The WallBuilders Show

Revival and Reform: The Million-Woman Movement in Action - with Lou Engle

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

What if spiritual revival could transform the political landscape? On this episode of WallBuilders, we delve into how the integration of faith, culture, and politics can bring about national renewal. Inspired by biblical figures such as Nehemiah and Ezra, we discuss how history can come to life to inform current events, and why it is crucial to blend spiritual activities with political activism. You'll also hear about upcoming events like the Million Woman Movement and the influential role of leaders like Lou Engel in fostering a prayer-driven political revival.

Picture a massive service of prayer and fasting on October 12th, aimed at saving our nation, with women rising up to reform against the powers of darkness—sound intriguing? Lou Engel shares his transformative experience and his divine call to mobilize a righteous women's movement akin to the biblical Esther. We explore the "Don't Mess With Our Kids" initiative, urging mothers to protect their children from government overreach, and invite you to join this transformative cause by visiting .

Finally, we discuss the profound impact of large-scale gatherings in DC. We emphasize the vital role women play in times of crisis, drawing parallels to historical movements and modern-day Mama Bears advocating at school board meetings. This episode underscores the powerful combination of prayer and action in bringing about meaningful change, and we encourage you to join the Million Woman March, uniting praying mothers in Washington DC this October. Visit to get involved.

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Rick Green

Welcome to the Intersection of Faith and Culture. It'sTthe WallBuilders Show, where we take on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. Thanks so much for joining us. My name is Rick Green, I'm a former Texas legislator and America's Constitution coach, and I'm here with David Barton and Tim Barton. Tim's a national speaker and pastor and president of Wall Builders. Here with David Barton and Tim Barton. Tim's a national speaker and pastor and president of Wall Builders.

David Barton is our founder here at WallBuilders, known as America's premier historian, and you can get a ton of great materials with fantastic information. That is not boring, I might add. That's one of the things I first learned from David Barton a long time ago when somebody gave me yes, a cassette tape of David Barton teaching history and it came to life. It was actually entertaining, educational, empowering. It changed my whole perspective on studying history and actually knowing what happened before. The Bible always said remember the former days, but, man, that was always boring to do with the way that I had been taught most of my life. So, anyway, that's a big part of what WallBuilders does is bring these things to life, make it entertaining for you to learn, but also just apply it to what's happening in the culture today. It's so important for us to have a biblical perspective and realize that the Bible does touch everything in life and that it's not just a matter of reading and knowing and having head knowledge.

There are things that the Founding Fathers did that we don't do much of anymore, like prayer and fasting and actually asking God to bless our nation, asking for mercy on our nation. So today's program is going to get into some of that, but I just encourage you to visit the website Great place to get some of those tools, make that one-time or monthly contribution and become a part of our support team. It takes fuel in the tank to be able to do these programs and all the different ministries that we do at Wall Builders. So thank you to those of you that have already done that and for those of you that never have, please consider going to to do that today. All right, guys, we've got Lou Engel coming on a little later in the program and the Million Woman Movement is on its way to DC October 12th, I believe it is. We'll ask Lou in just a second and find out where folks can go to learn more, but sounds like a pretty exciting thing and the timing is right before the big election this year.

David Barton

Yeah, you know, Lou Engel is a really amazing guy. He does so much prayer stuff across the country and across the nation and has for a number of years, and it really takes me back, I mean a lot of people. If you're in the political realm you may not know Lou because he is in the political realm, but he's really focused on the spiritual realm and that really kind of goes back to where wall builders. How we got started a number of years ago was we said, okay, rebuild things like Nehemiah did in the book of Nehemiah. He saw that his nation had been torn down and wanted to rebuild it, and so one of the things that really got us started was there at the beginning really felt like we should read the book of Nehemiah once a day, and we did that for several months and so after you get past the first five or six weeks, come on, God, I know this, I read it yesterday and the day before and the day before. Then you start seeing things in it. The Lord starts showing you stuff that you hadn't noticed before, and one of the things that really stood out to me was when you look at the book of Nehemiah. It's 13 chapters and it's all about rebuilding the nation, getting it strong again. But when you look at it, who's the hero of the book? Well, obviously Nehemiah, because the book is named after Nehemiah, except that of the 13 chapters, six of the chapters go to Ezra.

And most people read Nehemiah and don't think much about Ezra, because Nehemiah's the hero. Well, who's Ezra? Well, he's a priest. He's over in the temple all the time and you find him. He's reading the word of God to the people and they're fasting for a day here and doing all these spiritual activities. And Nehemiah's the guy out doing on the front lines all the political stuff getting it rebuilt and getting the structure back in and getting the military reestablished and getting government going again. And that's kind of the activist focus that I've had for a long time. But it really kind of struck me that you know, you've really got to have both of those guys. Half the book of Nehemiah was the spiritual guy who did all the prayer and all the fasting and all the worship and all the stuff, and the other was the political guy.

And I've always watched in politics where those two don't necessarily interact very well. You know, the activist people are not going to spend hours, hours, hours praying generally, and the people who spend hours, hours, hours praying are not going to go recruit somebody for school board and get them elected, but you have to have both of them. And so what I noticed was at the end of the book, in the last chapter, when they rededicate the city back to the Lord. They've got it rebuilt. It's Nehemiah and Ezra together walking around the walls rededicating the city. One goes one direction, the other goes the other direction. They meet in the middle, and so it really struck me at that point in time that you really do need to have prayer involved with what we're doing on the political side and the activist and education side.

And so, way back in the beginning, one of the very first hires we made was to hire people who were intercessors, who would pray, who would spend as much time praying as we would studying and speaking and traveling and everything else. We've always had that, even to this day, and even as congressmen get elected, one of the first things we'll tell them is hey, you're an activist, that's why you're here, but you need to hire some people. Get some people on your staff, get somebody that's going to pray for you and keep praying for your staff and praying for all the things going on. And Lou Engle is that kind of guy. He's kind of like the Ezra guy in the book of Nehemiah. He's not the guy you're necessarily going to see out front, but he's going to organize the people and he's going to get the people together and they're going to read and fast and pray, and so he has been part of so many massive prayer rallies. I've been at some of the things where they'll have a stadium with 60, 70, 80,000 people in there and all they're doing is praying all day long. They don't have speakers, they just pray all day long in a stadium.

And so Lou is a really great guy. He's really got a good focus. He really does spend time in God's Word on his knees and praying. I believe the Lord speaks to him and gives him direction on so many things. I've watched that work out over the years and so I thought it'd be really interesting to kind of see where he is, because apparently the Lord's really put kind of a directive on him coming up for the election time, coming up for this year, coming up for things that need to change in America, and I think it's a good directive for all of us to hear and respond to, and whether we tend to be the activist kind of Nehemiah person or the more prayer-oriented Ezra kind of person, we've still got to be working together, side by side, knowing what the other is doing. That's all part of getting this thing rebuilt.

Rick Green

Lou Engel, our special guest. Stay with us folks, we'll be right back on the Wall. Builder Show.


Rick Green

Welcome back to WallBuilders. Thanks for staying with us. Lou Engle, with us, we're talking about the Million Woman. I don't know you call it a March Million Woman gathering. It's a time for such a time as this. For sure, Lou, God bless you, man. Thanks for coming on.


Lou Engles

 Oh, my privilege to be on Wall Builders.

Rick Green

Well, million Woman Movement. This is coming up in October. I mean, you're really good at putting on these big events and just ushering in a move of God, man. This is going to be exciting. It's the first I've heard about it and we're looking forward to telling all our listeners about it. When did you start working on this?

Lou Engles

well in in, uh, in 2000, uh, in 2014, there was a, a, a gathering to plan for something on the mall and explosion of the of the word of the Lord came to us that in 2014, that a million women would go to the mall. It'll be the last stand for America and, like promise keepers, they would come and they would pray for the nation and they would save the nation. So I've lived under the shadow of this word since 2014, then 2017, when the rich witches rose up worldwide to curse President Trump. The issue was not so much President Trump, I think the ideology, because whiches  rose up worldwide to curse him. I went to Estes Park to fast and pray for five days and say God, do you want me to do anything about this?

And I had a dream and Rick. In this dream, as far as I could see, I saw women coming from everywhere, young and old. It felt like a revival. I'm watching a women's revival and they were all coming to hear the book of Esther be taught. In the dream, I'm the only man there with an old Bible, which I believe now is an assignment of Mordecai to mobilize what I was watching in this dream, and in this dream, a woman stands up to teach the book of Esther. And in this dream, a woman stands up to teach the Book of Esther and she says and these two words in the Book of Esther actually mean Nazgul, n-a-z-g-u-l.

I exploded out of the dream instantly, knowing what it meant because I watched the third part of the Lord of the Rings, the trilogy, where the Nazgul witch king was destroying the armies of men, but the king's daughter and the witch king said no man can kill me.

But the king's daughter takes off her helmet, lets her hair down and says I am no man and she pierces the Nazgul witch king and destroys him. I wake up and I know the Lord is saying, saying I'm going to raise up a righteous women's movement, similar maybe, out like the promise keepers, and I am going to break powers of darkness and bring a movement like Esther to reform, to restrain the powers of darkness, shift Haman and lose the new day of awakening in America. It's with that vision in 2017 that we have begun to mobilize and then, on October 12th, on the Day of Atonement, where the blood is applied for the sins of a whole nation, we will hold a massive communion service. We're calling every Madam Mordecai, every woman in Esther, we come to cry out for the saving of our nation. That's the story.

Rich Green

Wow and Lou, I mean 2014,. So 10 years ago, no way to know the school board meetings and the mama bears and all the things that have happened in the last two or three years to awaken moms and women all over this country. I mean, obviously, men too, but there's just been something special on the moms in America that have just stood up to the evil that's been marching across the country. I would think that that is playing into this in a big way and that those moms would want to be a part of this.

Lou Engle

Absolutely. And that's the sound. I'm running with a woman named Jenny Donnelly. It's called Her Voice Movement. We're launching something with this. It's called Don't Mess With Our Kids. The government was saying parents would lose your children, the custody of your children, if you don't allow them to use the pronouns, if you don't allow them to transition. And they rose up. Millions went to the streets and they overthrew simply a prayer and righteousness movement and literally, their government shifted and George Soros was driven out of the country. He said we're wasting our money here. We're launching this movement don't mess with our kids. In other words, women, rise up, go into your school boards, fight for your children and declare you can throw us in jail, but you can't have our children. I feel like Esther has to take a public stand to resist the ideologies and the spiritual powers that are seeking to possess this nation right now.

Rick Green

Amen, amen. You know and, Lou, you can see these brush fires all across the country where this is happening and people are waking up. And I had forgotten about the Peru situation. I mean, what a great example and if it can happen there, it can happen here. We've seen it in communities, but nationally, this October 12th, that could be the day that, nationally, we agenda that has been taking our children. I mean it's literally taking children and, as you said, I mean this Don't Mess With Our Kids. Movement is growing like crazy. How can people, Lou, what's the best way for people to connect with you and begin to plan or to promote in their area get their church groups and others prepared for October 12th, because obviously massive movement I mean this is going to be a big deal in DC and now's the time to start planning to bring their groups.

Lou Engles

We're calling a million women. We don't know how many are coming, but that was the word that we felt the Lord give to us. You can go to the website. All your information can be found there. You can also go to Don't Mess With Our Kids, which we're running in partner with this movement. But Don't Mess With Our Kids. That's how they can get engaged and involved. Mobilizing people. Begin to mobilize, tell your friends, get on your phone and just release a sound, because I think we're going to last stand for America.

I look back at my own journey with wallbuilders. It was way back on the 30th anniversary of Engel v Vitale, the court case that removed the prayers from schools, of what David Barton wrote, a book America to Pray or not to Pray. That book was the catalyst of me raising up a prayer movement that we put stadiums and arenas for 24 years. I feel like we've come to a almost like a defining fulfillment of that work. It began with wallbuilders, David barton, that book where they removed prayer from schools. My name is Engel and the lord spoke to my heart. Your name is Engel. I want to reverse it. I've been living with that vision ever since and we're raising up daring to believe it's not too late for America to turn back to.

Rick Green

God, amen, amen. Ah, so powerful. Looking forward to it, lou, October 12th. The website is Lou Engel. God bless you, brother. Thanks for leading the way on this and look forward to having you back. Let's keep people posted on the progress and folks who want to get involved. Just go to the website and you can get involved and take a group to DC for October 12th, Lou. God bless you, brother. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Lou Engle

Oh, thanks so much. Thanks so much, Rick. Give my love to David

Rick Green

I will Absolutely Stay with us folks. We'll be right back with David and Tim Barton.


Tim Barton

We're back here on WallBuilders. Thanks for staying with us, thanks to Lou Engel for joining us as well, and we'll have links on our website to the Million Woman Movement website. And guys, I remember the Million Man March. I remember the Promise Keeper, a million people there. When you get a big gathering in DC, it makes news and it's a big deal. I heard Lou saying it's the prayer and the fasting that's going to be a big deal, not just the image of a bunch of folks in DC.

Tim Barton

Yeah, and you know, if you look back at even, I think man, a year or two years ago it wasn't that long ago there was a big pro-life march. The media didn't really cover it and Glenn Beck years ago didn't have been up there and it was huge, media didn't really cover it and so it's not always the media coverage that is significant. And, Rick, as you're alluding to, it's the spiritual impact of what can happen when you have that many people joining together in a movement. And I loved some of what Lou said in that interview, some of the examples I hadn't really thought about. And certainly you know this Esther thought, this Esther calling you know it's kind of like check, you know, I got it, I know the story. It's amazing. God raised up Esther for such time as this, like awesome, absolutely great thought and movement. But when he pulls out lord of the rings, right, the return of the king, and it's a woman that kills the league.

Rick Green

I did not see that coming I'm with you, man.

Tim Barton

I did not see that coming, but as soon as he drops that, I'm like, oh my gosh, like this is a great thought. And then it instantly reminded me of the book of judges. When you have deborah right and and the king, who is supposed to be the leader, has not been leading the right direction, and he's like I don't know if I can do it, I'm not sure. And Deborah steps up and Deborah's like all right, I got this. And Deborah says look, I'll go with you. You need to go. And the king's like I don't even care, like you take the glory, I just I don't want to do it.

And Deborah steps up to lead and help bring victory to the army of Israel. But not just that. When the king then flees, there's another woman. The king is looking for refuge and a woman named Jael steps up and recognizes this is the evil king and he says hey, right, I've been on the run. I need help. Can you hide me? Can you shelter me? Hey, can you bring me something cool to drink? And she's like I don't have anything cool to drink, but I've got some more milk and NyQuil. Would that help? Right, I would like to help you go to sleep.

And he goes to sleep she gets out the tent peg, drives it through his head. And it's interesting that, as amazing as these women are, it was at a time when the men were not doing what they should have been doing in many regards that God was raising up women to solve the problem. And I'm not saying right in any kind of competing roles, other than it's interesting to me, Rick, as you were talking about all the mama bears showing up at school board meetings, right, and we can say where are the dads? Okay, maybe the dad's been working, the dad's been busy, sure, but it's just interesting. There are definitely examples in the Bible when God raised up women to be the solution, to help solve problems and, again, sometimes because the men weren't doing the job that God had called them and they should have been doing. But I think it's so interesting that Lou, back in 2014, right, it's like I mean, I just heard from God. I feel like God wanted there to be this million women In 2017, he has this dream and it's just so interesting that, before we've even arrived at the place that you see Mama Bears being Mama Bears, that God has given Lou a vision for this and certainly there is a biblical model and example of some of the greatest stories, like in Esther, like a Jael driving a tent peg through the head of the evil king. There are great, great places we can point to historically, we can point to biblically, where God raised up people to help bring solutions, to bring answers, to bring victory, and the idea of getting all these mama bears together. I can't think of an army much more powerful than a million mama bears who are praying mama bears, because obviously we know that that prayer is one of the most significant tools in the arsenal period and the idea of getting in there.

This is something so exciting that it reminded me, actually, as I was listening to this, that I think it was back in 1988. I think maybe it was 87. I think it was 88 because I think it was Washington for Jesus right in 88. And I think that a lot of the impetus and I'm asking this kind of open-ended, so hoping you'll tell some of the story but I think that that's part of even where you really felt God calling you to do WallBuilders Part of that connection, part of the calling came when you went to a movement, a call to prayer time, among other things, in Washington DC. Again, I think it was Washington for Jesus back in 88. Am I remembering that right? Again, I think it was Washington for Jesus back in 88. Am I remembering that right?

David Barton

You're right, it was Washington for Jesus in 88. It was a massive gathering on the Mall in Washington DC. It was a time where we felt like the nation had to turn, needed to turn. We had been through two terms of Reagan. We're looking at an election that could go in a very different direction and things were starting to happen in the right direction, move the right direction, and that really is kind of what was the kick in the pants for me. They got us moving in a very different direction.

It was also part of prayer. It was concerned women for America, and so my wife Cheryl had been a chapter leader, was a chapter leader here in Texas and had concerned women for America and they were really praying for America and that was their thing. They would do activity too, but their big emphasis was prayer, and so it was. She was the one who said we ought to go to DC and I felt like the Lord said, yeah, we'll do that. And so we got there and it was that and Washington for Jesus combined that really turned us in a direction that put us on the trajectory we've been on for a number of years, getting folks back to God, and I do think this is an important time, Tim, as you mentioned. I mean, he had this back in 2014. That's a decade ago, but at the same time, that's the same kind of stuff we've been seeing with the mama Bears. It's been over the last eight years or so, especially the eight years.

And, rick, when you said that, I was really struck by that fact that the mama bears, they really are standing up now, and this is what you don't want to mess with. And so Moms for America, moms for Liberty these organizations are stepping up and they're not putting up with this nonsense, and we're seeing school board changes all over the country. And, if you'll work that up and all of us were on a phone call earlier this week where we found out that you know, the thing that really disturbs moms disturbs parents is not all the gender nonsense that goes on in school, it's just violating parental rights in general. It's the don't mess with our kids kind of stuff. It's not that. It's, you know, the weird gender stuff, which is weird enough, but the bigger thing is don't mess with our kids up, which is weird enough, but the bigger thing is don't mess with our kids.


And that may be the very thing that gets America re-engaged and getting that many moms in DC and getting folks praying not just moms, but all of us praying. I mean I think we're back to the thing where we're doing a lot of political activism. This is a huge election but if we don't undergird that with prayer in the same kind of way we're undergirding with political effort, it's just not going to work really well. So I think that Lou's got something going here that the Lord started 10 years ago. That's really important for right now.

Rick Green

Well, Tim, I love what you said earlier about it's not just mama bears. I've been talking about mama bears for a long time. You nailed it these are praying mama bears. So these aren't just mama bears with the courage to stand up, they're praying mama bears. So they're not only standing up physically, standing in the gap at these school board meetings and all across the country. They are standing in the gap spiritually and praying for our country and praying for these schools, praying for their kids. Very powerful difference right there.

Tim Barton

And this is also too, where, as we spend time talking about American history and restoring the biblical foundation right, this is one of the things that we often tell the story. If you go back to the American Revolution, one of the very, very common activities, every governor, Continental Congress during the revolution, they would have days of prayer and fasting because as much as they were training, as much as they were drilling their militias and the Continental Army, as much as they're making their military plans and strategy, they ultimately knew if God didn't intervene they wouldn't be successful. And we tell in the book the American Story, the beginning and then the book the American Story Building the Republic. We tell multiple examples in the American Revolution period where God showed up and did miraculous things, that either he saved them, he kept them alive so they could live to fight another day, or he gave them victory in ways that they could not have done because of his intervention. And it was so obvious at the end of those moments that they would turn and give God praise and thanks for what he had done.


And I say that because, as we are looking at the nation as much as it matters, we got to get out and vote and we got to vote for the right kind of people and we got to get involved, and get involved locally. As much as it matters that we do the right thing, it also matters that we take time to pray, because if God does not move, our actions will not be enough in and of themselves. But I think two things are true at once we need to pray and we need to see God move, but also we have to act. Both things have to happen, conjunction together. And I think this Million Woman March of getting these praying mama bears together is a super exciting thing and I do hope that our listeners will put it on their calendar and spend some time in Washington DC in prayer come October.

Rick Green

And spend time in prayer between now and then as well, and you can actually get connected to the movement at That's, it's literally the letter A, then spell out million, then women, plural, org, All right folks, thanks for listening. Today You've been listening to the WallBuilders Show.


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