The WallBuilders Show

Faith, Freedom, and The Ten Commandments: Insights from Pastor Rob McCoy, part 1

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Ready to explore the powerful synergy between faith, culture, and pro-family values? Join us as we recap the inspiring ProFamily Legislators Conference hosted by WallBuilders, where Pastor Rob McCoy, celebrated for his pivotal role during the COVID-19 lockdowns, shares his insights. Discover the profound sense of solidarity and renewed motivation experienced by state representatives and senators who champion pro-family values, often feeling isolated in their stance. Pastor McCoy’s compelling talk is a testament to the importance of such gatherings, offering valuable support systems for pro-family public officials nationwide.

Ever wondered how to make the Ten Commandments unforgettable for both children and adults? Pastor Rob McCoy introduces an innovative method using simple finger gestures to teach these timeless principles. From honoring one God to not coveting, each commandment is explained with a memorable hand motion. He delves into the significance of the law and illustrates how discipline, much like in athletics, can lead to greater freedom and excellence. Drawing from his own experiences as an athlete, McCoy emphasizes the empowering effect of applying restraints to achieve greater choices and success.

Take a journey through California’s political and religious landscape as Pastor McCoy reflects on the state’s evolution from past conservatism to the cultural upheavals of the 1960s, and the spiritual revival led by Calvary Chapel. Despite challenges like high taxes and controversial policies, the exponential growth and numerous conversions within Calvary Chapel demonstrate the transformative power of preaching the gospel. Finally, get excited for the upcoming Constitutional Defense Course on July 4th. It promises an enriching blend of constitution and handgun defense training, with an urgent call for families and groups to join this engaging and celebratory experience. Visit to secure your spot today!

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Rick Green

Welcome to the Intersection of Faith and Culture. It's The WallBuilders Show. We are taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective and we're glad you're here with us. We've got a great program coming to you today and tomorrow. From somewhat the archives only a couple of months or a few months ago I guess I should say it was the legislators conference that we do for state reps and state senators around the country. We do that every year and we bring them together. They come in and they get some great time to sharpen each other's countenance. They get to hear from great speakers, they get to just spend some time with some fellow pro-family legislators. Sometimes you know, I remember this when I was in the legislature sometimes you feel like you're the only one, even though there's usually a handful in each state house or state senate. It still gets frustrating. It's just kind of part of the part of the process, I guess, and just where we are politically in the country. But when you come together at the Pro-Family Legislators Conference that WallBuilders puts on man, you realize there are hundreds of other pro-family state reps and state senators and folks serving in public office across the country. It's very, very encouraging, and so, anyway, we do this once a year. It's called the Pro-Family Legislators Conference and in fact I encourage you to tell your state legislator about it, and part of what we try to do is bring as many of those really powerful talks that the legislators get to hear, bring those to you, our audience. We want you to be able to enjoy this as well, even if you're not a legislator, and so we re-air some of those talks from the legislators' conference as often as we can, and sometimes it takes us a little while to get to them.

So this one is actually, like I said, from several months back, but it's Rob McCoy, and if you've never heard Pastor Rob McCoy, oh man, you're missing out. In fact, if you've been through our biblical citizenship class and a million of you have if you've been through our biblical citizenship class, you know who Rob McCoy is. He's the one that hosts, actually, the filming of the class. They're at his church in Thousand Oaks, California. He was one of the great heroes during the COVID crackdowns and the Gavin Newsom lockdown of California. Rob McCoy was willing to stand up and say no and willing to bring in the scientists and the experts and educate people on the truth, and so he just did a phenomenal job. We ended up filming Biblical Citizenship at his church. He's been on the program many times in the past, but his sharing with the legislators was so good.

We want to share that with you. We're going to have that today and tomorrow and we'll actually just jump right in. It's going to be a chance for you to hear from him and if you you know, after tomorrow, if you ever miss tomorrow's program for some reason, it'll all be available at our website, that's the archives and also where you can get the daily program downloaded the quickest. Now, of course, if you go to, that's our main website. That's where all the other information is and lots of great tools and materials available for you, and that's also the place you can make a one-time or monthly contribution. By the way, I'm Rick Green, America's Constitution Coach, serving here with David and Tim Barton, David's, America's premier historian and our founder at Wall Builders, and Tim is a national speaker and pastor and president of Wall Builders. Stay with us. When we come back from the break, we'll be with Rob McCoy at the Pro Family Legislators Conference.


Alexei de Tocqueville, a political official from France, traveled to the United States in 1831 and penned his observations in the now famous book Democracy in America. Being from France, what he found in America was completely unexpected to him, he reported. Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention, and the longer I stayed there the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this. In France, I'd almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions, but in America I found that they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country. De Tocqueville recognized that it was biblical Christianity and the morals it produced that made America great. For more information about Alexei de Tocqueville and the positive influence of Christianity in early America, go to

Rob McCoy

I resigned from office when the governor of our state said that the church was non-essential. During our holy week, Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, cannabis distributors were essential, strip clubs were essential, abortion clinics were essential, liquor stores were essential, but the church wasn't. And so we defied the governor's order, the county supervisor, the county health officer and we remained open. We hosted communion on Good Friday and the press descended on us because we were killing grandma and we followed CDC standards. Normally, communion in our church takes about 30 minutes. It took almost five hours, 10 chairs clean up. Everyone followed it. And it was fascinating to me because shortly thereafter, the governor of the state was marching through downtown Los Angeles as it was smoldering, as the riots had occurred with the BLM, and he was shoulder to shoulder, no mask, and 75% of the businesses that were burned and looted were Jewish owned and targeted. It was very apparent that this had nothing to do with a virus, and I work with Charlie Kirk. I'm the co-founder, co-chair of TPUSA Faith, where we're reaching churches so they participate in the public square, and we had the intel on the virus, and Charlie made the greatest or the most tragic prediction ever in American media when he had heard what I had done and what Jack Hibbs was doing, that we were standing in defiance, and what was happening in California. He said the churches in America will not tolerate this tyranny. They will rebel in large numbers, and you could hear crickets across the country, including, by the way, the greatest pushback I had was from the pastors in Texas telling me I'm violating Romans 13. They're idiots for that. They don't understand Romans 13.

Jonathan Mayhew, a minister, as we've learned from David Barton and so many others Jonathan Mayhew was the one, as John Adams said, inspired the American Revolution, the War of Independence, because he said that disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God. He said Romans 13. If you read it in context, it says that, yes, God appoints all positions of authority, but they're there for our good and when they cease to do good, they cease to be the authority. And so disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God. And they couldn't comprehend that because for over 50 years, the American church has abdicated its responsibility in the public square, and I'll give you a perfect example of it. They think that the law, the Decalogue that we have been presenting to all of you through many presentations, they believe the Decalogue is only in the Bible to show us that we can't keep it, so that we're saved by grace, through faith. It's a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. They don't understand that we're to instruct our children and our grandchildren, and it's the moral law, and from the moral law comes civil law. Now, I'm not going to do this to you, but I can tell you right now, by my experience, that maybe one in 20 of you can recite the Ten Commandments. But when we leave here today, you're going to be able to do it and teach your children.

Do this. Hold up a finger. Everybody. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you Amen, because God commands it.

One God.

 Say it. 

Take two fingers. 

Take this one and bend it. No idols, don't bow down. 

Three Put it over your mouth.

 Don't take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. 

Four make a pillow. Honor the Sabbath day. 

Five salute. Honor your mother and father. It'll go well with you. You'll live long on the land in which I've given you.

Six do a gun. Don't murder. 

Seven go like this Don't commit adultery. There's two in a marriage, not five. Got it? When you do eight, do it like this, with your thumbs missing, got it?. Don't steal or you'll have your thumbs cut off

Nine is simple, it's don't bear false witness. This is five, it's not four.

 And then ten do this Don't covet. Let's try it. One Don't take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.

Say it louder. 

Four Don't take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. 

Say it louder, for Don't steal. 

Don't bear false witness, don't covet.

Got it? Did that take long? 

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Your children are waiting for you to teach that. So are your grandkids.

Rick Green

All right, folks got to interrupt Rob for just a second. Here we're going to take another break and, by the way, if you didn't recognize the voice, that's Rob McCoy from Thousand Oaks Calvary Chapel in Godspeed Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks, California. And of course, if you've been through biblical citizenship, you've seen that conversation I have with him in that first week of biblical citizenship and then kind of sprinkled throughout the remaining seven weeks. But just a lot of great biblical wisdom and we wanted to bring some of it to you. The talk that you're actually listening to, if you happen to join us in the middle of the program today, is from our Pro-Family Legislators Conference that we do once a year for state reps and state senators. Quick break, We'll be right back. You're listening to the WallBuilders Show.


Rick Green

Welcome back to the Wall Builder Show, jumping right back in with Rob McCoy. Pastor Rob McCoy speaking at the Pro-Family Legislators Conference.

Rob McCoy

One God, bend your finger, no idols. Two Three put it over your mouth. Don't take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. Honor it. Four Sabbath day keep it holy. Five salute, honor your mother and father. Six don't murder. Seven don't commit adultery. Two in a marriage, not five. Eight no thumbs. Don't steal. Nine don't bear false witness. It's five, not four. And ten don't steal. Nine don't bear false witness. It's five, not four. And 10, don't covet.

Why is this critical? What's the point of the law? You know, on the stairwell at Harvard University Law School there's an emblazoned plaque commemorating a speech, a graduation commencement speech, that has been invoked every year for the graduate students, and it says this the law is the wise restraints that make you free. How stupid. How do restraints make you free? Anyone who's an athlete in here understands this. Anyone who's a parent understands this. You probably restraints towards evil in order to pursue excellence. You don't stand on the victory block unless on Friday night, when your friends are out partying. You're in bed because you got practice at 5 am.

I was an all-American swimmer, water polo player. I know it's hard to believe. I look more like a buoy now, but I was. Scholars still hold records, 40-year-old records in San Diego, at Mesa College and Fresno State, which is the Harvard and San Joaquin Valley. But the reason I got those records is not because I partied on Friday and Saturday nights, because I was in bed. I had a three-hour practice on Saturday. I was up at four o'clock every morning during the week, in the water by five, home by 7.15, at school by eight, back in the water at four, out at six, dinner, homework, bed by nine, up at four. I didn't miss a practice for three and a half years. That's what it takes. You apply restraints if you want to have choices. You see, no, you don't get to eat candy and watch television and you're going to do your homework. If you give to a pig when it oinks or a child when it cries, you'll end up with a fine pig and rotten child. You put restraints on the children so they'll have options and choices. Freedom is having choices, but freedom only comes when you apply restraints, which is liberty, doing the right thing and the laws of the wise, restraints that make men free, free contrasting with slave.

Three to five million people were enslaved in Egypt. They worked all day by the sweat of their brow and another man profited from their labors and they got nothing for what they did. They had no freedom. They were overwhelmed. They cried out to God because that's the only voice that would hear them. God heard their cries and sent an 80-year-old man by the name of Moses.

God told Moses tell Pharaoh to let my people go. He approaches and says to Pharaoh. God says let my people go. Pharaoh says who is God? That I should obey him, just like every tyrant would. I witnessed that in my great state of California with Governor Nussolini Holy week people are dying. It's not important and singing is outlawed by edict. Whatever, no fireworks on the 4th of July. It was the best fireworks display I've ever seen in all the LA basin. And Pharaoh says who is God? That I should obey him?

And Pharaoh is a tyrant, flexes his muscle. He says I'm going to double the brick output and reduce the materials. I'll show you who's in charge and you know what. It increases the labor of the slaves. And you know what these three to five million people who wanted freedom do? They want to kill Moses. People want freedom. They just don't want to labor for it. They don't want to have to suffer for it.

Only one in nine Americans fought in the Revolutionary War, very few people contended with the tyranny of the people who took the injection in this room. I don't want to see a show of hands, but how many of you took it because you believed in its efficacy or you were afraid of losing your job? You see, the fear of man is a snare. Fear of God is a beginning of wisdom. Legislators need wisdom, not fear of man, and so they want to kill Moses. But one man and God constitutes a majority. One woman and God constitutes a majority. Moses is siding with God and, look, I'm immortal until God's done with me. I'm not in charge of the outcome, I'm in charge of the obedience, and in California, if you don't have that mindset, you're done. You don't win the battles. We're hopefully going to win the war. That's what we're striving for. Well, we do win the war. We win, but we still go to battle every day with the optimism of winning, having done all we stand.

Rick Green

All right, folks, one more break today. Stay with us, We'll be right back on the Wall. Builder Show.


Speaker 1: 20:12

Welcome back to the WallBuilder Show, Jumping back in with Rob McCoy, who's speaking at the Pro-Family Legislators Conference, and we will not get it all in today, so this final segment of the program, we'll hear more of Rob and then tomorrow we'll get the conclusion. But let's jump back in with Rob. Here we go.

Rob MCCoy

You think you're depressed in your state? Come to California. Name one legislator here from California. Stand up. Thank you. Now I know Shannon Grove is laboring and a handful of others, but they are California condors. They're an endangered species. Bring in a handful of others, but they are California condors. They're an endangered species.

To stay positive in a state where we have the highest gas tax, sales tax, income tax, corporate tax, we leave the nation in debt. You combine the next four largest states' debt, it doesn't equal the debt of California, where the authors of no Fault Divorce that Reagan signed in 69 became law in 70 and decimated marriage across the country. California no-fault divorce, transgender bathroom bills, the most secular, progressive sexual education curriculum you can imagine. It's vile. And here's the kicker We've aborted more children, it's estimated, because abortion was legal long before 73 in California. It's estimated we've aborted more children in California than the current population of Canada. We don't just rip the baby apart in the womb of its mother and flush its parts into the sewer system of the state. No, we harvest their organs on the downbeat of the heart. We make Mengele and Hitler look like Girl Scouts. Yeah, well, sadly.

But you know, my church, calvary chapel, started in California 1968. We had Reagan as governor. We were the most conservative state. We had the California aqueduct, which was a marvel in civil engineering, taking the water from the Sierra Nevadas and placing it in the San Joaquin valley. That valley produces more cotton than the entire south combined. It was a state of the future. I was born there, my father was born there, my grandfather, and Calvary Chapel started in 68.

Chuck Smith looked out at a sea of humanity, of the hippies that were so burned out, because in 68, reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr was shot on a balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. Bobby Kennedy was shot in Hilton in LA by Sirhan Sirhan. We had the my Lai Massacre, the Tet Offensive. Our young people were dying in hamlets and villages of the names we can't pronounce, somewhere in a country called Vietnam. We had riots and we had an intrusion of socialism slash communism. The nation, the fabric was being ripped apart and the church had no answers. Because we don't do politics. These disillusioned young people checked out of the church in droves, went into Eastern religions and experimental drug use and they ended up awash on the shores of California and Chuck and Kay looked out at the sea of humanity and their hearts broke. They knew they were burned out on politics, so they avoided politics. They said we're just going to preach the gospel, we're going to teach it verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book. Make the main thing, the plain thing and the plain thing, the main thing. They brought in syncopated rhythms and Maranatha music. It was the first mega church.

Calvary Chapel's had 10,000 percent growth since 1968. 10,000, and it's conversion growth, not transfer growth. These are people raising their hand to receive Christ for the very first time. Harvest Crusades with Greg Laurie Somebody Loves you Crusades with Raul Ruiz. I'll tell you what. There's 1,800 Calvary chapels around the world. The lion's share of those are in California. South of Van Nuys, which is right in the center of LA County, the LA Basin, San Fernando Valley, all the way down to the Mexican border, there are more Calvary chapels than Dunkin' Donuts. At one point four of the 10 largest churches in the United States were Calvary chapels. So how's that changed the state of California? Because in 1968, we had the fifth largest GDP. Well, here we are 2023, 10,000% growth.

Preaching the gospel. I throw the net out every Sunday. If you believe the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and you confess with your tongue Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. The glory of the gospel. I throw the net out every Sunday. If you believe the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, you'll be and you confess with your tongue Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. The glory of the father, amen. Raise your hand if you want to receive Christ. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. Come on forward, I'm going to give you a Bible. Do that every Sunday. Our church has baptized more people in 18 months than the attendance of the church was 18 months ago because we stayed open. These are Mormons and atheists and Jews and agnostics. I remember one guy, an atheist. He had the gun store in town and I was on the council and I helped open the very first gun store in Thousand Oaks. We witnessed and ministered to him, helped build his store out. He didn't understand why. I said we can't have the First Amendment without the Second.

Rick Green

All right, folks, that's it for today. We are out of time. We'll get the conclusion of Rob McCoy's presentation at the Pro-Family Legislators Conference. We'll get that tomorrow and you can always get all the programs at And, by the way, of course, July 4th coming up, we're going to be celebrating the independence of the nation, 248th birthday of the nation, which means we got two years and just a few days to restore this thing, because at the 250 Mark, everything falls apart or it's reignited.

There's a new brush fire of liberty all across the country, and that's the one I'm praying for, and so we're working on doing that, and you need to visit the Patriot Academy campus in Fredericksburg, Texas, and be a part of it. It's absolutely incredible what God's doing there. We're going to build Independence Hall and hopefully cut the ribbon on that at the 250th birthday, but right now we have our amazing gun ranges and our classroom. We're building our House Chamber for the National Leadership Congress. It's going to take place in just a few weeks, but in just another week or so, on July 4th, we're going to have a constitutional defense course, and David Barton and Tim Barton will be there. I'll be there.

We're going to have a great time do some cool constitution training and, of course, the handgun defense training. So if you haven't been through one of our constitutional defense courses yet, you need to go to the website right now because you're running out of time. There's only a couple of slots left on the range. I think it's like six slots left and you can be the final, the last family to fill it up, or come down just you and your spouse, or just by yourself, or bring some buddies, maybe your security team from your church. Whatever, let's get those six slots filled and let's see you July 4th. We're going to have fireworks and all kinds of fun at the campus. Check it out today at Thanks for listening to The WallBuilder Show.


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