The WallBuilders Show

Preventing America's Downfall: Lessons from History and the Path to Revival

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Can America avoid the fate of 1933 Germany and protect the constitutional republic envisioned by our Founding Fathers? Join us for a powerful episode where we bring historical wisdom and contemporary urgency to the forefront. We dive into the crucial distinction between a democracy and a constitutional republic, echoing the Founding Fathers' warnings against mobocracy. We passionately advocate for a peaceful revolution through ballots and political engagement to revert to our government’s original design. Drawing from Jefferson's wisdom, he reminds us that transformative change often requires reaching a tipping point of unbearable conditions, urging citizens to overcome complacency and take action.

In a riveting conversation we explore the chilling parallels between America's current landscape and 1933 Germany, spotlighting Dietrich Bonhoeffer's courageous stand against Hitler. The discussion addresses the critical need to comprehend legal and historical contexts in light of recent Supreme Court decisions affecting free speech and federal overreach. We also highlight the importance of intellectual warfare and the necessity of mobilizing an army of patriots to defend our freedoms. With an ambitious goal to train 5 million biblical citizens by the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, this episode is a call to action for those ready to make a significant impact in preserving America's foundational principles.

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Rick Green

Welcome to the Wall Builders Show. We're this week like we did last week. We're still celebrating Independence Day, and the way we're doing it today is sharing with you a presentation I gave just a few days ago at the Patriot Academy campus. I'm Rick Green, America’s Constitution Coach, serving here with David and Tim Barton David's, America’s premier historian and our founder at Wall Builders. Tim Barton's a national speaker and pastor and president of Wall Builders, and the three of us were just in Fredericksburg, Texas, a few days ago celebrating Independence Day.

We brought you a couple of those live programs that we did during the lunches at the constitutional defense course. So it was right in between everybody getting to learn how to defend themselves with a handgun and study the Constitution so they can intellectually defend the principles of the Constitution. We shared those with you on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Yesterday, we began the presentation that I gave on Independence Day evening right before we got into the fireworks and we ran out of time yesterday, so we're going to jump right back in where we left off yesterday, going to take a quick break right here. When we come back from the break we'll pick up where we left off yesterday with that presentation on Independence Day at the Patriot Academy campus.


Rick Green

Welcome back. Thanks for staying with us here on Wall Builders. We're going to jump right back into that presentation that we had. We ran out of time yesterday so we had to end right in the middle of the presentation. We're going to pick up right now where we left off and then tomorrow we'll get the entire conclusion. But let's jump in where we left off yesterday. And if you missed that, be sure and visit our website at and you can get the entire presentation there.

Our job is to alter our government back to what the Founding Fathers gave us a constitutional republic. I know it's confusing, because CNN keeps trying to tell you that we're a democracy and that if you do any of the things we're doing this weekend, you're a threat to democracy. When someone tells you you're a threat to democracy, your response should always be you're darn right. I'm a threat to democracy, because democracy, according to the guys that gave us the declaration of independence, is one of the greatest of evils. Democracy is mobocracy. It ends in violence. We're not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic, and that constitutional republic falls apart if we don't give or refuse consent. And now we get a chance to alter it back to what the founders designed, and here's the beauty of our interruption of the cycle, different from anyone else in history. We don't have to take up pitchforks. We don't have to take up the guns that we're using and learning this weekend to defend ourselves. We don't need a revolution with bullets. We can have a revolution with ballots. We can have a revolution with the process. We have peaceable answers to turn this thing around. Everything we need to win this is right at our fingertips Now.

People often, when I say that today, they'll be like oh, rick, but they're going to steal the election. Or yeah, rick, but it's just too close. Or there's too many people in America that have been raised to believe in Marxism and it's just too hard, or it's just too many. Half of Christians do not even vote. We don't even have our team on the field. Don't tell me it's impossible. What's happening is we're not feeling enough pain yet. We're not far enough into the tough times that that half that's not even voting is willing to get up off the couch and show up and participate in the process. So it's not that we can't win, it's that we haven't been motivated to do it because we've been living in these good times and we've gotten soft. So altering our government is what we're going to work on for the next two years. Now I know that. You know, sometimes it's hard to get motivated to do things like this.

And Jefferson explains that in the Declaration too. He says prudence, indeed, will dictate. The government's long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. In other words, we don't alter our government just because we don't like the way that pothole was fixed, or we just don't like the tweets that that guy was sending out, or we don't pick silly reasons to alter our government. So he said you don't do this for light and transient causes. In fact he explained why and it's back to soft, because things are so good, he said accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by throwing off the forms to which they are accustomed.

That's where we are folks. We're suffering because we've said you know what, I just don't want to have to deal with it, I don't want to have to take the time to do it, so I'll pay that extra tax or I'll deal with that extra regulatory burden. I'll put up with that much for my government because I'm suffering these evils while they're sufferable Folks, we're reaching a point where they're no longer sufferable. We're reaching a point where the American people are saying enough is enough. I'm tired of the sham, I'm tired of the fraud, I'm tired of the lies. I'm tired of the evil that we're celebrating in the streets of this country. I'm tired of the evil that is carving up children, all of these things. The American people are starting to say enough is enough, and they're quickly approaching the next part of the Declaration of Independence, where Jefferson said but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing inevitably the same object of it as they designed to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such governments and institute new guards for their future security. That's where we are, and the new guards for our future security is not a new government that we got to come up with. Okay, guys, how would we do this? Well, let's see, america tried a constitutional republic. Let's not do that. No, we don't have to come up with a new government. We got to restore the one that we had. We got to actually get back to being a constitutional republic. We got get actually get back to putting the federal government in its box where it only does the 17 things that we, the people, gave consent for it to do. And the only way you do that is you overrule the federal government through the states, through constitutional amendments. That's the proper way to restore the balance of power and once again have true federalism in this country.

So altering and I will say abolish. Yes, I do want to abolish some of our government. I am all for abolishing the Department of Education. Anybody with me on that. I'd love to abolish the Department of Agriculture at the federal level. We can deal with that in our states just fine. We don't need them telling us what we can grow or not grow and all of those things. I think we need a department to abolish the Center for Demented Confusion. I don't think they've gotten it right. You know, even two out of ten times over the last 50 years. Just a disaster, absolute disaster. They are the disease, I think. Anyway, there's so many of those departments at the federal level we need to abolish, but also at the local and state level. So I know, if you've been with us for long, you know I rant about the federal government all the time and all the things they're doing that they're not supposed to be doing. If you go, look at your local government right now, including right here where we live in Texas and Hill Country of Texas, or you may live in rural Oklahoma or wherever you came in from you, go look at your local governments.

Marxism has seeped into every level of government in this country, and so we've got to start being vigilant and saying where can I alter or abolish government to get it back to a constitutional republic? What are the things I can do? And so, as jefferson made that case, as he says, such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies and such is now the time. Uh, forgot the next line. What held me out, david, you remember what? The next line? Such is now the patient sufferance of the colonies, and such is now that constrains them to that was the word I was looking for. Constrains them to, that was the word I was looking for. Constrains them to do, see, in other words, they didn't have a choice. They believed that if we don't do this, we will end up in absolute despotism. I think we're at that place. I'm an optimist, but I'm a student of history. Okay, if we don't do what's necessary, two years from now and that two 50th, we could be at the point where it's too far gone. And if you think I'm, you know, exaggerating, because you know I want to have as big a boom as the fireworks that we're about to watch, you know, or whatever.

Listen, Eric Metaxas was on my show on the tavern a few weeks back and we were talking about his movie Letter to the American Church. It's a book, by the way, you should give to your pastor for sure, and then ask your church to air the movie letter of the American church. Anyway, he was on the program. We were talking about 1933 Germany, and how they were in exactly the same position we're in now, and how, when dietrich bonhoeffer right there. That's why we have a dietrich bonhoeffer committee. When dietrich bonhoeffer gave that famous speech he was only 26, by the way, 26 years old, and he's challenging the entire German church to stand up to Hitler, to not fall for this. Do not let this happen on our watch. And he thought they didn't have long. He thought they had longer than they had because within two years by 1935, the enabling acts had been passed. Hitler had total chancellor powers and it was too late At that point. They couldn't stop it.

And I said to Eric that night. I said okay, man, so how long do we have? How long has America got? Are we at 1933? And we got two years? Are we in 19,? You know what do you think? He said, rick, I don't think we have more than a year. He said, number one we have to win this election and not let the Marxists control the federal government any longer. But then we've got to do the hard work of starting to take back all these agencies and institutions at the local level. And so I don't know. I don't know if I totally agree with Eric. I think we have more like a five year window. To be honest with you, that's just my personal. I don't know if that's right. We may be done in a year if we don't stop the slide Now. Here's why I think we can stop the slide.

Just look at the things that have happened in the last seven days. Okay, last Monday, or yeah, well, that'd be 10 days. So, so last Monday we had a horrible Supreme court decision. So it's not going to be perfect, and, and and you're not going to get perfect, from Amy, coney, barrett and Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, everybody thinks you've got to cobble the votes together. Always follow Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. Those are the two great minds on on on the court that actually love the constitution and know their history.

But anyway, last Monday the Supreme Court punted once again and said nobody has standing to challenge the Biden administration's silencing of the American people and the complete infringement of our First Amendment rights, using the social media companies to silence all of us. That we're actually just saying hey, can you check out those doctors that are using ivermectin? I think they're getting some good results. Hey, these other guys over here using hydroxychloroquine? Hey, budesidide seems to be working on some people. We're just like can we just like talk about it? Can we just find out if this is working or not working? And if you so much as did that, you were canceled. And yet the Supreme Court said you didn't have standing to bring a suit against the administration that had bullied all of this process. It was a terrible decision and it was all this.

You know how many angels can dance on a head of a pin kind of arguments, all of these, and Amy Coney Barrett loves doing that. That's one reason I don't like. I mean, these people are they really believe they're the high priests of the law? Okay, and if you watch Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas' opinions, they're writing the opinions where we can. Average American can understand them. Even a country boy from Drippin Springs I can read those opinions and actually understand what they're saying. These other guys, they run in circles in order to keep us from understanding what's happening. It's almost like the? You know the, the old Catholic church that didn't want the Bible read and anything other than Latin. You couldn't. You couldn't get, you know, your own Bible. You had the big, massive Bibles at the church and nobody else got one. It's the same kind of thing. That's what these judges have been doing for decades and decades. So that decision last Monday was horrible.

Of course, clarence Thomas and Sam Alito dissented and we're on the right side of the argument, and so I was thinking when that happened. I'm like, oh man, this is going to be a bad week. And then, all of a, we get the one we talked about at lunch today the Loper case that overturned Chevron deference. We got the Jarquesi case that, if you've taken our classes, you know I've been complaining about the administrative law courts within the fourth branch, where you don't get your due process rights. You don't really get a bill of rights over there. We have to get rid of that. This case gets rid of that. So those were two big, big, big blows to the fourth branch, to the agencies, and then we get the J6 defendant case on Friday. This was massive. I mean, this was a big, big deal.

Now, if you're not familiar with why this case was such a big deal, this Section 1512 thing was an Enron-era federal statute that literally was about you shredding documents while you're under investigation because literally targeting that you're putting paper into a shredder. That would have been evidence if they filed charges against you. Now I don't know how much video you've watched from January 6th. There's like 44,000 hours of it, so you may not have watched enough to have seen all of the shredders that were stationed around the Capitol building and all the J6 defendants as they were running into the Capitol. They were shredding documents.

Did anybody see those videos? Nobody. You mean that there was no paper shredding on January 6th? What about Nancy Pelosi's office? You know the dude had his feet up on the desk. Did he grab papers and shove them into the shredder? No, what about the lectern guy? Everybody likes him. I mean, was that actually a paper shredder and not a lectern? Maybe that's what it was. It was a lectern. You get how ridiculous I'm trying to make. It is because people's lives have been ruined by using a statute that has nothing to do with what happened on January 6th in order to bully these defendants into settling on the misdemeanor charges that if they only had the misdemeanor charges they would have been willing to fight. And they were bullied into submission using that 1512 statute. It was a horrible, evil thing and the Supreme Court slapped them down and said enough is enough. Now the reason I'm excited about this particular case is because it's the beginning of restoring the justice system.

Now, I don't know if you noticed out here in the big room when you got your food, but that's going to be the house chamber and if you looked up front there, we're building that dais exactly like the house chamber in Texas. It looks absolutely beautiful, ben. Thank you. You guys did an amazing, amazing job, in fact, paul, god bless you, man. Your fingerprints will be on that for the rest of your life.

And Paul asked me last night to sign my name on a piece that was about to be covered up. So a bunch of the family and everybody was signing, and the artists that created it and everybody signed it. And so I went up there to sign it and all I could think about was Isaiah 1 26. So I wrote it out on that. So I'll give you lawyers is at the beginning, judges is at the first. Then you will be a righteous city. That room right there is gonna raise up the lawyers is at the beginning and the judges at the first. That dais is gonna be the place that God brings up this remnant to prepare them and train them and sharpen them and equip them so that we can win. So we're not just giving speeches, we're not just pounding the bully pulpit, we're winning. We're taking ground back. You know, Donald Trump said you're gonna get tired of winning. I am sick and tired of losing. I'm sick and tired of losing. I'm sick and tired of this culture being destroyed.

When Toby Keith died a few months ago, I went and watched some of the videos, and when he sang at Trump's inauguration in 2016,. That song, American Soldier, is such a good song and it captures so much what people have been willing to do to make it even possible for us to celebrate the Declaration tonight. But as I watched that video, I guess this was February, maybe march, and it was. It was right in the middle of all of these trials and and, and. I watched the video and I'm listening to this song and I'm watching the, the, the um, as the cameras are panning across these, these veterans that were standing out in the crowd and and I'm thinking they have destroyed this. They have made us now doubt our own men and women in uniform, doubt our, our causes that we've been a part of, doubt everything that we do. They have created this, this Marxist victory of making us hate each other.

I just wept for my country, and I know you have too. I know I'm preaching to the choir here. You wouldn't be here with us or be a part of this if you hadn't felt these same things and felt like, as we say in in in taste, American legends like the, the stars and stripes are fading. The, the song by Aaron Lewis. You know another statue going down in a town near you. You know that we're losing this, a thread at a time in the, in the flag.

So we've all felt, and the worst part of all of it to me is the justice system, the idea that we would put a praying grandma in prison, 72-year-old great-grandmother. These people have been put through hell for praying at the Capitol, for going and fasting and walking around the grounds and praying for our country, for being willing to stand up and say not, on my watch, is my nation going to be lost. Didn't push any cops, didn't break anything, didn't do anything wrong, and this Justice Department wants to put her in jail for a year. I mean, that's what we're looking at. We've got guys that are right now entering their fourth year in prison without their due process rights. They still haven't gone to trial. Two years in solitary confinement If that doesn't violate the Eighth Amendment and cruel and unusual punishment, I don't know what does I mean. That's happening right now in our nation, on our watch.

So for me, this decision on the section 1512 thing was the first push back where we're finally starting to say to this fourth branch in the department of justice and these Marxists that have taken over. And believe me, in fact we stood outside in the hallway when I went out to testify for Rebecca and we watched these prosecutors, bunch of soy boys, just the evil you could feel it, couldn't you? I mean the evil of the, of these people and and and they want to destroy you. They hate you. Can I just be. I mean, these are your fellow Americans, but they hate you. They want you gone. They don't want this exist. Live and live, and that's not what they're after. They're after total domination. All right, folks got to take another break today. Stay with us. We'll be right back on the Wall. Builder Show.


Rick Green

Welcome back to the WallBuilders Show. Thanks for staying with us. Let's jump right back in to this presentation I was doing on the Declaration of Independence there at the Patriot Academy campus. We cannot sit on the sidelines. We cannot just have some good hot dogs, do some fireworks and then say that was nice, it was great to be around some other patriotic Americans. We have to say this is the hour that I have been called to stand guard at the Watchtower of Freedom. This is the hour that I must do more.

This is, you know, the last two generations didn't have to quite do this. This is more like a World War II generation situation where freedom is completely on the line. And so this, this pushing back to restore actual justice, blind justice, equal justice, not social justice that depends on the color of your skin and the church you go to and the political affiliation you have, that social justice, it's evil and wrong and it's going to eat us alive as a country if we don't just get rid of it completely. As our pastor here in Fredericksburg likes to say, dei basically means didn't earn it. So this stuff is causing people to hate each other. All of this Marxism is working. And so here's how we push back in the next two years. We have been given a wonderful platform with Patriot Academy, with Wall Builders, with Flashpoint. I mean we have an audience that I would have never thought we would be able to reach this many people every night and instantly with emails and social media and all of those things. So we have the ability to equip and train and motivate and inspire and strategize with and give the right tactics to an entire army of patriots across the nation. And when I say army of patriots, just in case the New York Times has snuck their way in here, we're talking about intellectual warfare and they always love to take it out of context.

I don't know if you saw the interview with Steve Bannon, but it's just absurd. And there's another guy Right and what a happy warrior. I don't know if anybody watched his his speech as he was going into prison. Yeah no, I said I'm very glad to go to jail for freedom for this country and to make sure we're going to end up getting Merrick Garland, those guys and and proving what they've done. But he actually quoted John Paul Jones and said I have not even yet begun to fight. So I love that. I love that and that's going to happen. I'm telling you you're going to end up with some people going to jail that you know before this is all over, and that's going to be part of their life, fortune and sacred honor. That's going to be a part of how this thing has to be fought and again I'm but it's going to get ugly. There's going. These people are not.

We're not going to just win an election or two and all of a sudden, the leftists, the Marxists, say oh well, we tried really hard for 80 years, guess we better give up. They're going to scratch and claw and fight, and and part of the reason I wanted you here to do this and learn how to defend yourself with a weapon is because we've let 20 million illegals come across the border and we don't know who two million of them are. We don't have that. We don't know where they went, we don't know who they are. And if you don't think hamas terrorists are here, if you don't think there's cartel operatives and Chinese nationalist operatives, and if you're too naive to be in this room, okay, they are here in droves, tens of thousands of them, and there's going to be some attacks in our country. I personally think it's going to be about a 20-city attack all in the same day. I think it's going to be coordinated, but we'll see. Maybe I'm just I don't know, maybe I read too many books, but there's going to be some attacks.

And when it happens, we need to not lose our minds, we need to not get depressed. We need to quote right then out of Jeremiah I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper. And then and then, when we and we remember that he said, even in the midst of going into captivity and turmoil, plant your gardens, marry your wives, build your houses, be a blessing in the nation where you are. So, if and when this chaos happens, we're not going to freak out. We're going to say okay, lord, what's my role? Where am I rebuilding the wall in my neighborhood? Where am I possibly standing with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other, like we were talking about? Paul, you might have to do that, but where am I rebuilding in my community? Where am I building community within my neighborhood with other patriots that we can have each other's back and that we can encourage each other? Where am I hosting a constitution class where I can educate intellectually, so that people aren't responding with emotion. They're responding intellectually to know. This is how the system works. This is how we push back. This is how we win in the long term.

Now here's some data for you that I want you to measure me against. Two years from today, okay, we've put a million people through our classes. So, either biblical citizenship or constitutional life, or it's constitutional defense or one of our other programs, so you got a million biblical citizens out there. We need 5 million biblical citizens, in my opinion, to have the turning point, to have the tipping point for the country, because that's 3% of the presidential voting population. 3% is what the founding fathers had. So when they did the Declaration of Independence, they managed to get 3% of the country to fight. Did the Declaration of Independence, they managed to get 3% of the country to fight. Everybody else enjoyed the benefits of the hard work the 3% did. Right. We need 3% that are biblical citizens in this country. That's 5 million, and we need to get to that point when we get to the, two years from now, 250th anniversary, which means we got to train 4 million in 24 months.

That's impossible without God and it's impossible without you. So we need you to become a constitution coach and multiply yourself, even if you only have one person come to your class. If you open up your living room and one person signs up for your class, you still have that class. We got a call from a guy that is in a small state and he only had one person sign up for his class and he's like man, I don't know if I should do the class. What a waste. It's only one person. We said that you just doubled yourself. That's 100% increase. What are you talking about? Small beginnings? Have the class. So if you only get one person, that's great. Well, guess what happened? The one person that comes to his class two months later ends up on the state board of education in that state. And then in the next election, two more of our Constitution folks got elected to the state board of education in that state and about four weeks ago, a fourth member of the state board of education was elected out of our programs, and so we now will, starting in January, we'll have a majority of the state board of education in that state.

One person started with one person. So get signed up as a coach and make a dedication that you're going to start spending at least one night a week, investing in freedom. All right, folks, out of time for today We'll get the conclusion of that presentation at the Patriot Academy campus. It's all about the Declaration of Independence and what we can do to restore it, what you personally can do to restore it, and how important it is for us to be dedicated over the next two years, before the 250th anniversary, to make sure that we're doing everything we can to restore those declaration principles. By the way, if you've enjoyed these programs this week and kind of gotten curious about what we do at the Patriot Academy campus, check out and learn about that constitutional defense course and the Patriot experience. That will begin in the fall, but right now you can sign up to come get trained at the Fredericksburg campus. Thanks for listening. Today You've been listening to the WallBuilders Show


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