The WallBuilders Show

Safeguarding Family Values: The Struggle over Transgender Ideology in Schools

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Unlock the truth behind transgender topics in schools with former Senator Kevin Lundberg, who joins us to shed light with the eye-opening documentary "Art Club". As we navigate this delicate subject, we will equip you with the critical insights needed for true biblical citizenship in the face of cultural shifts. Our conversation pierces through the shadows of secrecy, revealing how some institutions support student transitions apart from parental awareness. We grapple with the implications of such actions, drawing on scriptural wisdom and the power of transparency.

This episode is a rallying cry for parents and guardians—our modern-day "mama bears"—to safeguard their children from the stealthy encroachment on family values within the educational system. Through heartfelt family narratives, including a Northern Colorado family's personal ordeal, we emphasize the rising need for vigilance and the importance of instilling a firm biblical perspective in our youth. Moreover, we underscore the significance of introducing our children to the legacies of American and Christian heroes to spark vital conversations that connect scripture with the realities they face in their day-to-day lives.

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Rick Green:

Welcome to the intersection of faith in the culture. It's WallBuilders. We're taking on the hot topics of the day, and today is a hot topic, let me tell you. Anyway, we're taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. You can learn more at wallbuilders. com. That's wallbuilders. com. And while you're there, listen, we've got a really, really cool opportunity coming up that you need to be a part of.

Rick Green:

If you have not been or had your pastor attend one of our pastors conferences in Washington DC, get on wallbuilders. com today and learn more about this incredible program. We've been doing this for years. It is a fantastic opportunity for your pastor to really learn the history of our country first hand, seeing it first hand. There's just nothing like it. It's incredible, and you can learn more at our website. Go to wallbuilders. com and then over on the right click on the little you know, the three lines, and choose pastor's briefings. Send that to your pastor. Believe me, they do not want to miss out on this. All right, guys, our friend, former Senator Kevin Lundberg from Colorado, is going to be with us when we come back from the break. He's got a new documentary out dealing with this whole transgender issue in the schools. It's not just the transgender issue, it's schools transitioning kids without parents knowing about it. So very, very powerful and very necessary right now. I think there's still a lot of parents out there that have no idea what's happening to their kids in these schools.

David Barton:

You know, more and more stories are coming out about how many kids were secretly transitioned at school, and that has become one of the things where we're starting to see even Democrats now voting against some of this transgender stuff in schools, because they're getting the horror stories from parents of what happened to their kids and all the mental and psychological harm they went through and all the physical harm they went through, and so we're seeing that just how bad this is is even changing some liberal minds because they just didn't think it was a bad deal. And there's so much going on that does not come to light we just don't know about. And I reminded of a Bible verse where the Scripture on multiple occasions is in the epistles is also with Jesus, where you bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and what that means is when something is being done in secret, you want that to come to the light. Bill Bennett, when he was Secretary of Education for Ronald Reagan, he had a saying that the sunlight is the best disinfectant and whenever you can bring things out and let parents in the community see them, that's sort of the best ways of dealing with bad things that are going on. I would tell every parent right now.

David Barton:

If you've got young kids, you need to be training them right now that anyone that tells you, hey, don't tell your parents about this, you need to train your kids that any time they hear that they need to tell the parents, because that will help the kids stay out of some real problems. Kids need to understand that when someone says don't tell your parents, it's because it's going to hurt the kids. And so if the kids can learn that whenever they hear that it's school- anywhere. Go to the parents and let them know. That's what's happening all over the nation. Kids are being told don't tell your parents about this, we're really going to help you, but your parents will stand in the way. That's a really, really bad deal, and so testimonies like that are coming out all over the nation now.

David Barton:

And this movie that Kevin has put together, the Art Club, talks about that young girl in that art club of school, what the school did to transition that girl, really against the girl's wishes and the parents wishes, but because the teacher is the expert and told the girl to keep it secret, they were way down the road before this was ever exposed. So it's a great film to help us understand what's going on in all 50 states, schools all over the country. I don't care if you're in a red state. It's going on in schools because teachers are teaching this. You just need to know about it, this is a great thing to help our worldview and help us raise our kids in a good culture.

Rick Green:

Well, Senator Kevin Lumberg's going to join us after the break. Stay with us, folks, we'll be right back. Thanks for watching. Have you noticed the vacuum of leadership in America? We're looking around for leaders of principle to step up, and too often no one is there. God is raising up a generation of young leaders with a passion for impacting the world around them. They're crying out for the mentorship and leadership training they need.

Rick Green:

Patriot Academy was created to meet that need. Patriot Academy graduates now serve in state capitals around America, in the halls of Congress and business, in the film industry, in the pulpit, in every area of the culture. They're leading effectively and impacting the world around them. Patriot Academy is now expanding across the nation, and now is your chance to experience this life-changing week that trains champions to change the world. Visit wwwpatriotacademycom for dates and locations. Our core program is still for young leaders 16 to 25 years old, but we also now have a citizen track for adults. So visit the website today to learn more. Help us fill the void of leadership in America. Join us in training champions to change the world at www. patriotacademy. com.

David Barton:

This is David Barton with another moment from America's history. Since the 10th Commandments have formed the basis of civil law in the Western world for over 2,000 years, an individual is more likely to find a copy of them in a government building rather than a religious one. Yet amazingly, numerous rulings over recent years now make it unconstitutional to display the commandments in many public arenas. Remember what founding father John Adams said about this. He declared �The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, anarchy and tyranny commenced If thou shalt not covet and thou shalt not steal. We are not commandments of heaven. They must be made in viable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free. John Adams believed that no society could remain civilized if separated from the 10 commandments. For more information on God's hand in American history, contact WallBuilders at 1-800-8-REBUILD.

Rick Green:

Welcome back to WallBuilders. Thanks for staying with us. Our good friend Kevin Lundberg, back with us and doing great work in Colorado. After years of serving in the legislature, still on the front lines, so many different areas of the culture and now one of those very important fights, really fighting for our kids, and a new movie out. Artclubmovie. com is the website. Artclubmovie. com, Kevin. God bless you, brother. Thanks for coming on.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

Well, thank you for having me on, Rick. Glad to always join you and talk to you and share it with your listeners.

Rick Green:

Well, I can't tell you, man, thank you enough for taking on this fight and this project. You know, this is the one that I think, frankly, the left has given us a gift. They went so far, so evil, so wrong, that it woke up a lot of people in the middle that hadn't been paying attention, and you capture the evil of it and basically show the pain that it can cause a family, and it's up to us to be willing to say no, and I don't think we're going to end this evil with a bunch of summer soldiers. It's going to take some winter soldiers willing to wade into this territory and be called whatever they want to call us. So you've been willing to do that. Thank you for being willing to do that.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

Well, 10 years ago we would have never thought that there would be transgender grooming in public schools. But it's widespread, and when I heard the story of the family up here in Northern Colorado, I knew that we had to put this down in a documentary so that people could see it across the nation, because it's everywhere and yet it just doesn't seem like it could be, until it hits you in the face and you discover that not only are they doing this in the schools, but for the most part they're hiding it from the parents.

Rick Green:

And that's been a battle for a long time. These people think they own the kids, right? They think that the parents are too stupid, right? We don't know. You know we're going to, we can't handle this situation, we're not going to look- whatever. And that whole thing of the schools own the kids or the state owns the kids, of course it goes all the way back to Marxism and that's what Karl Marx said you had to do anyway. But these teacher unions and these school administrators, the idea that they would take something this serious and not allow a parent to know about it, I mean that that alone has awakened the mama bears out there.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

It has in a big way. And I'll tell you, here in Colorado we're on front lines and the legislatures in session right now and they've got a bill that will force every public school to go along with this re- branding of somebody's gender. And and then they don't say it explicitly in the bill, but they set up a task force to study, what do you do with the parents that aren't quote supportive? Well, they know what you do. You lie to them, you treat the kids as you know one gender in school and then whenever mom or dad calls and checks on things, it's, it's not there. You know, and, as I say they're, they have here in Colorado put a lot of these elements into the laws, but they're just boldly stepping up and saying and we're going to force every public school to do this.

Rick Green:

Unbelievable, unbelievable. Well, let's get back to the movie. So this family, how did you meet them and how did you know for them? I mean, they're brave to do this, because I can only imagine the attacks. I've seen the attacks on others that have come forward and said here's the evil they did to us. So we need to be praying for this family but kind of give us the backstory on how you met them and why you did the-.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

Yeah, yeah, as you say, this family decided they were going to go public on the thing and, as they put it, 'get loud' and just let the world know what's happening and take on their local school district and make the word be known. Well, the mom was speaking in several venues and they invited me to come you mentioned my legislative background. To come and just explain how the laws in the state of Colorado are really encouraging this, and so I did. It was a meeting with about 30 or 40 pastors up in Fort Collins, Colorado, and I heard her story for the first time myself and I thought, man, this really hits at the heart of this whole issue. And they asked me to come back and talk with her another time. And at that point I said, so, who's doing the documentary? And they're like, say what? Oh, this has got to be told in the documentary, and I've done a few of those in my history. And so I said, well, if nobody else is stepping up, I am.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

And we spent about a year and a half capturing their story, refining it and really making sure that we were dead on accurate with the facts. And, we try to protect the kids. You don't see any of the kids faces that are identifiable. And yet we know that the parents were becoming very transparent with how they felt, how they reacted, how they interfaced with the school district. First thing they did is they pulled their, it was their 12 year old daughter who had been convinced in an after school art club one session that she'd better question whether she's a girl in the first place. And she comes home and and she, she actually violated one thing they told them at the art club, and that is don't tell your parents well she told her parents. And that's due to good, good parenting practices on their part, I believe.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

But they decided hey we're not going to go down that road, but but it still was a deep, dark path that that they were on, because, well, here's an example you can't find a licensed mental health counselor in Colorado who can actually try to work a child through this, because they are prohibited from doing anything but affirming any gender confusion, and that's one of the laws that was passed a few years ago and you know that's some of the nonsense we see here. But but whether or not your state has those laws in place, I'm telling you because we did our research and we checked with other places and this mom is in contact with people all over the country on this and and sure enough, it's everywhere, even the most conservative areas, you'll still find it cropping up. And we find out here in Colorado because you've got some good *inaudible* state, but you go in the schools and you ask the parents so what's happening? And you find out that it's everywhere.

Rick Green:

So that's one of the things that we've we've tried to get across even in the programming here is is you know people that think, oh, my schools are great, or it's where I went to high school and I still like the football team and I know?

Rick Green:

principal so-and-so or teacher, so-and-so, and they actually think it's not happening in their school district, and I would venture to say there's not a school district left in the country, public school, where there's not some element of this, because all these teachers have been trained at these left-wing schools and and they're bringing it in, and then the unions and the- in the library, everybody's pushing it. So, yeah, anybody out there that's thinking, oh, I can send my kid to this school, because they didn't do that when I was there 20 years ago. You don't know what time it is and you're sending your child to the wolves. So this school district, though, was definitely doing it, and and the parents? I guess how did they respond? Whenever she came home?

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

Well, the first thing they did when they found out about it, which was that evening, is they didn't send their daughter back to that school ever again. And then they, nd then there were a couple of things. This was just a typical family. I mean, they, you know, they admitted they were kind of progressive in their political perspective and they really didn't have a solid biblical background in their family. But they knew this was wrong. This just wasn't right.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

And a couple of things happened. One they got plugged into a good church and they heard the gospel and they today they are flourishing because they really took as many as they say. They became very proactive and very focused on where are their kids now? They've got three and they make sure none of them went back to that school district systems. And you know, as I say, it was a long process because they couldn't get good counseling from a licensed counselor in Colorado. But they're plugging with a good church and they and they, they focused in on biblical values and principles and they very intentionally protected their children from so many influences that are coming from so many directions. It's not just your public schools but, frankly, for most kids, that's where you're at most of your days, for most of your time.

Rick Green:

Yeah, it's, it's, it's pervasive and and it's a lot more than just the, you know, a sexuality question. They create this environment where a lot of these kids feel like that's the only way to fit in now or to not be considered a white supremacist, white privileged, whatever. So a lot of the or whatever the category is right there. Just they need this in order to be accepted in the social circles.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

And for the kids who really get sucked into the transgender world, these are, early teens. Kids say it's about the toughest time of your life, trying to figure out where up is right, and peer pressure is huge. But let me, let me add one other item, because it doesn't just start at that level. It starts in kindergarten and and in the preschool, because that's where they introduced this concept of pronouns. Well, Johnny, are you, shall we call you she or he or it, or, unbelievably a furry, or you know any number of alternatives. And and you, you set that in a child's mind at that age and they're going to grow up questioning all of this rather than understanding the biblical principles that God created as this man and woman, and it's very clear in scripture. I often wonder why, in the first chapter of Genesis does it talk about they created? He created a man, male and female. He created them. Why, does he make a point of that? Well, apparently we needed that reminding.

Rick Green:

Well, He could certainly see ahead, right? I mean, He knew this was coming and that we need to be taught that over and over again and reminded of that. Let me ask you what do you hope happens as a result of telling the story and putting the movie out there?

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

Well, in putting this documentary together that we call Art Club, we want people to see it, we want people to understand what's happening and we've been having a phenomenal response for those who do view it. But we don't have it behind any paywalls and this isn't funded by some big studio or anything like that. It's just a labor of love that we put together. But it's pretty effective and I must tell people it's a feature link, because to get the whole story in it takes an hour and 20 minutes, and so we put together a complete package and you go to artclubmovie. com and it's right there and we've got it on several platforms. One is a server we've got to identify for this and we've got it up on YouTube and Rumble and I don't know. We're kind of waiting for one of these folks like YouTube to maybe say well, that's a little bit too dangerous for us. But the response by viewers has been remarkable. We've got 800 and some thumbs up and no zero thumbs down on it. So, as I say, people are responding but we'd like to see a lot more people and that just means go look at it, tell your friends, pass it on.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

You know churches, we got a church, call us from Indiana today and say, hey, we'd like to do a showing in our church. How can we make this happen? And of course we're going to jump on that and make it happen. And here in Colorado, we're working hard in all the areas around the state to make sure people are seeing it. Because we're taking one more step, Rick. We are working on some initiatives to change those laws in Colorado. The legislature isn't going to do it, but we, the people, are standing up and we're doing it, too, this is a story for everybody.

Rick Green:

This is what it's going to take, though, bro. I mean, that's the bottom line. You've got to show people the pain that's caused by this and the lies that are behind this. The education in the documentary is critical for people to know, and as you mentioned, I'm glad you mentioned that too. So artclubmovie. com, folks, but not just to watch it, you can sign up right there and watch it. You can go to YouTube Rumble, go watch it there, but there's a way to share it. Click and share it. But there's also a way to host a showing at your church or wherever else you can get folks together. So we encourage you to do that as well, and you can send an email. If you decide not to go to the website for this, you can just send an email to find out about showing to artclubmovie@gmail. com. Artclubmovie@gmail. com. Kevin, God bless you, man, Appreciate you doing this and really look forward to hearing about the numbers shooting through the roof as a result of you coming on WallB uilders today.

Senator Kevin Lundberg:

Well, we're tens of thousands, but I just assumed to see a few million on that list. And, Rick, thank you very much for your time on this. It's always great talking to you about important issues that affect us all.

Rick Green:

Right back at you, man. God bless you. Stay with us folks. We'll be right back with David and Tim Barton.

Tim Barton:

Hi friends, this is Tim Barton of Wall Builders. This is a time when most Americans don't know much about American history, or even heroes of the faith, and I know oftentimes for parents we're trying to find good content for our kids to read and if you remember back to the Bible, the book of Hebrews, it has the faith hall of fame where they outlined the leaders of faith that had gone before them. Well, this is something that, as Americans, we really want to go back and outline some of these heroes, not just of American history, but heroes of Christianity and our faith as well. I want to let you know about some biographical sketches we have available on our website.

Tim Barton:

One is called the Courageous Leaders Collection and this collection includes people like Abigail Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Francis Scott Key, George Washington Carver, Susanna Wesley, even the Wright brothers, and there's a second collection called Heroes of History. In this collection you'll read about people like Benjamin Franklin or Christopher Columbus, Daniel Boone, George Washington, Harriet Tubman, friends. The list goes on and on. This is a great collection for your young person to have and read and it's a providential view of American and Christian history. This is available at wallbuilders. com. This is www. wallbuilders. com.

Rick Green:

Welcome back to the WallBuilders Show. Kevin Lundberg was our guest a few minutes ago. Thanks to the senator for putting this documentary together and helping to inform folks. Back with David and Tim. Guys, I know we got listeners and a lot of folks out there that just don't want to think about this, right? It's one of those things that's just kind of weird or it's too touchy or I don't want to offend or whatever. A lot of people want to avoid this, so I'm really thankful the senator did this and I hope we can get in as many hands as possible and folks will help to inform people in their church, in their community and their family about these things.

Tim Barton:

Well, it's something, Rick, y'all talked about during the interview that so often parents think that this might happen somewhere else, right? It's not happening where my kids go and it's one of the battles, as we have, on this program, often talked about the reason that we're encouraging people to get their kids out of public school, even though we know there are some great Christians who are teachers in public school. We know there are some great principals and superintendents. We know, and certainly there's way more great people in school boards now trying to stop some of this nonsense. We know there's great people around there, but the system itself is so broken because this ideology has permeated itself so strongly in the public school system right now that you're virtually not finding a school where there's not this kind of ideology somewhere. Certainly it might be covert, which is why most parents don't know about it. In some places it's much more blatant, it's more open and obvious where they're doing these gay pride rallies and having the students march. I mean again, some places it's very evident and obvious where they're doing transgender drag shows and all that kind of stuff. But in some places parents just have no idea and, as Kevin even mentioned, right, as kind of the story unfolds, this young girl, her first day in art club, is told hey, maybe you're a girl, but maybe you're not really a girl. And the most important thing is don't tell your parents.

Tim Barton:

One of the reasons parents have no idea this is happening is because these people who you could argue, really are groomers.

Tim Barton:

They are instructing, they are teaching these kids not to say anything to their parents that your parents won't understand, and their parents are bad and they're dangerous. And again it's kind of like groomer stuff 101, what is happening. And this is happening all over the nation. So I'm really grateful that Kevin is helping bring some exposure to this evil that's happening in schools and really the prayers that more and more parents would wake up, that more and more parents and really I mean maybe even in some cases, right state legislators and law enforcement and people who need to recognize that there's some grooming happening.

Tim Barton:

And some of this stuff that's happening is certainly illegal in many situations, but some of it is just so bad for the kids, for the longevity of the kids. What we know, just statistically, is that those who have undergone gender transitions, those that are transgender, they have a higher depression rates, higher suicide attempts, higher suicide rates. This lifestyle doesn't bring them the satisfaction, the peace to hope they were promised. And again, hopefully, with this art club movie and so much other press exposing this evil, parents will begin to wake up and we can start to have some not just pushback, but some stopping of this evil ideology in these schools.

David Barton:

And you know, one of the things Kevin talked about is that there are now there the hosting groups showing this film, and I was thinking about that before Kevin said it. This film is actually a really good way to help teach biblical worldview, even if you're in a community where it's not going in your community or in your school, because everybody, if they'll take this film and sit down as a Bible study, say, or a Sunday school class, let's watch this film. And every time you hear or see something that you can put a Bible verse to, let's stop and talk about that. And so, as you go through this, there's going to be a lot of opportunities. People say, well, this Bible verse over here, what Jesus said over here about offending the little ones, and this one over here about instruction, think of all the Bible verse you can start putting in. And this helps develop a biblical worldview.

David Barton:

And a biblical worldview is just being able to apply the Bible to everything that goes on in life. A great example Lifetime, the channel, the cable channel, Lifetime, is coming out with a new program on speaking to the dead and they have a medium speaking to the dead. Most Christians today don't know a single Bible verse on how wrong that is. It's called necromancy. How many times God covered that in the Bible. And this is where biblical worldview. You just take the issues that are going on around you and let's watch this and let's try to put a biblical worldview around it. So take this film, show it with others. It's a good way to do some biblical training in your community and your church elsewhere. Even if you don't have this specific issue going on in your family, it's still great for training biblical worldview and how to approach this and think about it and how to look at this issue in the culture.

Rick Green:

Alright, folks we are out of time for today, don't forget to send your pastor to the website today at wallbuilders. com and tell him about these pastor's briefings in Washington DC. We've got two of those coming up April 16 and 17. That's just, you know, a couple months away. And then September is another opportunity September 10th and 11th, but that April 16th to 17th I bet weather's going to be phenomenal in DC. What a great opportunity to go see some of the historical sites, get to spend a couple of days with David and Tim Barton and all kinds of great speakers. I'm telling you, these briefings are amazing.

Rick Green:

I always come home encouraged because you get to hear from a lot of members of Congress that you didn't even know. Biblical worldview folks that are making a difference. A lot of these folks they're not the ones that run to the camera all the time. You may not even be familiar with them, but I'm telling you it's just an incredible time for your pastor. They will come back home, fire up and you will notice a difference in your church. So check that out today at wallbuilders. com and then click on that button up on the right and then go to pastor's briefings and you'll be glad that you did. Thanks for listening. Today you've been listening to wallbuilders.

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