The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
The Call to Safeguard Our Democratic Process with Million Voices- with John Graves
Unlock the truth behind election integrity as we dissect the lessons from past elections with clarity and determination. John Graves joins us to shed light on the state of our elections and the pitfalls of the Dominion voting machines. Our discourse is a journey through the intricate maze of election security efforts, learning from past failures to fortify the backbone of our republic.
Hear the alarming realities of electronic voting machines as we reveal the potential for vote manipulation through exposed encryption keys. This episode is a call to arms for bipartisan advocacy, recognizing the shared trepidations that cross party lines. Discover how your voice, amplified with action, can address these critical vulnerabilities. We equip you with the tools to engage local officials and safeguard the sanctity of every vote cast. Together, we can chart a path toward elections that truly reflect the will of the people.
Embrace the power of collective action as Million Voices guides us to rise against complacency and demand election integrity. Inspired by the timeless parable of the widow and the unjust judge, we stress the impact of persistence in civic engagement. We urge you to join forces, ensuring your vote—and the process that counts it—is beyond reproach. Stand with us, informed and empowered, to shape a future where every ballot is a true reflection of the voter who cast it.
Rick Green
Welcome to the Intersection of Faith and Culture. It's the WallBuilders Show and we're taking on hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. And just the other night, I was on a webinar with David Barton and he was talking about history. If you know history, you know what works, what doesn't work, and you'll be able to make better decisions. Well, we need to make better decisions with our voting machines and how we do our elections these days. Rick Green here with Tim Barton, do you think we've learned anything about elections and which systems work best?
Tim Barton
Well, I think it depends on what you mean by we. You know, I think some of us have probably learned we definitely have some thoughts about it. Just last week we were up in Washington DC. We were doing our annual spring pastor's briefing and we have pastors from all around the nation come up to DC and Tuesday night we give them a spiritual heritage tour of the US Capitol. We have a congressional sponsor and we're able to take them at night into rooms that normally they're unable to get into, that there's not a lot of traffic going on, so really fun opportunities.
But one of the things that happens the next day we have congressmen come and those talk to the pastors about what's going on, what their issues are, maybe sometimes what led them to maybe run for Congress in the first place, what they feel God has them doing while they're there. And one of the congressmen that came and talked to the pastors one of our good friends, friend of the show is Congressman Barry Loudermilk from Georgia, and one of the things that he's been doing he's the chair of the committee January 6th committee, going back and reviewing a lot of what happened. But one of the things that he said to the pastors that I thought was so well-spoken. He said you know, looking back at the election, the 2020 election, you know we can't really say it was stolen. Do I think it's stolen? You know, I don't know, but what I can say for sure is it was rigged. Because if you look at what Mark Zuckerberg did right, if you look at Twitter or Google whoever suppressing the Hunter Biden story, you look at some of these people that were involved in essentially electioneering, because they're taking part in shifting the outcome of the election. Certainly it was a rigged election in that sense, and I would say some lessons have been learned, because there are states that have been taking some actions. There are states that have been taking action trying to secure ballots, secure voter integrity, but you then have other states that maybe they didn't learn the lessons, or maybe they learned the lessons they wanted to learn that maybe having these mail-in ballots with drop boxes that are not secured all over the city allowed them to achieve some of the outcome they wanted. Maybe they learned that lesson. I don't know, but you've seen some liberal states that have definitely gone the wrong direction when it comes to securing elections or mail-in ballots.
We've talked about it before, that mail-in ballots, although certainly there's a valid reason in some situations for a mail-in ballot. There was so much abuse in the midst of COVID of the mail-in ballot system where people were taking advantage of it where there wasn't security, there wasn't oversight, we weren't checking, necessarily, signatures and addresses and whatever else needs to be checked. Also, we've seen from other nations that mail-in ballots is a place where it is the easiest for fraud to occur. It's the reason that many nations have moved away from some of these mail-in ballots because they know that gives dishonest people a chance to be dishonest.
And so, all that to say, I'm not sure what all lessons have been learned. I know states are taking action, but I think we're also still learning and discovering a lot of things along the way that probably there's going to be some state legislators probably some that we're friends with, some that we work with that they're going to continue to learn new things that will cause them to take even more actions. So I don't think we're as secure as we need to be, but I do know that some states have taken steps in the right direction.
Rick Green
Tim, how did you say that. You said basically, it makes it possible for dishonest people to do dishonest. How did you say it? Because it was I was well said and I want to borrow it. Do you remember how you said it?
Tim Barton
You know, the good thing about this show is you can get the podcast later in the day.
Rick Green
Oh great, I'm going to pull up my podcast right now.
Tim Barton
Yeah, I know the essence, because it's not the first time I've talked about it, but the exact words I'm not totally sure. I'll take another attempt. You can tell me if I get close to it.
But the reality is that when what other nations have discovered is that mail-in ballots allow the opportunity for fraudulent actions to occur where dishonest people can do dishonest things, because mail-in ballots by reality are not as secure as other means and mechanisms of voting, and that's why a lot of states have moved away from that. So that's one of the things we know, and again, I think there's still lessons to be learned. We have friends that are very involved. In fact, one of our good friends, coming on momentarily, is in the middle of a lot of stuff happening right now looking at elections and ballot security and what can be done, and so I'm actually kind of excited to hear what our friend, John Graves will tell us about this whole process going on right now.
Rick Green
Quick break, quick break, and I got it that time. It was an opportunity for dishonest people to do dishonest things. Doesn't mean it's definitely happening, but we're giving the opportunity. If we're not securing the elections, John Graves is going to talk to us about it when we come back. Stay with us. You're listening to the WallBuilders Show.
Rick Green
Welcome back to WallBuilders. Thanks for staying with us. John Graves from Million Voices. Back with us, John. Great to see you. Brother, Thanks for staying with us. John Gray is from Million Voices. Back with us, John, great to see you brother, thanks for coming on.
John Graves
Good to be with you. Thanks for having me on Rick.
Rick Green
Hey, you know I'm kind of a tech dummy, can I say it that way? I'm just plain stupid when it comes to this stuff. I do not understand Maybe part of the reason. I mean, you know, I'm pro, like you know, paper ballot because of my recount from, you know, 25 years ago, but I'm also pro paper ballot because I don't understand all these machines and they're complicated and I just don't trust that they won't be used to cheat and, of course, a lot of people. You have all the stuff from 2020 everybody has been talking about. You understand this stuff well, you're a tech guy and smart and you understand what's going on behind the scene. Apparently, something has happened in the last few weeks and months to uncover at least the possibility that some of the things that were claimed could have happened not that they did happen, but that they could have happened, that it was possible to hack into these things and all that. So catch me up on the tangible what's real about what we found inside the tech of these voting machines?
John Graves
Yeah, so what happened? Rick was a couple of months ago or it's been working for a long time, but there was a filing in the Supreme Court of the United States for a writ and it was in the Kerry Lake case that happened in Arizona against the state of Arizona over the election software. And three different cybersecurity experts that were very, very qualified all said that there were, that were not just Dominion machines in Maricopa, but they inspected those same Dominion machines in multiple states and every one of them had the encryption keys in plain text and that these machines were not secure. With that, it opened up the possibility that someone could access those keys that allowed them to change votes, add votes or do anything else and then cover their tracks so that no one.
Rick Green
Okay, wait, let me talk tech dummy here. So what I just heard you say is that if the encryption key was in the plain text, would that be like me leaving the keys to my house out on the porch somewhere?
John Graves
Yes, or you know it would be like you locking your car and leaving the window rolled down with the keys on the seat. That would be a good that that's even worse.
Rick Green
That would be a good that that's even worse. At least I was thinking with the porch. I hid it in the plants, or something you know
John Graves
Another analogy would be if you went in a bank vault, you know the keys to the vault were on the desk at the lobby, so. So all you had to do is any employee could get them, and anybody who could get in the front door can get the keys to the vault. Take anything they wanted. But even better, you could cover it up and replace it with counterfeit gold or counterfeit cash. By covering your tracks and with these keys, you could also shut off the alarm and wipe the cameras, the security cameras, as if you never showed up in the lobby or the vault.
Rick Green
So you could get in and get out and cover your tracks completely. You know, john, we've heard people say this could have or did happen in 2020, but that wasn't the first time we heard this kind of stuff. The Democrats were concerned about this very thing just four years before that right.
John Graves
Yes, Hesney did a thing. Professor Halderman did a thing, actually a month or so ago. He's more liberal leaning, but he hacked one of the Dominion machines with a pen, with a pen in open court in Georgia just literally within the last month. With a pen in open court in Georgia just literally within the last month, and so they've been complaining about this and I've been more of a skeptic.
Rick Green
Now I don't know those names. So those are Democrats. Those are not even conservatives you're talking about.
John Graves
They wouldn't say they're Democrats, but they're representing Democrats pre-2020, saying, hey, these machines aren't safe. This was their story until they won.
Rick Green
Yeah, this is not just a Trump thing. Democrats were concerned about this, republicans were concerned about it. Anybody that wants to know that you got it right should be concerned about this.
John Graves
Yeah, the way I look at it is we live in a country in 2016,. Hillary loses she's complaining that there's somebody getting in the software. Trump loses he's complaining. We need to live in a country where whoever loses says, hey, I lost and I'm disappointed I lost, but I lost a fair and secure election where everyone's vote was auditable, traceable, knowable and the people made their choice. That's what we're going to live by. That's what we need to live by. So that's my passion, Rick.
And so when I saw this, you know I had, I had a couple concerns. One was no one's going to believe it because everybody there's been some people crying wolf and everybody's kind of moved on, uh. But my other concern is a demoralizing effect of see there they cheat and get away with it. Why? Why should I bother to vote? And that was a huge, huge problem. Um, when I did an autopsy of the 2022 election, because there was this predicted red wave that never came. That was why 20 million people who had voted for Trump and against Biden in 2020 didn't come back.
So when I started looking at this, I thought my concern is we need people to understand there is a solution here. This is the problem. This is a very serious problem if these allegations are true, and there's a very, very practical solution, and the solution is that they can contact their county official. They don't need to contact the president. The federal government's not going to help here, and they got you know a lot of problems they're having right now that are being exposed. But your county officials are the ones that control these things at most states. In some states it's the secretary of state or attorney general. But that's what we began to do, is we built a tool that was specifically designed for this, where we could educate them on these software issues and let people use their voice to try to make a difference. And so they sign up at millionvoices.org and then we connect them to who the official is and give them the name, the address, the email, the phone number and then kind of walk them through the tools of how best to do this and to go back to your paper ballots. We're not just asking them don't make an allegation, don't accuse anybody.
This is not about 2020 or 2016. This is about 2024. We need to secure 2024. And the only way to do that is for the people to put the pressure on their local county officials and say, hey, please go do a bipartisan inspection of the system, the election system in our county. We're not talking about all the other counties, just our county. I'm a voter in our county, I care about our county. Go do this. Here's a video that shows how to open it up and look at the tables and see if it's in there. And if those are in there, tell me what steps you're going to take to secure it. And make sure to keep a clear chain of custody of everything digital and a clear chain of custody of everything in paper and keep those original paper ballots until we have a bipartisan inspection after this next election. Does that make sense?
Rick Green
Yeah, man, absolutely. Here's my take home that I got from that number one, that it is a problem. This is a real problem. No matter what you heard cry wolf before, regardless Democrat, republican or whatever, it's still a major issue. Number two we're not even trying to rehash 2020. We're only talking about going forward 2024. And number three there's a solution. This is not one of those give up, you know, because it's a problem. Stay home. This is not at all what we're saying. We're saying there's a solution and it's called be the boss.
Those commissioners work for you, not in a rude way, kind of boss way. This is a respectful call or an outreach in an email that you get to make and Million Voices will basically coach you through that. They'll give you the link to your county commissioner, your county judge, your county leaders that you can send this to. And, john, I'm guessing it's a mixed bag all over the country. There's no way for us to cover all the scenarios and our listeners are all over the country and that's why, if they go to Million Voices, they'll be able to figure out.
Okay, do they have Dominion in my county? Do they have one of these other systems? Do they do paper? You know what's going on in my county and that way they'll have an educated communication with their commissioner. You guys will kind of walk them through that and, like you said, even have videos and stuff that they can send to that commissioner and say, hey, all we're asking you to do is I love how you said that, by the way is a bipartisan audit or bipartisan investigation, inspection, bipartisan inspection, just double check before we get to November and there's plenty of time.
John Graves
That's right, and they can do that very simply A county commissioner, because there's, you know, let's say these allegations are true with Dominion. Dominion out of 3,140-something counties is at least 722 that we could find, and so that's 50 million voters, and so if that's one of you in those counties then you can go straight to the system. But even if it's not that particular software, all of them need to have an inspection and have clear chain of custody. And you know what an inspection and have clear chain of custody. And you know what, if this is a database issue, let's open up transparency and let's put some cameras on those machines so we know everybody who accessed it. And the same thing with the tabulator cards and the paper. And, by the way, let's just keep it and let's make this inspection bipartisan. This is not about Republicans and Democrats. It's way bigger than that.
Rick Green
And, John, I'll tell you what I really love about this is that A lot of our listeners well, most of our listeners are concerned about election integrity. They want to know that we're doing things to improve the system. But, like me, I would have no idea specifically what to ask of my commissioner if I called them or wrote them other than hey, let's go back to old school paper ballots, like I had in my recount and we were able to look.
You know, because my opponent and I we did exactly what you said well ago. At the end of the day, we didn't have to say you cheated or somebody gamed the system, because we put our hands on every single ballot. And so he said to me I don't like the fact that you won, but you won, we don't need to do this again because we recounted every single ballot. So that would be my only. But you just gave me a better answer. You're basically saying, hey, you're going to be able to make more of an educated call if you will, and say here's all we're asking for, I don’t have to understand what the system is in my local county. I don't have to know what they've done or haven't done, I'm just simply doing a little nudge as the boss, saying hey, make sure that you guys are doing this correctly. And, of course, Million Voices. You always word that stuff where it's polite and respectful and all that.
John Graves
Yes, yeah, and we also. One of the things I tell people is it's and also we can walk and chew gum. And the passion for me is Luke 18, where Jesus said I want to tell you a story, a parable, to teach you to pray and to never give up. And he teaches a parable of a widow who has an unjust judge who doesn't fear God, doesn't respect man and won't give her justice. And Jesus trains us that, just like a widow who was the least politically powerful person in that culture when he told that story, her job is to not stop speaking. But she didn't just pray like part of the church and she didn't only speak like an activist. Like part of the church. She prayed and she refused to stop speaking. And who did she speak to? The person who had the authority legally to handle her issue. And that's what we've got to do.
But we also have to keep voting, because we might vote that judge out, we might vote those county people out, because we can both fight for election integrity and vote. And here's the thing I tell people hey, we're going to beat the margin of cheat. If you believe there's a margin of cheat, I tell my girls they play basketball. Don't put the game in the referee's hands. Make your free throws. Don't turn the ball over. Play good defense. Don't come down to a bad referee call or these margins where something can go wrong here. So we want people to vote. We want them to bring 10 friends to vote this year, even their friends who have kind of gotten demoralized because of 2020. And we want you to continue, not just vote and assume it's secure. Keep fighting for it to be better and better and better, Because the truth is we're making incremental gains. The 28 states have now outlawed Zuckbucks, the private funding of elections. Okay, that's progress, but there's a lot more progress that needs to be made. That's my argument is we can do both.
Rick Green
There is and that's the other great thing about signing up today Millionvoices.org is the place to do it, folks, millionvoices.org is that this is not a one and done kind of thing. There's ongoing battles here. We had a victory at the Supreme Court this week that basically denied a petition where they were trying to expand mail-in balloting in Texas. So that was a small victory, but it was a victory, and we need that all across the country, in all 50 states, and that's going to take time. And so, folks, this is the immediate need. The immediate need is to make sure your local, as you said, John, the person with authority if the biblical analogy, the judge in that case well, folks, in some cases it's going to be your county judge that has the authority here.
In some cases it's going to be your county judge that has the authority here.
In some cases it's county commissioner or whatever. It's different in different states, but we have to be that praying and requesting widow. We have to be the ones that are doing that. So, John, you're giving us the tools to do it. I'm so glad I don't have to know how these machines work, but I can still make the call to my local commissioner, millionvoices.org. Now, John, when they get there and they go to your homepage.
Do they just go ahead and sign up right there, you're going to have a place. They'll be right on the homepage at the top. We'll have a sign up and then they'll just say here's my information, sign up. That information allows us to match you. And then we ask people to click what do you care about? Because here's the thing the first one will be election integrity. But people care about the border and life and second amendment and other things. So they tell us what's important and we use that information to match them. So the first thing will be election integrity, and that's usually a county commissioner, sometimes it's your state rep, sometimes it's your elections registrar. There's lots of states have different rules, but we've done the best we can to match that. And then we continue to match you to your state rep, your state senator. So, for example, there's two huge bills that were passed one to keep paper ballots as open records request and one to watermark ballots. In Georgia, the legislature passed it.
Rick Green
So one just hey, don't burn them, don't destroy them. We want to be able to get to those, so we can't yet. Don't burn them and put a watermark on them so they're secure. But the governor, who's not been so friendly to election integrity, governor Kemp in Georgia, has until July 1st and he's saying he's going to veto those. Well, enough people in Georgia could rise up and that may be the person that we put them in contact with and say please, don't take away our security of our elections, please don't destroy these elections
John Graves
So you're keeping it, you're keeping a tab, kind of, on all these different battles across the country. So once they're once they sign up, you'll connect. If they say election integrity is our main issue, you're going to connect them to whatever's happening in their particular state.
Exactly so. I can give you tons of examples. Wisconsin the legislature passed outlawing Zuck bucks. The governor vetoed it, the people put it back on the ballot and last week the people voted over the governor and outlawed Zuck Bucks. So, that hasn't happened yet. Same thing happened in North Carolina, but it hasn't happened in Michigan, Pennsylvania. So that's a good fight If you tell us you care about election integrity.
Rick Green
Those are critical states for us.
John Graves
If you tell us what you care about, we match you to what to do. And now that continues to change as the challenges change. Gotcha, and they can also text, since this is a radio audience they can text to 80550, the letters MV.
Rick Green
Okay, say that again 80550.
John Graves
80550,. Text the letters MV like Million Voices, and we'll send you the link to sign up there. Okay, gotcha, and so I know it's easier to text five digits when you're on the phone
Rick Green
While you're driving.
John Graves
No, no, no, we wouldn't recommend that.
Rick Green
No, no, no, no, no, we're not driving. The person in the passenger seat is going to text 285. Or you?
John Graves
pull over and stop.
Rick Green
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay. One more time on the number One more time on the website.
John Graves
80550,. Text the letters MV or millionvoices.org.
Rick Green
Millionvoicesorg. John Graves. Thanks for being with us, man, God bless.
John Graves
Thanks for having me.
Rick Green
Folks, we'll be right back with David and Tim Barton.
Rick Green
Folks, thanks for staying with us thanks to John Graves for joining us. Back with Tim. Tim, I’m just thinking thank the good Lord for people like John Graves who go read all those manuals and know all that tech stuff so I don’t have to.
Tim Barton
No doubt and you know it's I want to address. During the break we were able to talk to John and he was telling us he's going to be uh hope he thinks on the Glenn beck program, uh, tomorrow and he's going to go through this, he thinks, like only an hour hour and a half special and and one of the things that you know, obviously on radio we we can't show. He has videos of of some of what the fraudulent activity that can happen on these Dominion machines where it's possible for someone to, from the outside, access and hack it, what they can do and kind of like we talked about even before we got to John's interview, some of this. It doesn't mean necessarily that the election was stolen. I mean it maybe gives more credence to some people that feel that way, that think that way. But until we have more evidence and proof, again, it's hard to say with WallBuilders we want to care about what is the documentable facts that we can point to right, what is the evidence, what is the source? And all we have seen right now was there was an incredible opportunity for dishonest people to do dishonest things in these Dominion voting machines. It really does raise the question, right too, of how is Dominion going to answer when some of this information comes out and people realize, hey, aren't you supposed to? You said you're the most secure ever. How was this even happening? It really does raise some of those questions.
But I'm excited to go even further with this. We've known John for a long time. We've known that he was involved in this and even in some of our private conversations. He hasn't been able to give us all of the details because he's been involved in a legal process where some of that was privileged information. But he's coming to the place where he can talk more openly about a lot of it and tomorrow, being on the Glenn Beck program on the Blaze, as he's going to do an hour and a half special, I'm very excited to see some of these videos that he's told us about, but be able to see those firsthand, and maybe we can even have them back on.
We can get them on our social media.
We can share some of these videos that people see too, and I so appreciate his perspective that he's not in the camp saying, hey, right, let's go back and relitigate the 2020 election, because that's not a practical solution for us right now, but what we can do is say, okay, we like let's text this number. Right, let's go to a million voices online. Let's see what we can do to get involved. So I would say for everybody listening right now, right, text that number not while you're driving, as Rick, good job pointing that out right, not while you're driving, but text that number and especially the issues that we care about, the issues we're concerned with, let's get involved and see what we can do to help bring back some honesty, integrity, transparency to the system. We know, ultimately, solutions are going to come when the American people rise up, and this is an opportunity for us to let our voices be heard. We're not just frustrated, we're not just complaining. We can actually do something. So encourage people, text that number and go to Million Voices and be part of the solution.
Rick Green
Millionvoices.org is the website. Thanks so much for listening today You've been listening to the WallBuilders Show.