The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Examining the January 6th Narrative: A Congressman's Quest for Transparent Investigation
Uncover the veiled truth behind the January 6th committee investigation with Congressman Barry Loudermilk. This episode promises a deep dive into the revelations from the oversight subcommittee that bring into question the established narratives. As we chat with Congressman Loudermilk, listen to his dedication to an impartial search for the facts, as he reveals the initial intentions of the original committee and their potential to sway political views. We're grateful for his openness and his efforts to reinforce faith in our civil institutions.
The pursuit for clarity in the January 6th events brings us to a pivotal point as we examine recently surfaced White House documents. These records offer a new perspective on former President Trump's response to the Capitol breach – a narrative quite removed from what we've been told. Hear our frustration over the challenges in accessing vital transcripts and the resultant impact on the integrity of the investigation. The conversation turns to the January 6 Committee's hearings, highlighting the lack of validation for sensational claims and the unusual circumstances of key testimonies.
Wrap up your understanding of the January 6th inquiry with our critical analysis of the committee's report. We express doubt over its credibility and suggest a need for a more equitable approach to sifting through the events of that day. This episode unravels the politicization of Capitol security and the relevance of thorough investigations into the law enforcement response. We call out for transparency and accountability, promising to keep you updated on this and future efforts to uphold the essence of our constitutional principles. Join us as we continue to stand by the restoration of trust in our government.
Rick Green
Welcome to the intersection of faith and culture. It's the WallBuilders Show. We're taking on those hot topics of the day, and certainly a hot topic of the day would be what happened on January 6th, and the subcommittee on oversight in the house has released some very interesting items. David Tim, we got Barry Loudermilk coming on. This is going to be very interesting. He chairs that committee.
Tim Barton
Well, I'm sure it's not going to be much different than the original January 6th committee. You know, I feel like probably they're going to do the same investigation, probably the same information. Except we have talked to Barry many times and we know many congressmen and now the video footage we've seen that initially Tucker Carlson and was able to release, we're seeing more and more that the narrative that's been promoted is simply not truthful. Not that there may be more some bad things that happen on January 6th and it's not to downplay that but there's just so much more to the story that we have yet to hear and I'm really excited for Barry to maybe break down some of this report, because when I saw the report initially it was 80 something pages and I was like wow, this is a lot to go through. But it's fascinating what they have found and how it is so different from what the narrative has been now for years.
Rick Green
So good to have our good friend, congressman Barry Loudermilk, back with us. Congressman, I know things are crazy for you right now, so we really appreciate a few minutes with you.
Barry Loudermilk
Any time for you. Rick. This is as you know, I'm fully behind what you guys do and the impact you're having on our culture.
Rick Green
Well, you know, I said this to you last year when you took this just really difficult job on as chairman of the subcommittee and doing this investigation into what happened with the J6 committee and the whole just lack of preparation for defense of the Capitol and the bias that was done with that committee. Just knowing man 40, you know, and initially what we think it was 14,000 hours and it was 44,000 hours and just all that you're having to do. It's a massive job and I just want to repeat what I said to you last year. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, because we needed a voice that was willing to just show the evidence, whatever it was, and restore faith. This was the theme restore faith in the, in the institution, and restore faith that we can get the truth. So I just want to repeat that. And so our listeners know you've taken on a difficult task where you know at least half the people are going to be mad at you, no matter what you report, and the task is not done.
But you released a report this week that at least shows us what you found so far. So, anyway, all that to just say thanks. And, man, there's so much to cover. I wish we had hours. What do you think out of this initial report so far? In these initial findings, what do you think are the most important things for people to notice, because there's 80 pages to go through and you guys have spent, you know, thousands of hours doing this. What would you say are the most important headlines here?
Barry Loudermilk
Well, before I get to that, let me just say thank you for the kind words. And when I told then Speaker McCarthy when he gave me this assignment, I said I'll take it on under one condition that we seek the truth and whatever the truth is, that's what we're going to come out with. This isn't about vindicating anyone person. This isn't getting back at anyone. And he said that's what I expect out of you.
And Speaker Johnson has done the same thing and we worked really hard to keep an unbiased approach on it, and you know there's several. So much of this report is so important and we wanted to make sure the American people saw what we have uncovered, because I think the American people, they're smart enough to make their own judgment when you just lay the facts out, right? So our commission was twofold. One, to look at the security failure of the Capitol, regardless of who did it and why. How were people able to reach the Capitol of the United States of America and get inside? That was a great concern.
The second area was to investigate the select committee on January 6th, the way they conducted their investigation and their vital report which even at the time I was very skeptical of because they you know, I was a first-hand recipient of the way that they handled it, by making false accusations about me, cherry picking evidence and then editing evidence to build a narrative that didn't exist. So one of the reasons I was selected to lead this because I had first-hand experience of when they made these false accusations that I gave reconnaissance source. So the report is really broken down in those same areas and the first part of the report goes through what we found out about the select committee itself and even the way it was organized. And it's best to summarize it this way that from the very beginning, the committee was put together in a manner that they were to promote a political narrative. That was their whole objective was just to get to push this idea that Donald Trump, regardless of what happened or whatever evidence they uncovered that Donald Trump was behind the attack on the Capitol.
Rick Green
And that came through really clearly because, number one, just the setup of the committee. You know the unprecedented not allowing the opposition party or minority party to name their own people on the committee. She refused to. Let you know, Jordan sit on the committee, she just the whole setup of the committee proved that. And then, and then just the way they ignored evidence that would in any way not fit that narrative and you break that out in the report as well. And then just the show trial, the whole thing about hiring Hollywood producers and scripting everything. So it sounded perfectly into their narrative and you break all of those down in this report. So it was very clearly a biased, the finding was really already determined before they even started the committee, exactly as you just said.
Barry Loudermilk
Exactly and a lot of this information regarding to make the committee.
How unprecedented it was. They didn't even adopt rules for their committee because they wanted the flexibility. Most of that information came from the, the Library of Congress's congressional research service, a totally bipartisan, nonpartisan group that does research for us, and so we went to them and passed them with can you just look at the select committee, how it was set up, the resolution that that created the committee, what rules they worked under and how they operated. And they came back with this. It was unprecedented. Nothing has ever happened like this before. So again, that section of the report is totally unbiased, locked in the entire report but wasn't even the majority of that work was done by the Library of Congress and the Congressional Research Service.
Rick Green
I started to say, because of that, it was doomed to failure. But no, no, it was guaranteed to succeed in the way that they considered success.
Exactly so it was it was a stacked deck from the beginning. And then now let's get into how they kept the narrative that way I could. One of the things I had not heard anything about that shocked me, that you put in here and you show even the the transcripts themselves. I didn't know that there were White House employees that had been interviewed that essentially say the opposite of their of the Hutchison Gal and their quote-unquote star witness, and yet they made it look like they had other cooperating evidence, and even even that phrase is used in there. And what you had to go through to get the actual transcripts I didn't know about that either. I think last time I talked to you you were still trying to get them. It took months and months and months to finally get those transcripts, and and now we know why.
Barry Loudermilk
And look, you're engaged. You know you, Tim, David, you guys are really engaged in the political process. You all were in DC quite often and you didn't know about it, right? Guarantee you, the majority of American people didn't know about it and that was part of the purpose, right? So what we've uncovered is there is to me it's obvious that there was a covert effort to, or an overt effort to, suppress any evidence that was contrary to their predetermined narrative. That's why you didn't know about it.
Now, these White House, these four White House employees, were nonpartisan, so they were employees. Some of them were, like you know, military, that assignment. So the reason that and it took us a while just to get the White House to tell us why they're redacting them, and it was most of the redactions of those transcripts, once we found out they had transcripts, we found out about it by just uncovering a letter from the chairman of the select committee, Benny Thompson, where he was sending these transcripts to the White House for them to keep, and he did a batch to Department of Homeland Security as well. That's the only reason anyone knew they existed.
Rick Green
Hey, Barry, I'm so sorry to interrupt you, man, but I got to remind everybody from your interview a few months ago, when you told us that that that you figured out that they had deleted a bunch of information, you found hard. You know all kinds of files and data and stuff had been destroyed by the committee. So you really had to. You couldn't just go review what the committee had done, you had to go literally on a hunt to find even the materials themselves. This being some of you know an example of that, so I anyway go ahead. Sorry, exactly.
Barry Loudermilk
Yeah. And so what's what's? We kept hounding the White House over and over again. So finally the White House said here will send you the redacted copies. Well, I mean you send me redacted copies were literally five pages in a row that were totally blacked out. Doesn't do me a lot of good, I thought in the beginning. But we went ahead and dug into those transcripts and found there is key information that's not even redacted. Let me give you an illustration. And I was shocked to see this. This is from a person who is physically very close to the president when he's in the White House, and so the committee asked him so when Donald Trump heard that the Capitol had been breached, what was his reaction? And this person states twice he was very shocked and he said get Nancy Pelosi and General Millie on the phone right now and see what they need.
Somebody who supposedly had orchestrated this and who you know. It's like you tell you find out what they need, I will send it. Never heard that before. This was in the unredacted and you can see those in in the, the transcripts. We included those. We ended up getting pressuring the white, the White House, so much. They finally said, look, and we can't really release these, which their house documents, they're going to at some point we're gonna see to it. But they said you can come read them. So we immediately packed up, we go over to the White House and we spent hours going through these documents and realized that most of the information that we really need for this report was in the unredacted portions. There's some other information that's interesting, but then we kept digging until we there were other rumors of transcribed interviews and we started interviewing people, people who were in the Trump White House, and they started referring to this third Ornado transcribed interview.
Tony Ornado was the deputy chief of staff or operations. He was the head of Trump's Secret Service detail for the first couple of years of his presidency. Trump moved him in as a White House employee to be over his security and operations. Now he is the one who Cassidy Hutchinson claimed in her sensational testimony that he's the one who told her about Trump trying to grab the steering wheel, and so we're like, okay, so we end up finding his transcribed interview and he never mentions anything about it. And the other strange thing that you would think that the committee would want to corroborate Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony yeah, you'll find somebody who was their firsthand. They'll bring in White House employees and never ask about the incident of what Trump tried to grab the steering wheel. It's freaking amazing almost clear, like we don't want to hear anything that's different than what we've already heard.
Rick Green
Yeah, we like our Hollywood produced story. Please don't mess it up.
Barry Loudermilk
Exactly. But even like Cassidy Hutchinson and I'm not passing judgment of whether she lied or not, that's between her and God but what I can pass judgment on is the committee choosing to believe one person who comes up with a sensational story After she had already testified three different times differently. And so, if you go back and look, she testified three times. She had an attorney, a really good to the, and we talked to this attorney. He is everyone who knows him calls him a Boy Scout. I mean, this guy is a by the book straight up, straight shooter and I've met with him several times. A really good guy. He was representing her. Well, after three transcribed interviews that she has a meeting with Liz Cheney, then she fires her attorney and Liz Cheney gets her a new attorney Pro bono. And so as soon as she gets the new attorney after firing the other one, Liz Cheney calls her in for a fourth interview, but this time this interview happens of what's called a hideaway office in the Capitol. You know where they are. They're in the basement of the Capitol and members of leadership and certain folks and at this point pretty much Liz was considered Part of the Democrat leadership team because she was the vice chair of this committee. He had a hideaway office. It was.
This interview only happened between Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson, a court reporter and a videographer. No other member of the committee even knew that this, this Interview, was going on. This is when those sensational stories started coming out. Liz Cheney then takes that video, the next day, calls and all the other members of the committee together plays them the video, the interview. They decide they have to have an emergency televised hearing and this was in June, without corroborating these stories. After three interviews she comes up with these incredible stories on the fourth interview. They immediately run to the cameras and tell the world about Donald Trump throwing cheeseburgers in the In the dining room to try and to choke a secret service agent trying to take the steering wheel away. All of this comes out of nowhere and they hadn't even bothered to corroborate any of these, these stories with anybody who was firsthand. Because all of these tells you get third hand One of the transcribed interviews.
Everybody we talked to says you have to get the driver’s interview. They interviewed the driver in September. They brought the driver the SUV that Trump tried to take the steering wheel from, supposedly. Everybody we talked to said you've got to get the driver's transcribed interview. Well, that had been shipped off to DHS. DHS wasn't even responding to us. We're on the verge of subpoenaing them. So we go directly to Secret Service, we go to the office of Inspector General. We're trying to get these eight transcripts. The main one we want is the driver. Now I think there was divine intervention here, because they're slow walking. They don't even respond to us. Then all of a sudden they respond and say we're still reviewing them a year later. But then they just send us the driver's interview. I don't know if they meant to.
Barry Loudermilk
But then here's what we find out, rick. So she made these these claims in June. They interviewed the driver in September. They never asked him about the incident. He's the guy who was in the car that you got to be supposedly tried to take. They never asked him about that. He had to interject that information himself. Basically the end of the interview he says. By the way, this never happened. This is why the report was said to be it.
Rick Green
You’re kidding me!
Barry Loudermilk
No, so it's. It's a trend. It's not just one single thing. I mean, there was kind of groundbreaking.
Rick Green
Yeah, that's just a great example driver.
Barry Loudermilk
But I told the team, as we find these, these transcribed interviews, not don't just look at what was asked, but look at what wasn't asked. And you see a trend that if it's somebody that they maybe suspected would not tell them what they wanted to hear, they didn't ask those questions. But I think I applaud the courage of the Secret Service driver because, if you think about it, here's a guy under oath. Oh, subject to imprisonment If you lie to Congress whenever you go to testify, in one of your attorneys going to tell you don't you answer anything that they don't ask.
Rick Green
Yeah, yeah, don't, don't volunteer or something, right, yeah, exactly.
Barry Loudermilk
But this guy now, according to the committee, they're good, you know they're saying he lied. But think about this here's a Secret Service agent whose entire career is on the line and he gets done with the interview and they never ask him that and he says wait a second, this never happened. Do you think he would actually do that if he was going to say hey, you haven't given me a chance to commit perjury, I'm going to go ahead and do it now. So then, and the same thing with another missing, Tony Ornato transcribed interview. We were able to find it and he totally dispels all of the claims that Trump never ordered the National Guard to be ready. We knew he did. We found other information to where.
He was briefed on the intelligence of the attack on the Capitol. He immediately said I want the National Guard to be ready. This is days before January 6. And then Tony Ornato, in this transcribed interview, details a phone call that the chief of staff, Mark Meadows, had with the mayor of DC where he was offering National Guard support a couple of days before January 6. He says look, the president has ready. You know, he's ready to give as many as 10,000 troops to support the security threats. The mayor only took them up on 300 at something and said but I don't want them armed and I want them in riot gear, they're just going to traffic control. Nancy Pelosi just turned them down. Had they even taken 500 or a thousand troops, the attack on the Capitol would not happen the way that's right.
Rick Green
That's right
Barry Loudermilk
They were all afraid of optics. So these are a lot of the highlights that are in the report and again it's just based on fact. So we give you the full transcribed interviews and you can look at it. And that's why I told the reporter recently or yesterday. I said you know, in my opinion, libraries across the nation need to be moving this book from a government document to the fiction section.
Rick Green
Barry Loudermilk
Yeah, speaking of this in the select committee's report.
Rick Green
Yeah, yeah, it was. I mean, it was the old fashion, you know, show trial. It Marx tactic and you know, instead of even having the appearance of hey, okay, both sides, you get to ask all these questions and both sides get to do all these things. It was the opposite of that and man, what a shame, what a shame. I'm so thankful you guys are finding this stuff and we definitely got to do another one, another interview, when we can, just to keep getting the truth out there to people.
But just the takeaway is we're closing out here, just the as you just said and as you write in the report, the events of January 6th were preventable. The politicization of the capital security, I mean all of that is so important for people to know, as you've said over and over again, so that we can prevent it from happening again. That's why what you're doing is so important and just getting the truth out and so many of these things that nobody knows about. It's a lot to go through and it's hard to even know which things in our short time together to talk about. You know, where do you think it goes from here? Is there anything that was? Was there any of it that was fraudulent enough that there can actually be, you know, someone held accountable for it. At this point.
Barry Loudermilk
Well, I think there probably is, but this is just an interim report. This is just what we've learned so far. We still have a lot more information we're going through. There's still a lot more leads that we're following.
Today we had a hearing on the pipe bombs and it was more of the law enforcement response to the pipe bombs, and so we're digging more into National Guard and the Department of Defense of why did it take so many hours? Once that, you know, once the President had already said and told them a couple of days before they can go whenever they're asked, right, but in the creation of powers he can't deploy the National Guard, you know. Otherwise the President could take over Congress by sending the military over. All the President can do is authorize for them to be deployed, which he did, but it has to be requested. There were seven requests from the chief of police then, and it wasn't until the seventh request that they were authorized. I mean, leadership in the Capitol at the time didn't like the optics of the National Guard coming until there was a shot fired in the Capitol. Then they authorized it, but it still took several hours before the Pentagon actually sent the troops over, and so we're investigating that. Where was that delay? Why was it there? Was it political or you know? Then they were already supposedly ready to go from days before. So we're looking into that, we're looking into other aspects of the security failures, the intelligence failures. So we will have more reports coming out, we're going to have more hearings coming down the line and there's still a lot of investigative reporters looking into this.
The gallows it's just a strange thing that these gallows which was really I mean, it was a gallows, it was a stand with a crossbeam with a news hanging from it that was erected at like six o'clock in the morning and stayed up until late the next day. I don't think the world did that stay up that long. Why did the Capitol police allow this gallows to be up there? How come? No one knows who did this? I mean, yeah, it's just some strange thing. If you remember back just a few a year or so ago, somebody tied a loop in a rope at a NASCAR in the NASCAR garage and it became an international investigation
I hate crime, right. Can I bring up how did these gallows stay up all day long? You know what the liberal left media tells me here. Well, it is a freedom of speech issue.
Rick Green
Oh you got to be kidding me.
Barry Loudermilk
And NASCAR becomes an international hate crime. But this one, you know why, was this allowed to stay up all day long? They said, well, they were put up to hang Mike Pence. Well, this thing was put up at six o'clock in the morning. No one knew that Mike Pence wasn't going to do what some of the Trump's attorneys wanted him to do until almost two o'clock in the afternoon. So whoever put this thing up did not know that. You know that Mike Pence wasn't going to do what some of them wanted to. So it just doesn't. It doesn't pass the smell test, you may say.
Rick Green
Yeah, yeah, so at all. And same with the, the whole pipe bomb thing. I mean all of it, and you guys detail so much about that. There's so much more to learn, like you said, man Barry. Thank you, man, Appreciate you coming on, appreciate the hard work that you're doing and look forward to getting you back for an update and also to talk about other things, cause I know you're involved in a lot of great things and rebuilding America and re getting the constitution and all that stuff restored. And so, thank you, brother, god bless you. Thanks for coming on today.
Barry Loudermilk
My pleasure. It's good to see you. Look forward to seeing you in person sometime soon, you bet.
Rick Green
Stay with us. You're listening to WallBuilders
Tim Barton
Hey guys it’s Tim Barton and I want to let you know about an opportunity coming up for pastors and ministry leaders. We are doing our annual pastors briefing in Washington DC and we do this every year. We do one in the spring, we do one in the fall. This spring it's April 16th and 17th. This fall it is September 10th and 11th. This is one of the most significant things we do to encourage and challenge pastors in this culture we live in.
It's in Washington DC and Tuesday night we do an after hours tour of the U S capital where we introduce pastors and ministry leaders to the history of the nation. The following day we have congressmen come and they give a briefing on what they're doing and how God is challenging and motivating and using them. And, frankly, most pastors, most ministry leaders, they don't know the rich spiritual hairs of the nation or what God is still doing moving in the hearts and lives of leaders in this nation. I would encourage you if you're a pastor, ministry leader, you need to come to this. It's one of the best things we do at WallBuilders. To find out more, go to and look for the pastor's briefing.
Rick Green
Welcome back. Thanks for staying with us here on WallBuilders, David Tim. Oh man, we don't have time to get into all the things, and he didn't even get into all of the things that are in the report. But, man, we've got to get this truth out there. Most people, as he said, do not know.
David Barton
You know one of the significant things about this, and, Tim, you commented at the beginning that this is going to sound just like the original January 6 report. It should. If everybody was after the truth. If everybody was after the truth all these witnesses were under oath and all the questions were asked you would have no difference between the report that came out from Liz Cheney, as vice chairman of the committee, and Barry Loudermilk who's gone back to review what the committee did, and what we find is a completely different report. The two reports should have been the same. If truth was the objective and that's a problem now, because truth is not the objective a political agenda is, and that's not a good place for America to be.
Rick Green
Well, and it's shocking how hard it's been for Congressman Loudermilk to get to the truth and to get to even documents and interviews and all these things. It's just amazing. We're going to do a link today to the full report for anybody that wants to go read it, and we'll, of course, get the congressman back soon to talk more about it. And, guys, we're just going to have to cover more tomorrow. So folks don't miss Good News Friday tomorrow, but we'll also be covering more of this report. Thanks for joining us today on WallBuilders