The WallBuilders Show

The Constitutional Tapestry and its Champions in Modern America on Good News Friday

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Today is Good News Friday! Embark on a journey through the intertwined pathways of faith and the American ethos.

Prepare to be uplifted by tales that reaffirm the enduring legacy of our Constitution and the bold expressions of belief from NFL luminaries, whose courage in the face of societal pushback shines as a beacon for us all. As we traverse these stories, we celebrate the convictions that bolster our nation's values and applaud those heroes in sports and beyond who stand firm in their faith, as God is acknowledged in both victories and defeats.

As we turn our attention to the political landscape, we look at Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s unwavering defense of Texas's economic bedrock against encroaching policies. Next up, we commend Mayor Eric Adams of New York City for his veto of the "How Many Stops" act, which would burden NYPD with the task of reporting the ethnicity of anyone and everyone spoken to by a police officer. This is a testament to applying common sense to governance and policing.

Tune in for a conversation that is as rich in wisdom as it is in spirited dialogue, capturing the essence of what it means to navigate the crossroads of faith, culture, and politics.

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Rick Green:

Welcome to the intersection of faith and the culture. It's WallBuilders, where we're taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective, and we're thrilled that you are with us. Thanks for being part of the solution. A lot of people they know in their gut something's not right, the culture's crumbling around us, but they're not willing to pick up the pieces and rebuild. That's not you or you wouldn't be listening to this program. So thanks for being part of the solution with WallBuilders. Thanks for helping us to rebuild the walls, the culture, the foundation of our nation, and bring back those biblical values that made us the greatest nation in the history of the world. I'm Rick Green, America's Constitution Coach and a former Texas legislator, and thrilled to be serving alongside David and Tim Barton. David is America's premier historian and our founder at WallBuilders. Tim is a national speaker and pastor and president of WallBuilders, and all three of us. Thank you for joining us. Alright, David and Tim, let's get into some of that good news.

Rick Green:

Actually, first piece of good news comes from one of our listeners who said you know this would be a great Good News Friday letter. Just wanted to tell you that my son, Joshua, and his family were at our house the other night and Malachi, my grandson, was doing his homework. He's in the sixth grade at Madison Grant Schools Park Elementary in Indiana. He was studying for his history class. It was a vocabulary quiz. His dad was quizzing him and the questions caught my attention. His dad was randomly reading to him the Bill of Rights and Malachi had to tell him which one it was. I was so grateful to see that a school was actually teaching this to our kids. I was also very proud of my grandson because he never missed one way to go. Malachi, if you happen to be listening, all of us here at WallBuilders are proud of you. Pretty cool guys three generations, just you know sitting around quizzing on the Bill of Rights for their vocabulary test. I love it. Let's get into some additional good news, David, what's your first piece of good news today?

David Barton:

You know, I love that piece of good news because it's kind of like going back to the foundations. It really is. That's significant stuff. When you're having three generations discuss things like the Bill of Rights at a time when literally the nation is having trouble preserving the rights in the Bill of Rights, this is just that's a really healthy thing, that's really positive.

David Barton:

And talking about kind of foundation stuff, I was really impressed last weekend with some of the things that happened in the aftermath of the NFL Playoff game. So for folks who don't know or keep up with it, four teams played NFL last week, decided the two teams that will go to the Super Bow., And in both of those games there really were some fun things that happened with the players who were in there. And this has impressed me because at a time in America where it's really hard for a lot of people to talk about their faith publicly because they get so tagged and so derided and there's such a faith-hostile attitude. I was with a congressman just a couple of days ago and he was talking about how the other members of Congress if they start talking about faith, they just openly mock them and make fun of them and the mockery that is there, and the media, and there's so much of the national media, the mockery that's there, and so much of the educational system and so many other institutions that have become not just faith intolerant but faith-hateful. It's been really disappointing to see that change over recent years and as a result we've talked about it in other programs, a lot of people have just gone silent because nobody likes being attacked, nobody likes being made fun of, and so a lot of people now just keep their mouth shut rather than say something that's going to trigger the other side and get attacked.

David Barton:

But I've been really impressed in these playoffs with some players who have really stepped up and have not hesitated to acknowledge God in a culture and in a profession where, at least on the professional media side of it, they're not faith-friendly. And so I've been really impressed with the quarterback for San Francisco, who really kind of is an unlikely quarterback. He was not the one they had planned and picked, but injuries doing what they did. He ended up being the starting quarterback and has gone through this year, and he has not hesitated in his press conferences and on Instagram and other social media to be very outspoken about Jesus Christ, his relationship with Jesus Christ, his gratitude and thankfulness for Jesus Christ, and that's just a really hard thing to do for a lot of people in that. So I'm really impressed with his boldness. And after they won the championship game to go to the Super Bowl last week, I mean he's on the field, their interview run field and the first thing he does is he talks about God. Listen to this short little clip . "

David Barton:

So the first thing he said this is an open stadium. He's on a mic in the stadium, the entire stadium is there. They've won the NFC and so their headed to the Super Bowl. And that's what he says to the stadium. First thing glory to God in San Francisco and that stadium and that culture. I'm just really impressed with that. The other game that happens on the AFC side and that games between the Ravens and the Chiefs and the Ravens ended up losing that game. And so John Harbaugh, the coach of the Ravens, when he walks into the press conference after the loss, listen to what John Harbaugh did in that press conference after the loss

Josh Harbough:

Just something I want to start with. Let's say this this is where I'm hanging my hat at this point, but I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and to not harm you. Plans to give you a hope in a future. Wait for the Lord and be strong, and that's for me.

David Barton:

So right after a loss, what he starts doing is quoting scripture to the press corps. He walks in and quotes there out of Jeremiah. And that's really impressive for a professional football coach to walk in and start the press conference with a Bible verse. And I was just thinking about this. I hope that's a model for everybody. You know, I was just remembering some verses in Matthew 10: 32.

David Barton:

Jesus said Look, if you confess me before men, I'll confess you before the Father. Every one of us need to be open about confessing Christ before others. We have so many other verses as well. You've got Proverbs 3: 5-6, It says In all your ways, acknowledge me and I'll direct your paths. And Matthew 12: 34 says Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If Jesus is in your heart, he needs to come out your mouth when you talk about Him. One other verse Romans 1:16. It says I'm not ashamed of the gospel at Christ. And I just love the fact that I'm seeing these professional athletes, with so much at stake, with such a hostile typical audience, being so bold about their faith. I think that's good news. I hope it's an inspiration for all of us.

Tim Barton:

Well, dad, Brock Purdy is somebody that we've seen at several press conferences talk about his faith. He's been pretty open about that in interviews, same as Coach Harbaugh, I think. Even last week when they won to get the championship round, he started the press conference by quoting scripture and we certainly could talk about people. Even on the Kansas City Chiefs we've heard Patrick Maholmes talk about his faith. They're definitely your athletes now that, politics aside, are seeming more comfortable to come out and talk about their faith, so that is really encouraging. I also can say at this point we are definitely cheering for the 49ers. I would encourage all of our listeners to cheer for the 49ers.

Rick Green:


Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><br></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't know, guys, I don't know,

Rick Green:

I don't know. .<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Tim Barton<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">Are you team Taylor Swift, Rick?

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Rick Green<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;I just maybe I'm just gonna

Rick Green:

ignore it, Maybe I'm just not even gonna, I'm gonna pretend it's not even happening<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Tim Barton<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">Okay now wait a second. So you're gonna side with team Pfizer

Rick Green:

and team Taylor Swift???&nbsp;&nbsp; I love Patrick

Rick Green:

Mahomes. I love the way he plays. He's so fun and for people that most people

Rick Green:

out there they're more bandwagon. But I was watching him in Texas Tech thinking,

Rick Green:

man, he's an incredible quarterback, he could be great in the league and

Rick Green:

he has been so right now. I've been a fan of Patrick Mahomes for many years,

Rick Green:

so I would have loved this and I think it's gonna be a great game.<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Rick Green<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">So you’re torn, too.<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Tim Barton<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">I think it's gonna be a great game. I think it's gonna be a great

Rick Green:

game, but I am not gonna cheer for team Pfizer and team Swift. Not gonna happen

Rick Green:

. <o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Rick Green<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal" align="right" style="text-align:right"><b>i<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:


Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><span style="background-color: transparent; font-size: 1. 125rem; color: rgb(55 65 81/var(--tw-text-opacity));">Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't know, guys, I don't</span><br></p><p class="MsoNormal">know, I don't know. .<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Tim Barton<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">Are you team Taylor Swift, Rick?<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Rick Green<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;I just maybe I'm just gonna

Rick Green:

ignore it, Maybe I'm just not even gonna, I'm gonna pretend it's not even happening<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Tim Barton<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">Okay now wait a second. So you're gonna side with team Pfizer

Rick Green:

and team Taylor Swift???&nbsp;&nbsp; I love Patrick

Rick Green:

Mahomes. I love the way he plays. He's so fun and for people that most people

Rick Green:

out there they're more bandwagon. But I was watching him in Texas Tech thinking,

Rick Green:

man, he's an incredible quarterback, he could be great in the league and

Rick Green:

he has been so right now. I've been a fan of Patrick Mahomes for many years,

Rick Green:

so I would have loved this and I think it's gonna be a great game.<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Rick Green<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">So you’re torn, too.<o:p></o:p></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal"><b>Tim Barton<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal">I think it's gonna be a great game. I think it's gonna be a great

Rick Green:

game, but I am not gonna cheer for team Pfizer and team Swift. Not gonna happen

Rick Green:


Rick Green:

class="MsoNormal" align="right" style="text-align:right"><b>i<o:p></o:p></b></p> <p

Rick Green:

Green It's It's true. I'm just shocked. I'm glad to know that San Francisco loves their football more than their politics, right? So like they should still be behind this quarterback, despite the fact that he's saying things that well, when you think about their politics, definitely probably rubbing some of them the wrong way, but as long as he's winning, they're very happy. But you're exactly right, and I actually saw I don't know, this is off topic, probably I saw a poll that, like I don't know, 50% of the people in the poll or some ridiculous number said that whatever Taylor Swift does on the presidential election will actually influence who they choose. When Taylor Swift's opinion is influencing who you should vote for president, I think you might need to not go vote, or maybe go take one of our Constitution classes and get better informed. I couldn't believe that. Well, before we start, I want to hear about that answer nicely before I go i

Tim Barton:

Basically, well, I saw just a poll earlier today that talked about. It was 19% of all Americans, but I think it was like 50% of young people. To your point, it's a staggering number, and certainly when you know, in the 2020 election, Taylor Swift encouraged people to vote for Joe Biden and now she's on team Pfizer as well.

Rick Green:

One of the guys from Daily Wire tweeted something to the effect of all of her songs are about her bad choices of men, so that should be a pretty good sign that she's not the one to give you advice on choosing your president. I don't know, I don't know, maybe not the best news of the day for Good News Friday, but the quotes from the football players and coaches good stuff, as long as we're not talking about the Pfizer guy, what you know, the, the-

David Barton:

I got to do a shout out for Jim Harbaugh. Jim Harbaugh, of course, won the national championship for for college stuff and he's looking to become a pro coach again. But I was really impressed by the fact that he was one of the national speakers at the March for Life and that is such a polarizing issue. The nation is so divided Democrat, republican, pro-life, pro-abortion, all that kind of stuff and he went out there as a nationally known figure and was taking a stand for what he believed to be right, what's biblical. And I tell you I'm really impressed with both Harbaughs. Now, when you quote scriptures, not only when you win, I can understand that, but when you lose your quoting scriptures, that's good, that's a good relationship. And when you're willing to stand up for something as unpopular nationally as life is, that should be popular for people of faith and for constitutionalists. But in this culture, this climate that is so secular, I just got to give a shout out to Jim Harbaugh as well and bless his heart for, for doing the right thing in life. That's really good.

Tim Barton:

Well, and, dad, along those lines. Both Harbaugh brothers are very dedicated Christians. They, I believe they're Catholic, but certainly very clear in their faith. And I think at University of Michigan where where he was coaching, I think I saw a report that they had 70 people get baptized this year. So just really cool things happening.

Tim Barton:

And maybe just to add to some some thought and context, when you're saying that pro-life is not a popular issue, well, I think the majority of Americans still are people that would identify as pro-life although there are, you know, they have the caveat and exceptions but, to your point, there is such a hostility from those that are pro-abortion that if you stand up on this issue, they try to silence you, they try to cancel you, to remove you, whatever it might be. And so it does take a lot of courage and boldness to stand up and do that. And unapologetically, he stood up and talked about the value of life, knowing that that life comes from God, life is sacred, the things that that fundamentally, as Christians, we should know and believe. He was outspoken in it. So definitely some some good things coming from the athletic arena and the world of sports.

Rick Green:

All right, well, Tim, you're up next with your first piece of good news for the day.

Tim Barton:

All right. Well, this one is coming from the office of the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, and this is something I just saw. Actually, it came out last week, maybe beginning of this week, I'm not totally sure. I guess last weekend, but they're identifying in this release, this press release, that Barclays was not allowed, but no longer be permitted, to underwrite any of Texas' municipal bonds after failing to respond to requests for information concerning its net zero carbon emissions. And as the release goes down, I'm kind of breaking this down because of Barclays' position with ESG.

Tim Barton:

There was something that was passed in Texas it was actually a Senate bill 10 that was brought to the Senate by our good friend Phil King, who is our Texas Senator for my dad and I, and he brought this bill and said that Texas is not going to do business with companies that are going to be promoting ESG because that impacts Texas Certainly, which we were already seeing Biden make moves that impact Texas when it comes to fossil fuels and natural gas and all those things. Well, what's good about this one is that Attorney General Ken Paxton said that we're going to enforce the laws of Texas and it safeguards industries against ESG policies that are pushed by major corporations that would weaponize the powerful financial industry against the interests of this state. Recently, a major financial service company abandoned ESG ratings altogether after an investigation by Attorney General Ken Paxton. And then it concludes the office of the Attorney General will continue to very easily enforce our laws of tax payer funds from going to companies whose ESG policies harm Texans or key Texas industries. The bottom line is that we have an attorney general and fortunately we had a Senate in the house that passed this.

Tim Barton:

Governor Abbott signed it but we have an attorney general is enforcing this, saying that Texas we're not going to take our money to do business with companies that fundamentally oppose the things that benefit Texas or that would harm the individuals and citizens of Texas. And this is just another one of those kind of line sequence of we finally have some leaders in Texas whether it be a governor Abbott, ken Paxton who are standing up to defend Texas against some of this crazy wokeness, some of the overreach or, in some cases, even the border invasion. This is really good news that we actually have state officials that are standing up. We saw the example from Governor Ron DeSantis and now that he's out of the presidential race, we see him back in his state, leading very well as he has for the last many years, and hopefully his example is going to be the new precedent for Republican leadership, republican governors in the state, and this one is the Attorney General in Texas, Ken Paxton. So just really encouraging to see state leaders step up to defend the citizens of their state.

Rick Green:

Yeah, guys, that's a contagious kind of thing right. That gives courage to other AGs, other governors, other state officials around the country to start finding this balance of federalism, getting the power back to the states and allowing the states to act. Let's take a quick break. We've got a lot more good news coming your way. Folks, stay with us. You're listening to the WallBuilders Show. Have you noticed the vacuum of leadership in America? We're looking around for leaders of principle to step up and too often no one is there.

Rick Green:

God is raising up a generation of young leaders with a passion for impacting the world around them. They're crying out for the mentorship and leadership training they need. Patriot Academy was created to meet that need. Patriot Academy graduates now serve in state capitals around America, in the halls of Congress and business, in the film industry, in the pulpit, in every area of the culture. They're leading effectively and impacting the world around them. Patriot Academy is now expanding across the nation and now is your chance to experience this life-changing week that trains champions to change the world. Visit www. patriotacademy. com for dates and locations. Our core program is still for young leaders 16 to 25 years old, but we also now have a citizen track for adults. So visit the website today to learn more. Help us fill the void of leadership in America. Join us in training champions to change the world at www. patriotacademy. com. Welcome back to The WallBuilders Show. It's Good News Friday. We got some more good news coming at you. David Barton has got the next piece of good news.

David Barton:

Well, I'm going to kind of pile onto where Tim was before the break and that's with ESG. And folks may remember that we've done some programs from the ESG explaining this environmental, social, government's kind of standards, and it's really wokeism. It is the corporate world, it is the political world, it is progressives trying to use economic means to force wokeism on everybody else and if you don't like it, we're going to make you like it, we're going to punish you if you don't. So there's all sorts of ways they've tried to do that. But the ESG standard is kind of like a social credit score that China uses, that they're using in Europe, and it punishes you if you don't have these woke views. So Texas Barclays that's a big institution to say, oh you know, we have all this money in Texas, we have all the teacher retirement fund, we have all the state retirement fund, we have all of our state accounts and we're not going to let any of that money go into this institution because you have all this wokeism and Texas is just not woke and our people aren't woke and they don't want the state money being used for woke endeavors.

David Barton:

Well, I'm going to add to that in Florida, because Florida also, like Texas, passed an anti-ESG law and that anti-ESG law that they passed in Florida had all the great provisions that allowed citizens to defend themselves if the attorney general would defend them. You have a private cause of action where you can sue the bank and say you're discriminating against me simply because of my political views. Not because I'm a financial risk, not because I have bad credit, but because you don't like my political views, you refuse to give me loans or whatever. So in Florida they passed a similar law and in Florida to get the state funds in Florida in your bank. A lot of banks, obviously, they want all these deposits they can get because they can make money and interest on that and it helps them. So you're what's called a QPD, that's, a Qualified Public Depository. So what happens is the state of Florida goes through these banks and says, hey, you have to prove to us that you're not woke, you have to prove to us that you're not into ESG and if you can do that, then we're going to allow our state funds to be deposited in your bank.

David Barton:

Well, guess what? 117 banks in Florida made the qualified for the QPD, and they include the big boys. They include banks like Bank of America, Citibank, TP Bank, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase all these big banks that have been so liberal all of a sudden they've seen the light and said you know what? We don't want to go with that woke stuff. And it's interesting that this is a great quote from the banks. They said "we reject wokeism, and that's great to hear. You know what we've seen with this and all the other stuff? Everybody thought they had to be woke to get on this thing in order to carry favor, and now they're finding out people really don't want woke and they're going the other direction, which is really good. So Florida 117 banks there have rejected wokeism and they now are rejecting ESG as well.

Rick Green:

Very good news. All of these, you know leftist three letter, remaking America in the Marxist image, getting less and less popular and finally getting public servants willing to to go the other way, go the right way on these things and stop implementing these things that are completely remaking our nation into the wrong direction. So, all good news, all good news. The trends are starting to turn the right direction. Tim, where we headed next?

Tim Barton:

This one is going to Missouri, that the title of the article says Governor Mike Parsons celebrates that Missouri is abortion free. Abortions have dropped to zero. Anytime I see a headline like this obviously really, really good news. None of this takes into account that they don't have any way to track any kind of abortion pills that are mailed. We know that is going to be the big fight coming forward. We're really in an end abortion is stopping some of that industry. But back to Governor Mike Parsons in Missouri back in 2019, he was able to sign a piece of legislation that had a trigger bill or that had a trigger in it that if the Supreme Court ever overturned Roe versus Wade, then this would go into effect and it would ban abortions in the state of Missouri. And so when he was giving his final speech that the state of Missouri is his final speech because he's term limited out, so he's concluding his term he was in a joint session of the Missouri General Assembly. He said we have fought the fight for life and reduce the number of abortions in our state from 8000 annually to zero. You can imagine that this article even highlights the Democrats did not give any applause during that line. Republicans certainly cheered for that. But it just kind of breaking down some of what happened in Missouri and the abortion ban and abortion now going essentially, they're saying, to zero abortions. So this is really good news.

Tim Barton:

We've seen that the abortion issue has gone back to the states and I would argue that this is a little bit like we've talked about this before, a little bit like the slavery issue, where when we talk about the fundamental rights that we understand that the declaration laid out so the philosophy of America. The Constitution was upholding that standard legally, but the philosophy was that we have inalienable right to come from our Creator and the first of those is the right to life. And so this notion that now states can choose who gets life and who doesn't, well, that violates the basic philosophy of our nation that the founding fathers largely enshrined in the Constitution but was clearly outlined in the Declaration, so similar to the idea of slavery. When you look at the fact the founding fathers had life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, this notion that some states were going to say, well, we can have slavery in our state, that is as backwards as the argument that we should have abortion in the state because it violates that basic notion of God given rights.

Tim Barton:

So this is not an issue that's done. It should not be a states rights issue in this regard. It should be a fundamental issue that every state says no. The role of government according to the founding fathers, when we started this nation, the role of government was to protect the God given rights of every individual, and the first among those was the right to life. So this fight is certainly not over, but really good news that we do have states that have have chosen to protect that and inalienable right to life, Missouri being one of those. And so just a great article highlighting some of what Governor Mike Parsons was able to accomplish.

Rick Green:

Okay, I think we got time for one more. Should we flip a coin? Who gets to the last one? Who gets the final good news story of the day?

Tim Barton:

I will yield to the gentlemen.

Rick Green:

The gentleman from Texas yields to the gentlemen from Texas.

Tim Barton:

Was gonna say his address and then I realized I probably shouldn't this address on air because there's people listening that might you know Some that don't love and support us. Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, no.

Rick Green:

I was saying there are people out there that do not love WallBuilders.

Tim Barton:

Only the people that promote tolerance are the ones that are hateful toward us. So, yeah, you know, however, that balance goes, but I yield the remainder of my time to the gentleman who founded WallBuilders.

Rick Green:

There we go, there we go. All right, David, what's our final piece of good news today?

David Barton:

Rick, I'm gonna go to New York City gonna talk about Mayor Eric Adams. There's been a few times we've been able to talk about him doing some really good things. There's times when common sense actually wins in a progressive state like New York, a crazy city like New York City. The New York City Council passed a measure and it's called the How Many Stops Act because they're convinced there's systemic racism and that the police are racist and all the stuff that there was Black Lives Matter, etc. The city council passed a measure that now requires every single cop in New York City they have to have written documentation of who they talked to in the public, what race they were. They have to describe all about the, the physical characteristics of anybody they talked to, whether it's a stop, whether it's a contact in public, whether it's walking down a sidewalk, whatever. So what it does, and you can imagine what that does for paperwork. Well, I don't have time to catch crooks because I've got a write down, I talked to three people in the sidewalk who asked for directions on how to get to the subway. One of them was black, one was Hispanic, one was you know, it's crazy stuff.

David Barton:

And so this is what the city council came up with and Mayor Adams vetoed it. He said this is absolutely crazy. He was a police captain in New York City and he challenges his castle. I'll take any of you out on the streets with me. I want you to go on patrol with me. I want you to see what a cop does when he's on the streets and I want you to tell me how in the world you can pass a measure that requires every race, every gender, every whatever perceived to be recorded every time a policeman has a contact with them and how that's going to solve this systemic racism, BLM kind of stuff.

David Barton:

And they have to come up with 34 votes to overwrite his veto. I don't know if they can do that the city is crazy enough that maybe they can but I just think it's really good when you have a Mayor standing up in a really big city actually sounding off on common sense and telling people you're crazy to think this way. Now he's crazy times too, because he is progressive in areas, but he's been much more common sense than any New York City mayor We've seen since Giuliani probably. So it's really good to see some common sense coming back from New York City, even when it is from a liberal progressive Democrat, so this is really good for Mayor Adams. On this issue, he got it absolutely right, which is really good news.

Rick Green:

All right, guys, we'll have more good news for you next week. Folks, I hope you've enjoyed this good news Friday. I keep hearing for people. In fact, just last couple of days, I've heard from several people saying man, I love good news Friday. It just really helps me to go into the weekend to get ready for the next week. Listen, you apply God's Word. You get good results. His way is not only right, it works best. There's just no question about it. And so I love these Fridays as well. Make sure you share it with your friends and family. They could use some encouragement as well. Take those links, send them out, share them on social media and also just tell people listen to The WallBuilders Show and you're gonna be encouraged, appreciate you listening. Today You've been listening to

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