The WallBuilders Show

Echoes of Freedom Through the Horrors of War

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Venture with the indomitable Victor Marx into the heart of darkness and back into the light, where the struggle to mend the fabric of American values meets the battlegrounds of Gaza. Victor, a beacon of hope with All Things Possible Ministries, shares his gripping journey among the shadows of war, where his faith stood as his shield. Our conversation is a testament to the undeniable might of spiritual fortitude and prayer, a resource sometimes overlooked but proven invaluable in the harshest of realities faced by combat-torn veterans and innocents alike.

In our exchange, we don't just recount tales of valor; we reveal the tender process of healing the invisible wounds of war. The simple yet powerful gesture of giving musical lambs to children in conflict zones becomes a symphony of solace and a bridge to peace. From the dual-natured musician in Gaza echoing the ancient David, to the personal call to action that resonates with each of us, this episode serves as a clarion call for empathy, partnership, and a fortified resolve to nurture the roots of liberty and compassion in these stormy times. Join us for a narrative that weaves through the trials of warfare to the hope for a future where freedom and peace stand unshaken.

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Rick Green:

This is the intersection of faith and culture. Thanks for joining us here on WallB uilders today, you can learn more at wallbuilders. com, of course, the name coming from the scripture in Nehemiah that says arise and rebuild the walls, that we may no longer be of approach. We're always taking really the hot topics of the day and looking at them from a Biblical, historical and Constitutional perspective so that we can rebuild the walls, we can rebuild the foundation of America. But to do that we have to know what works and what doesn't work, and that's why we look back at those three areas again wallbuilders. com to learn more today.

Rick Green:

I'm Rick Green, America's Constitution Coach and a former Texas legislator, normally here with David and Tim Barton David, America's premier historian and our founder at Wall Builders. Tim is a national speaker and pastor and president of Wall Builders, and today we're going to be bringing you another one of our Tavern interviews. Yesterday we had Dinesh D'Souza with us talking about his new movie Police State. Today we're going back into the Tavern to pick up part of an interview with Victor Marx. If you're not familiar with Victor Marks and all things possible, they are amazing. He and his wife do incredible work rescuing kids all over the country, all over the world, also here in our country, but just an amazing man of God, a warrior, you know, yesterday I talked a little bit about Tender Warrior and Warrior Poets Society. This guy just exemplifies all of that, and most of you in our audience probably familiar with Victor, but if you're not, I'm excited to introduce you to him today. So we're going to jump right into that Tavern interview. Quick reminder this is only part of the interview. The full show is available at Warrior Poets Society Network or at Patriot U, and Patriot U's URL is Patriotacademy. tv Patriotacademy. tv, and so you get the full interview there and all of the other interviews in the Tavern.

Rick Green:

The Tavern, of course, is our chance to have those revolutionary discussions about the strategies and tactics necessary to save the country. Let's go find out what Victor Marx was thinking in the Tavern. Welcome back to the Tavern. We're having those revolutionary discussions about the strategies and tactics necessary to save our country, preserve freedom and pass it intact to the next generation. I love our next guest and I mean that I love this guy. My wife and I have been following him for a long time. Finally got to meet him about a year ago and share the stage with him, and we've had an opportunity to do a few things together since then. Victor Marx thanks for joining me in the Tavern brother. Hey, rick, pretty sweet, you got a mug on you, you got a drink.

Rick Green:

Whatever you got in there, man, here we go. Oh, look at that. Oh, yes, I love it. Alright, man, welcome to the Tavern. Thank you. I don't know what's going on with the straw, but and you probably don't even know what's in it, right? No, I don't. Good luck, hey, man, I know you just got back from Israel. You're all over the world all the time, you know, rescuing kids, doing good work, sharing the gospel, just doing incredible things with All Things Possible. But thanks for coming on so soon, man. I know you got to be tired after a trip like that and the things that I know you probably saw, but would love to just get your kind of download from that trip and then talk about some of the other things you're doing across the world and how people can help you.

Victor Marx:

Yeah, thanks. I mean, literally about 72 hours ago I was in Gaza. We had access and placement through some SF folks who were helping there and we were told we were the first Americans that were able to cross over. Because it's pretty the Battlegrounds were pretty strict and it was a reconnaissance mission, really, to figure out how we could help children that are suffering. And then really we ended up praying and people think that prayer I don't think Christians really understand how important prayer is until it's the only option you have, right, and then they're all in. But there's a preemptive prayer, there's strategic prayer. So me and one of my colleagues, we stood inside Gaza City. We crossed the point of no return type of deal and it literally I'd never forget he goes. Man, this feels like we're walking to the gates of hell.

Rick Green:

Man, talk about walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

Victor Marx:

So but at one point before we left I said, hey, man, we got to pray. So we stood there, we just lifted our hands and really started praying against any demonic forces and kind of our approach to spiritual warfare. And it was funny because some of the IDF guys literally were hiding behind this bunker which they should be, because there was a sniper shooting and we just stayed in the pocket continuing to pray and, as was so radical, a tank kind of came out of nowhere, and it's on film, and then gazed where the sniper was, boom, boom, and then someone was fired. So I was like, wow, Lord, thank you.

Rick Green:

Yeah, wow, Lord, you don't usually answer that fast, that was quick.

Victor Marx:

That was good, yeah, and it was interesting because we were part of a five-man team of this is really special operations guys, and they were deeply impacted that we would stand there and pray without fear of death or being shot. And they was like you guys have done this before and I was like, yeah.

Rick Green:

Yeah no danger, no, not your first rodeo, for sure. And in fact even there, since October 7th, you'd already been at least once before this, right, yeah, since October 7th.

Victor Marx:

Yeah, we pumped in right away. Right after the attack I had a former SF guy here in the states that we've worked together before we did some stuff in Iraq, and Justin, his name, great guy and he said hey, man, are you putting together a team for Israel? He called me right away and I said I don't have any plans, but if God provides access and placement and an invitation, then that's our typical green light to go. Man, within 72 hours we had it all. I was like, oh my gosh, here we go. And yeah, it was, God keeps placing us in these positions because we're called to do it. And I would give warning to people who want to do stuff like this: Don't, unless you're called, because you'll be moving in the flesh, you can't be guaranteed God's protection and also there won't be much fruit that comes out of it. So right now we still have a team that's working together in the country and those multi-purpose is what we're doing.

Victor Marx:

We were training SF guys and instructors because of the cadre just overwhelmed having to train the reserves coming in. So we encouraged them. We had a day of uh, looking at their breaching stuff, and then even one on ones with people who had been held hostage. People had been fighting since it started and we're just battle-worn. You know, imagine 50 days in Gaza, non-stop fighting, and then on top of that we're still receiving rockets from Gaza, like on a daily basis. We, we fly in, how's this, we fly in and we have to do a special little deal to kind of stay out the public eye. So so we're, we do this thing and we're leaving the airport and our driver, man, he pulls off the road like (sound) into a ditch. I'm like, hey, he goes, their arms get out. Well, and the way he had pulled over or jumped the curb to get in there's a bomb shelter. But it was just this concrete deal.

Victor Marx:

So when you first got there, oh, we haven't even left the airport. So here's what's funny our, uh, our 18 year old son, uh, was on the team and he's, you know, he's just loving it. He's videoing it because the rockets are right overhead. They're being intercepted by the dome, you know, the iron dome boom, boom, boom, boom. And I'm like you got to get a little bit more into the concrete down case. Uh, and I said, but he was also. I mean, he was with us in Iraq.

Victor Marx:

We, we've had a house in Iraq for many years and he, he actually had his 12th birthday in in Iraq one summer and I never forget he goes. He came up to me as like Dad is the worst birthday ever, and I can't disagree with him. I'm like, right, this is all I could do to make it for it. My team wouldn't got him a cupcake or something. And, uh, I took him outside and said, hey, we went up on the roof. I said you want to hold a grenade for your birthday? He's like, yeah, dad. So I opened up, my kit pulled out a grenade and he's like, now, can I pull it? I'm like, no, no, you got to be like 15. Uh, cps if you're out there was in another country, so you can't yeah, he's 18 now.

Rick Green:

Oh, oh, I like it. Oh, I can think about Victor is you know I was like man, I thought I thought I did a really cool job with my boys. You know, when they turn 13, you're a man, you know, do little camping trips, makes steaks. Give them a sword to hang on the wall. No, Victor Marx hey, my kid's turning 12. He's not even 13 yet. Hey, hey, buddy, catch this grenade in Iraq. Of course I love it, man, I love it. I can't imagine how cool it is, though. You know you guys\mar a\mark families a lot Green green family in terms of everybody's in right. I get everybody when, the when, when somebody in the family is going on mission, everybody in the family is going on mission, and I love that. I love watching that with you guys, and so you know, for him to to get to do that at a young age and get to see what you're doing and be a part of it, I think is just just awesome. So he was there with you this time at 18, uh, and and got the guy right now.

Rick Green:

Oh yeah, I was gonna ask if he went with you on the first trip. So so he's he stayed after on this one.

Victor Marx:

No, he went on the second pump. His older brother was in on the first one, then he flew in on the second one. So they're both still there in country right now.

Rick Green:

What? What is the mission objective for Israel, for, for Gaza, for this particular? Since you weren't even thinking of going initially and then got provided this opportunity, like how do you do, how do you pick where to go? And in this case I mean you. You describe what has to be there, what? What's a win for you, for All Things Possible? What's a win when you come out of there?

Victor Marx:

Well, I always look at it as a coin. You know there's two sides. One our primary is to provide trauma relief for those who've been affected by terrorism, and we were able to get access to the main places that were attacked the kibbutzes, the, you know, Nova concert Grounds and remember it was just right after the attack. So it was horrific what we saw, and because I knew there would be an information war because of radical Islam and their use of social network, you know, in media. So me being able to see it firsthand, us experiencing it firsthand, no one can challenge me.

Victor Marx:

Yeah, man, it was actually so bad, Rick, that I mean I walked in so much children's blood and just carnage and also or ISIS bodies mangled in Rubble. I told my wife. I'll never wear these boots again after this mission and I and I'm not. So that was one. If we could, if we could be at the tip of the spear of where the carnage and the attack happened that that equips you then To be able to respond in the propaganda war, essentially by having been there first yeah, it's one yeah yeah.

Victor Marx:

And then the second part of that is when we would find the families and children that survived the massacre. There's thousands of them at, you know, hostels, hotels that are, you know they had to flee. The cities were emptied out like Strut. If we could find them, which we did, and then I could look at them, knowing firsthand I know where you live and I saw what happened and we could feel their pain with them. And then that allows us, on a real connected level and to give our Lion and Lambs, which are trauma healing toys that have music in them, so they they have it where they can play music and it's in their language, prayers in their language. So it's there you got a tactile, then you have music and it lowers anxiety, it's proven.

Victor Marx:

We've used this with ISIS children who are coming out of Baghuz with our friends, you know, free bomber Rangers we actually saw it on network news one night. So they work, and now we've been able to handle thousands. I got a communication today, Rick, that said, from our team still in country. They said we've distributed so much, we have so much trust and appreciation by the people of Israel. Now they've asked us to come into their schools, all the children and start handing them to kids. That's huge, so that's like big success, Lord. Thank you. A lot of fruit.

Rick Green:

And that's also just to just it for people at home. That's one of the ways they can help, they can sponsor, yeah, even just helping you get those, those trauma toys and having the tools that you need, let alone just general contributions and and donations, which we obviously recommend everybody to do. Go to Allt hingsp ossible.

Victor Marx:

Victormarx.,com okay, that tends to be Victormarx. com

Rick Green:

Yeah, and do I mean contributions? Folks come on, help, help them do what they're doing. Alright folks sorry to interrupt, but we've got to take a quick break here where you've been listening to Victor Marks in the Tavern and I'm thrilled to be able to bring that interview with you here on WallBuilders at least part of it. You can get the entire interview at www. patriotacademy. tv. That's www. patriotacademy. tv Quick break. We'll be right back. You're listening to WallBuild lers.

Speaker 2:

This is David Barton, with another moment from America's history. Today there are numerous documented accounts of individual students being disciplined simply for bringing a Bible to school. Fisher Ames would have been appalled at this open hostility toward the Bible. Fisher Ames was the founding father who authored the House of Representatives language for the First Amendment. In his day he vehemently objected to any attempt to minimize the Bible at schools. In fact, he declared, "why should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a schoolbook? Its morals are pure, Its examples captivate in a noble. The reverence for the sacred book that is thus early, impressed, last long and probably, if not impressed in infancy, never takes firm hold of the mind. Founding father Fisher Ames, the man most responsible for the wording of the First Amendment, believed that the most important schoolbook was the Bible. For more information on God's hand in American history, contact Wall Builders at 1-800-8-REBUILD.

Rick Green:

Thanks for staying with us. We're going to jump right back into The Tavern for our interview with Victor Marx from All Things Possible. I remember you telling me a story one time about being able to build trust with people that frankly don't think like us, very different from us but by serving the kids and going in and saving kids, you've been able to go in very dark places all over the world. And so to know that you're getting that kind of favor in the middle of this maybe one of the hottest spots in the world right now is huge man, that's incredible. But you also said earlier it sounds like when you say being able to minister to those who have been affected by terrorism, it's not just the kids and the families that were there that were hurt, but even the troops. I mean, with you guys being warriors yourself.

Rick Green:

It's very different than you know if I come in as an attorney and I'm going to try to minister to one of these guys that's just been through it for 50 days. Eh, not so much. You guys can talk their language. You've been there. You've been in those situations that had to be pretty cool as well, especially on this last trip.

Victor Marx:

It is, and it's that's the other side of the coin is normally in a war-torn country there are war fighters and people that haven't engaged the enemy to stop the manifestation of evil. And you got to remember Israel. They haven't been in a, I mean, they're not worn tired like even the US these last 20 years of what we've done, but they're just like, I sat on with the musician the night I left. I came out of Gaza, I had three hours to pack, I spent an hour with him and he had been in for 50 days and he just was pouring his heart out, saying none of us. You know you're not prepared. You're motivated to defend your family and your country, but we're not prepared for the horrors of war. And you say his troops are filling it. So yeah, so that's one where we start. They're able to talk and share it. But I will say this any kind and compassion at heart, like yourself, who truly cares, is good for someone who's willing to talk.

Rick Green:


Victor Marx:

Yeah, and just so they can kind of process and, of course, people who have been through it. We offer a different aspect and we can kind of give wisdom.

Rick Green:

That had to feel a little bit like you're talking to David. There, man, you got a Jewish soldier that's a fighter and a musician and he's pouring out as hard to you like in the Psalms. That had to be a little bit poetic for you for a little bit there. I don't know if you thought about that when you were talking to him.

Victor Marx:

I think I've seen him completely and I haven't posted it yet, but somebody recorded us and I called him a worshiper and a warrior. Yeah, just like David and I said, there's not many of you men like that.

Rick Green:

Man, if that doesn't fit warrior poet, I don't know what does. That's beautiful actually.

Victor Marx:

Well, and then the kind of the edge of the coin is when we're able to provide insight or help or help facilitate certain things that shouldn't be public, right, and, and then, but we train guys and, um, yeah, so, God believe me, the doors and opportunities are unbelievable. And it's nothing we try, because I've seen some other guys over there and nonprofits, and you know what they were doing, calling us. They were calling us saying, hey, can we come alongside and help? What do you got going and and we're just like, ah, thank you, we're, we're good, we're good. And again, I feel like we're spirit led. So, and I will engage anybody else to help us if it's the fit. But we typically, we typically say hey, thanks for offering, but if they're there and there's nothing to do, should they even be there? That's, and I would tell people, you've got to be called to do a certain type of work.

Rick Green:

Yeah, there's, there's no doubt there's um, especially since the, the Afghanistan debacle and and the you know getting folks out of there, there's been a lot of groups, it seems like that have just, you know, suddenly been created and and a lot of folks I mean I don't know, I want to say this as nice as I can, but I mean they really just run to the cameras, you know, they just it's almost become a feel good kind of thing and and for our viewers that that may not be familiar with you yet, I'm just telling you, folks, the real deal, Victor is the real deal. You can just tell by your demeanor, anyway, in interviews. You're just down to earth, real. God made you for this, you know, to be in the places that you go to, uh, to be able to keep your head about you when everybody else is losing theirs. I mean that's a gift, man, that is such a gift. I think God really did place you for such a time as this and and I just want to encourage people to come alongside you and support you and help you, and I know that, like you said at the beginning, I mean, prayer is real and it makes a difference and that's a significant way to help, and they can, you know, sign it up to be, to be on your list so that they can be informed of how to pray, where you're going, what you're doing. That's one way to do it, victormarx. com, but also man, I'm, I just I don't ever perfume this up. It takes money to do this stuff, it just does. You got to have financial resources and, and so that's why I encourage everybody donate.

Rick Green:

You know, when I talk about the founding fathers all the time, it's always lives, fortune, sacred honor, and everybody wants to skip over fortunes, and I'm like I'm not skipping over that. I'm getting in your kitchen, folks, and telling you, if you don't start sacrificing and giving in a sacrificial way, we're going to lose our country, let alone being able to help guys like you doing what you're doing. Um. So, man, I just I want people to know you're the real deal. This is not a showboating kind of thing. I've never seen you run to a camera. We have to drag you to a camera, um, you know it's, it's just a bl it's refreshing, to be honest. It's refreshing and um, anyway. So what, what else have you got going that you can tell us about that, that you would want us to be, um, you know, with you and helping you, uh, as you prepare going into 2024? I mean, I bet you guys have a lot on the plate, but what can you tell us about?

Victor Marx:

We, we, we do. You know, my kids, my, my adult sons, told me they were talking with somebody and they said, dad, this was such a compliment. They said, you always get calmer, the greater the chaos. And I said thank you. Now, when it's hard for full, you know, the rest of the story is when we come back and we're trying to decompress from, you know, being shot at or the threat and the risk of, like, we were on one mission, uh, in and uh, just this last time. But Hamas, uh, they were my guys with me.

Victor Marx:

We literally were on a stopwatch of how much time I had to go into this controlled air by the enemy, meet with two people that were key to help things in the future, and then get out and literally, I mean, one truck went by, then another one, and then two guys, and then four guys and the team that I had I highly experienced in all this at the highest level and, as a matter of fact, one of them you know he's like, they call him the real Jason Bourne.

Victor Marx:

Guys in Delta call him the real Jason Bourne and folks, I'll just tell you, and I'm being kind to him, but he looks like a total nerd, he and he is. He's like this. He's the most intelligent guy I know. Hey, you know, granted, he can run 100 miles and out, shoot me, you know, any day of the week. But his intelligence, his situation awareness, he's processing everything and he's communicating to the guy with me as I'm making this meeting and this was just like last week, and because we know we're in Hamas territory and I'm meeting with a leader. I'm meeting with a leader and then I'm meeting with a Christian, a Palestinian Christian that's given me insight to how we can help the kids. But at one point my guy does this and, man, we were in a vehicle, moving and grooving, and then we had the Special Operations Community that we were working with over there said, yeah, like they captured four Hamas guys not far from where we were.

Rick Green:

All right, folks, we're gonna have to just have to stop the interview there. You can get the rest of it at www. patriotacademy. tv. That's www. patriotacademy. tv Thrilled to have Victor Marx in. Of course we have him on the regular WallBuilders radio as well, but I always love bringing you at least a part of these interviews from the tavern because we just have a good time. And I'll tell you for the rest of that interview with Victor.

Rick Green:

I have not laughed that hard in an interview I don't think ever. And this is with a guy where we're talking about extremely serious topics but then just a little bit of humor relief. Man, we had a great time together. It's actually a long interview about an hour long, more of a, you know, just a discussion. It's just like what I had envisioned for the Tavern to be in the back corner of the tavern, you know, clanking mugs and then just having that conversation about what it's gonna take to save the country, and just really enjoyed getting to do that with Victor Marx. So hope you'll check out www. patriotacademy. tv and get the rest of that interview. But be sure to tune in tomorrow for more from WallBuidlers and also go to our website today at www. wallbuilders. com. You have been listening to the WallBuilders Show.

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