here at Wall Builders and we're thankful that you're here with us as a part of this effort to influence culture with our faith. All right, guys Seth Gruber is going to be with us a little later in the program talking about a new movie and book that's coming out. is the website 1916, not 1619. Of course, a lot of our listeners have been through biblical citizenship, Tim. They've seen your presentation on a response to the 1619 project, which is amazing. If you haven't seen it, folks, you need to go right now get biblical citizenship. Just fast forward to week two. Well, not week two. Week one's pretty good with Kirk Cameron too, but anyway, make sure you watch that response to the 1619 Project. This is different. This is actually dealing with the assault on our culture for the last hundred years and is dated back to the beginning of Planned Parenthood. So it's going to be really interesting to learn that background, Margaret Sanger, and that whole story.

David Barton

Yeah, this is a big side of the progressive movement, and out of the progressive movement came a lot of bad stuff, not the least of which is the takeover of education and how the Frankfurt School over in Germany had all this bad view that led to a lot of what the Nazis did. But they got chased out of Germany. They came to America I think it was Columbia University took over the Frankfurt School and started offering PhDs and et cetera, and so this is where progressive stuff really gets entrenched in education. But progressives were after every part of the culture. So not only education, but the thing in education was you know, there are some races that are much more advanced than other races.

Darwin made that really clear. They relied on Darwin, you know. Darwin said the darker your skin is, the more ignorant you tend to be. The lighter your skin is, the more ignorant you tend to be. The lighter your skin is, the more brighter you are. And so in things like the Sin of man, he said hey, let's let dark-skinned people go back to Africa until their skin turns light and then they come join the rest of us.

It was all racist kind of stuff, but that was progressive and it was following the science At least they believed they were following the science, and so part of that was you got into eugenics, and eugenics is well, there are certain races that should not repopulate, because they're just inferior races. And so Margaret Sanger and her friends and those with her said hey, we should control reproduction. They made the analogy that when you look at cattle herds, you don't let the weakest part of the cattle reproduce, it's the best part. That's what you want, and so that's where they get into Planned Parenthood clinics and that's where they start selecting who can and can't reproduce.

Tim Barton

And, dad, I think it was actually even before Margaret Singer and her friends that by the cattle conversations you go back to Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy Roosevelt was a outdoorsman, a frontiersman, adventure, rough hunter, but but he bought into some of this early on because of the argument of hey, right, if you have this cattle herd, you wouldn't take an inferior bull and breed that with your best heifer or even with one of your poor heifers, and that you know you're, you're gonna prolong your herd with an inferior product. And he said you know that does make sense, because if you, if you have a cattle. And so this was the early ideas on. But as these ideas began to be developed, this is where you see people like the Margaret Sanger take some of those progressive ideas, and not to say that she might not have been on board with those early parts of the conversation, because I think she was.

But the development from the early ideas, when this really hadn't been fleshed out very much, was actually a similar foundation to what even happens over in Germany in World War II, where their eugenics when Hitler came to power there were 19 groups that he targeted and some of those were his political opponents, some had an ideological bent, but then it was people that he thought were from that inferior level, whether it be the gypsies or the Jews or the homosexuals or the physically disabled, and he went through this long list of people that he thought had mental or some kind of physical issues and disabilities.

Well, that idea, that same idea, was being promoted in America, and this is part of what gave birth to a lot of what Margaret Sanger did. And so there were different groups that were targeted in America and this is part of what gave birth to a lot of what Margaret Sanger did and so there were different groups that were targeted in America. There was eugenics programs in America. There actually were programs where they were trying to control people that could reproduce in America. There were sterilization programs in America, and there was a lot of these people with these same ideas. There was a lot of overlap between them.

David Barton

Yeah, the US Supreme Court actually said the state can step in and sterilize people that should not be reproducing. So the Supreme Court upheld those eugenics. The first eugenic law was passed back in 1896, but the Supreme Court said, yes, this is right, we can control this.

Tim Barton

And they weren't referring. Just to clarify, they weren't referring to someone that had been a violent rapist right Because, for example, Louisiana right, there are some options in Louisiana where there's like a death penalty, but there is a castration penalty in Louisiana and I think that's actually happened even earlier this year but that's for someone that's committed a very heinous criminal act. The US Supreme Court backing up my recollection is they weren't referring to this heinous criminal act.

David Barton


Tim Barton

They were saying well, some people, they have a mental handicap, their mental disability, and they shouldn't be reproducing. We need to go ahead and sterilize them. All that to say is all of this ideology was there, and this is the part of leads Margaret Sanger when she's thinking of well, who are people that shouldn't reproduce? Well, black people they really. We want to limit the dynamic in the family and how many black babies there are. There was a reason that Planned Parenthood went up in so many black neighborhoods where they began building these buildings. And for anybody that kind of questions and wonders and doubts this, you can go look this up or maybe we can listen to Seth unfold this a little bit more. Maybe in his book and movie he gets into this some as well. But certainly when you start going back, there is a lot of very dark, evil, sinister ideas that came from some of these progressive liberals in American history.

David Barton

Yeah, and that whole eugenics movement that really centers around Planned Parenthood, 1916. It's interesting that in 1925, when Hitler did Mein Kampf, he specifically points to what he got from the Americans as part of helping shape his philosophy of inferior races and who he needed to get rid of. With America, they were targeting blacks with him. He targets Jews, blacks too, but there were not nearly as many blacks in Europe at the time. So this whole thing I mean 1916, planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, that whole group started something that had global ramifications, quite frankly, and it's not a good deal and very few people know how much evil came out of what they did back in the early 1900s.

And so Seth has been able to kind of document that turn it back, and I like the fact they didn't call it the 1619 Project but the 1916 Project, if you want to say this is where evil came from. This is a good starting place. This is certainly where a lot of policy evil policies came from was this, and it certainly had a global impact. That was evil. So it's a good time to target. It's not the source of all evil, but it's a source of a lot of evil that came out in that progressive era.

Rick Green

Seth Gruber, our guest when we return. Stay with us folks. You're listening to the WallBuilder Show.


Rick Green

Welcome back to the WallBuilders Show. Thanks for staying with us. It's good to have Seth Gruber back. The19 Builder Show Thanks for staying with us. Good to have Seth Gruber back New documentary out man. This is going to upset a lot of those pro-abortion folks because we're going to reveal the history of so much of this sickness in our culture right now. Seth great to have you back on, brother. 

Seth Gruber

Thank you, brother, good to be with you.

Rick Green

Hey man, you guys have been very, very busy, by the way. Just incredible, ministry. You have a gift for bringing to light this truth with a smile on your face. I don't know how you do it all the time. I mean you're dealing with a lot of sick stuff out there, and yet you still have the joy of the Lord. So let's start there. Man, how do you keep the joy?

Seth Gruber

Yeah, well, I mean, if, yeah, I mean Chesterton once said you know, the true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but because he loves what is behind him. 

Rick Green


Seth Gruber

And it is important to remember that the battle we are in is really for the soul of the Country and the soul of the world, the next generation, babies, children, the family that if we can't preserve and protect them, then we've already lost actually. And a nation that murders its own children, it will eventually commit suicide. And those who murder the unborn cannot be trusted to govern the born. And those who murder the unborn will one day murder you too.

The longer that we tolerate what should be called the sacrament of Satan, the sacrament of Satan, the killing of children through abortion. And of course, all this stuff is connected which is why I did the 1916 Project Brother, the book and the film is because this has always been much larger than just, oh, the left wants to kill babies, they love abortion Well, okay, sure, we all know that. Duh, wake up.

But you can't deal with the culture war in bits and pieces. Like Francis Schaeffer said, it's all connected. There's an underlying worldview that animates all of the secularisms and all of the secular issues that are, of course, fundamentally theological. Right, they live very religiously. It's the religion of humanism, neo-malthusianism, Klaus Schwabism, Hillary Clintonism, call whatever you want, it's all the same thing. And so you can't just hack at the abortion tentacle and fail to realize the Leviathan and the beast behind this thing. So we connect kind of all the dots of how this sexual kooky revolution was created by very evil but very animated actors of the 20th century whose deeds and work we're seeing unfold before our eyes so rapidly now in the 21st century.

Rick Green

Well, and even when you say you know, use language like this battle for our kids and all of these things, it has been a battle for the other side. They've been in the trenches for 100 years fighting. We've been asleep at the wheel up until the last few years. 

Seth Gruber

That's right, 

Rick Green

and so that, yeah, what you're pointing to is okay. We're seeing all the negatives, we're seeing this stuff in the culture, but, man, they've been sewing this stuff in and pouring this into the minds of our children for multiple, multiple generations. So they've been hard at work and that's really what you're revealing is that, look, this stuff doesn't just suddenly appear into a culture. This took a lot of work on their part and it's going to take some work on our part to dismantle it and to fight back.

Seth Gruber

Yeah, that's right, brother. So one of the early members and eventual directors of the Frankfurt School, his name was Max Horkheimer, and he was not shy, brother, in explaining the strategy you just said he said. He said “the revolution will not happen with guns. Rather, it will happen incrementally, year by year. We will infiltrate their schools and bureaucracies, transforming them into Marxist entities as we move toward universal egalitarianism.” What he's talking about there, brother, is the strategy of the robes.

This is a phrase that came from Antonio Gramsci or Gramsci, however you want to say it who was kind of the intellectual godfather of the Frankfurt School, and your listeners may remember Gramsci. What a foul of Mussolini. He pissed off Mussolini, spent the rest of his life in prison and he wrote and read voluminously. His prison letters became the basis for critical theory and the founding of the Frankfurt School, before the German Jews who were leading the Frankfurt School moved it to Columbia University because they feared Hitler and the rise of the Third Reich. And so the Frankfurt School ends up turning out kind of the fathers of the radical hippie movement and the radical yippie movement. One of those men is one of the fathers of the free love movement. His name is Herbert Marcuse. Him and Wilhelm Reich, kind of, were the fathers of the free love movement. Well, Herbert Marcuse mentored someone, brother, named Angela Davis, who's still alive today. She's one of those anti-white, critical race theorists, racist. Angela Davis then, of course, mentored guess who? Nicole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 Project and the co-founders of Black Lives Matter Incorporated. And, of course, it was the 1619 Project that gave BLM, in the summer of 2020, its intellectual rigor, allegedly, by saying everything is racist and that's when the left ate its own. And that's when they went after Planned Parenthood. Literally the disciples of the preschool through the 1619 Project, the New York Times, which is now special on Hulu. They went after Planned Parenthood the summer of 2020, brother. Hilarious, because the revolution always eats its own. And they said hey, your founder, Margaret Sanger, was a racist and a eugenicist. This is not conservatives saying this. We've been saying that for 100 years, brother. This was the left eating the left. And then Planned Parenthood canceled Margaret Sanger in the summer of 2020, took her name off their flagship Manhattan New York City clinic and said she was a racist. And so my project traces that history back to the first clinic in 1916, which would turn into the best funded nonprofit in human history the largest abortion provider in the world, the largest provider of the pornographic comprehensive sex ed in the schools that have angry moms and dads at school board meetings, and now Planned Parenthood. Brother is the second largest provider of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for America’s gender confused youth. And we've only scratched the surface.

Rick Green

Wow wow, okay, I I gotta ask you at what point did you realize that you had 1916?

to go, yeah, I mean you. You and I both realize you know we talk about this sometimes. But I mean we. We both recognize good marketing and when you realized that, that happened in 1916, you had to go. Okay, this will preach man, I got to use this 

Seth Gruber

yeah it was with my team. I was explaining the idea of what turned into the 1916 Project and my chief of staff said hey, it sounds like you're explaining the 1619 Project, but like in a good way, like how it should have been, like how we have to go back to history to understand how we got to where we are today, but like it's almost like 1619 project, but like the right way. And when he said that it hit me like a ton of bricks, brother, and I went wait a second. Margaret Sanger probably the most successful revolutionary Marxist leftist of the 20th century, except maybe Kinsey, but she's right up there. She opened her first clinic in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, new York, in 1916. And that became the beginning of Planned Parenthood as we know it today.

So the book, brother, is called The 1916 Project the Lying the Witch and the War. We're In the Lying the Witch and the War. We're In. And the film is a 75 minute long full documentary,  and we really unearth the how and why of our progressive culture shift. And we make stops at some crazy places like the offices of Playboy magazine, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and an Asian altar dedicated to the god Moloch, and even with your audience, who probably knows more about history than almost any other podcast audience in the country.

I think the connections will shock you, they will anger you, but after you see this stuff, you can't unsee it. You can't unhear it, and David Barton is one of the only guys I've ever talked to who actually knew all this stuff already. No surprises there, but there has been an agenda for a long time and that agenda has been hidden from us. This is not a forgotten history. It's a hidden history and I bring all the receipts in this book and film and we have hundreds of churches around the country hosting screenings of the 1916 Project right now. And I'll tell you that I'll finish with this If this film goes viral in black America, the Democrats won't be able to win elections anymore, because this stuff, the agenda against black people and minorities that Sanger and these eugenicists had, is so evil, demonic and shocking that you actually have to do the primary source citations and resources and research, because the liberal establishment has really memory hold a lot of this stuff.

Rick Green

Dude, I just I love you man.

I just got to tell you God's gifted you I love the way that you take this difficult, evil subject with so much nastiness in it. Again, with joy, you go out there, you're a happy warrior. But the gift of the language, I mean I love this. The 1916 Project, the lying, the witch and the war we're in, so, so good. All right, folks, you got to get the book and do a screening of the movie at your church and, and like Seth just said, man, hundreds of churches out there, a lot of our constitution coaches are hosting this in their churches. It's really exciting the momentum that is behind this thing. So night,, the And bro, I'm just, I'm just scrolling down and look at this. I'm seeing so many friends that I mean Kurt up there in Bismarck, north dakota's, got one, uh, coming up patriot church out in in Tennessee. A ton of calvary chapels across the country, a flashpoint. We're going to be playing it at our event next week. I think you're going to be there right in Chicago, are you coming?

Seth Gruber

I'm, I'm, I'm trying to make the flights work and I I think I can get there, brother.

Okay, yeah, the book comes out September 4th. The film comes out for the world probably the first week of October, right before the election. But you guys can pre-order this book right now. We're starting to soar up the charts and we really need your help to make this thing go viral. and the hardcover brother this is called. The hardcover copy comes with a timeline that folds out like old Glenn Beck style with all the connections that will shock you, and it folds up in a little sleeve in the book. It's a perfect thing for homeschoolers, for Christian schools, for home groups, for churches. And then later this year we're coming out with all of the unused footage from the film that we couldn't fit into the film and it's going to be all of the chalkboard footage where we connect the dots with Dr George Grant in the film and all the unused interview footage in a multi-episode series for small group churches, christian schools, homeschoolers, to really dive deeper and learn how we got here so we can reverse engineer the sexual revolution man so good, brother, so good.

Rick Green

All right, folks, there you can order. You can pre-order the book and you can order it in bulk discount as well. Get it out to your friends and family and then also set up a screening and make sure you're getting this in front of as many people as possible. Seth, super excited for you, man, and for our country. This is the kind of thing that needs to happen. It's high quality, it's done with the right touch to get people to really to change hearts and minds. I mean, that's what the whole purpose here is to change hearts and minds, and that takes a special touch. So, man, God bless you and we're going to get the word out and get as many people sharing this as humanly possible. Hope to see you in Chicago and, if not, at another event soon. 

Seth Gruber

Amen To you, brother, thank you. That's Seth Gruber. Stay with us, folks. We'll be right back with David and Tim Barton.


Rick Green

Welcome back to the WallBuilders Show Thanks to Seth Gruber for joining us Once again. The website is You can do a screening, you can get the hardback book. So, David and Tim, good information here, good stuff to get out there, you know. I think to really win the culture war and to bring the nation back, you got to know how we got in the mess in the first place. So this helps us to educate ourselves on these things.

Tim Barton

It really does. And there's a lot of things that I think, Americans in general, we've embraced and maybe even normalized without knowing why we were doing some of those in the first place. Why did these things start? And so even this argument of women's healthcare, planned Parenthood was not a women's healthcare movement. And yet today, when politicians talk about women's healthcare or women's health, the number one thing that is being referred to in these conversations by these politicians is the abortion issue. But if you go back again, steady, who were the early promoters of abortion or Planned Parenthood? Of course people argue today well, planned Parenthood does so much more than just abortion. Look at all the things they do. But almost everything they do outside of the actual abortion quote, unquote, abortion is things leading up to, assisting and contributing to that actual abortion. They are abortion mills and they were not founded for women's health care.

And this is why I am so grateful that there are people who are helping to Expose some of this because, again, so often, the narratives in America are shaped by people that don't have necessarily all the information, and I'm saying shaped the way it's being embraced today.

I think that some of the people that are trying to intentionally shape the narrative, they have a level of intentionality, they know some of these details and they're intentionally concealing them, but a lot of people that are repeating it.

That, therefore, is impacting the way it's shaping the modern culture. They don't understand this foundation and where it came from, and I am very excited to see this film, to see what it gets into. I would anticipate there's going to be some very dark and sinister parts of it, because that's part of the eugenics movement, it's part of the progressive movement and the human betterment society and Margaret Sanger and just so many things back there connected. So it's something that, before we give a blanket endorsement, we might say hey, parents, check this out. This might not be kid-friendly in every moment, because some of the evil that was going on was very dark, but it is very important for us to go back and rediscover some of this truth so that we're able to fight against some of this evil that's happening in culture with the reality and the truth of where this came from, why it was here, what they were trying to accomplish and, ultimately, what it's done to unborn babies, what it's done to families and what it's done to this nation this nation

Rick Green Check it out there, get that screening set up or get you a copy of the book and plan to promote the movie when it comes out in movie theaters here in a few weeks. Appreciate Seth Gruber joining us today. Thank you for listening. You've been listening to the Wallbuilers Show


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