The WallBuilders Show

Guarding the Republic's Principles Against the Threat of a Police State

Tim Barton, David Barton & Rick Green

Prepare for an enlightening journey as we unveil the intersection of faith, history, and constitutional principles in today's cultural landscape. Here, we engage with Dinesh D'Souza, discussing his film "Police State," and unravel the pressing need for conversations that challenge the status quo and advocate for the restoration of liberty. This episode promises to arm you with revolutionary strategies and insights from influential figures, fueling your passion to become a vanguard for freedom.

The shadow of the Patriot Act and its impact on civil liberties casts a long, dark silhouette over our nation's principles of justice and equality. We take a stark look at governmental overreach and the emergence of a two-tiered justice system that threatens the very fabric of our republic. Through personal tales and observations from the political trenches, including those involving President Trump, we'll explore the resilience required to weather the storms of political adversity. Hear how public support and unwavering determination are key to overcoming the challenges that face those at the forefront of defending our constitutional rights.

As the gatekeepers of major distribution channels shy away from a compelling film exposing government overreach, we emphasize the potency of grassroots initiatives. Discover how hosting watch parties and harnessing the influence within your own spheres can amplify stories that are too crucial to be silenced. This episode also highlights the transformative power of film storytelling, illustrating how narratives intertwined with personal interviews can cast a spellbinding light on the issues at hand. Join us as we take a stand to elevate crucial dialogues and safeguard our fundamental liberties through the art of cinema and proactive community engagement.

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Rick Green:

You find your way to the intersection of faith and the culture. This is WallB uilders, where we're taking on the hot topics of the day from a Biblical, historical and Constitutional perspective. Thrilled to have you with us, normally here with David and Tim Barton David's, America's premier historian and our founder at WallB uilders, Tim Barton, national speaker and pastor and president of WallB uilders. I'm Rick Green. I'm a former Texas legislator and America's Constitution coach and usually we have an interview and the three of us get to bat it around a little bit, talk about what we discussed. But today we're going to give you a much longer interview and it's actually from the tavern. So some of you, as our WallB uilders listeners, you found me over at the tavern on Warrior Poets Society Network or at our Patriot U network, which you can find at Patriotacademy. tv. That's Patriotacademy. tv. That's also available on Roku. There's an iOS app now and also an Android app.

Rick Green:

Anyway, all of that to say, we're doing this new show called the tavern, which is where we, you know, talk about the revolutionary strategies and tactics necessary to save the country and restore liberty. It's a great opportunity to bring people into the tavern, clink mugs and talk about the tough stuff. And, of course we've had Tim Barton in there, we've had all kinds of folks like John Lovell and and and John Cooper from skillet and just a ton of other folks. I think we're what about 14, 15 episodes into this show and I'm really enjoying it.

Rick Green:

It's a, it's a, it's a fun conversation. But I also like to bring those interviews, or at least a portion of those interviews, here to WallB uilders and we want to give you the chance, as our wall builders radio audience, to hear some of those, at least a portion of those interviews. I have permission to share a portion of those from our, you know, from our networks, but it's it's, I think, a different approach on on these conversations. People get to be a little bit more candid in the tavern and, and you know, a little bit more laid back and a little bit longer form. So if you want to catch any of those, please check us out at patriotacademy. tv that's patriotacademy. tv. And then also encourage you to go over to Warrior Poets Society Network. Love what they're doing over there. We've had John Lovell on the radio program.

Rick Green:

We've had him in the tavern talking about his book The Warrior Poet Wave. For those of you that remember, the promise keeper stays in its heyday, which, by the way, it's coming back and I've met some of the new leadership there. I'm excited about what's happening there. But you might remember some of the most famous authors and speakers from those big Promise Keepers events across the country Steve Ferrara, Stu Weber I was a huge fan of those guys.

Rick Green:

I was. I was young, was early in my marriage. It had great influence on me in terms of balancing being, you know, a defender and a warrior, but also with with being tender with my family. And so tender warrior was the book by Stu Weber that had such an impact on me and I actually gave it to every man in my wedding way back in 1994. And just a big fan of that philosophy. And John Lovell has really captured that for a new generation and just really excited about what he's doing at Warrior Poets. So that's why we agreed to do this show with them. The tavern it's actually produced for them, warrior Poets Society Network. So check that out, go, go, enjoy some of their other shows. They got a lot of cool, you know, second amendment programs and different things that you can check out there. And then, of course, patriot U is everything Patriot Academy. So all of our Constitution classes we did with WallBuilders, all of our behind the scenes on the campus being built. If you haven't seen that, you ought to check that out. Man, these, these campus vlogs are pretty cool and those are actually free on Patriot U. Patriot U is a $4. 95 a month streaming service, but there's a lot there. You get to catch Kevin Freeman's War Room show and a lot of other stuff and we're adding constantly.

Rick Green:

Okay, that was way more about that than I wanted to talk about. I want to jump into the interview. My whole point is that the tavern, patriot U, all these things are just opportunities for you to learn more. Plug in, be encouraged, get entertained. You know I hope you're listening to WallBuilders, this radio program, every day of the week and then sharing it with your friends and family. That's how you become a force multiplier. That's how you help us save the country. Dinesh D'Souza is our special guest in the tavern and we're bringing it to you here. On WallBuilders, the movie Police State, everyone needs to watch and you need to share that with your friends and family. We're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we'll jump into the tavern with Dinesh D'Souza. Stay with us. You're listening to WallBuilders.

David Barton:

This is David Barton, with another moment from America's history. In several decisions over recent years, the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that it is unconstitutional for the government to encourage religion. Did our founding fathers agree with this? Consider the words of Henry Lawrence, a signer of the Constitution and a president of Congress. Henry Lawrence declared, "I had the honor of being one who framed that Constitution. In order effectively to accomplish these great ends set forth in the Constitution, it is especially the duty of those who bear rule to promote and encourage respect for God and virtue and to discourage every degree of vice and immorality. Founding father Henry Lawrence believed that the goals of the Constitution could not be fulfilled apart from a fear and a respect for God, and that it was therefore the duty of government to encourage this among the people.


For more information on God's hand in American history. Contact wall builders at 1-800-8-REBUILD.

Rick Green:

Welcome back WallBuilders. Thanks for staying with us. We're going to jump right into the tavern with Dinesh D'Souza talking about Police State. Welcome back to the Tavern. Great to have Dinesh de Souza with us. Dinesh, hey man, how about a little clank there with a mug or a drink, your favorite beverage of the day?

Dinesh D'Souza:

I've got the sparkling water right here the Topo Chico so I will drink that Topo Chico. This is the grapefruit flavor, really good stuff.

Rick Green:

I love the lime Topo Chico, and they didn't sponsor us today, but we should send them in a request. You need to sponsor Police State and sponsor the Tavern. Hey man, I finally got to watch it. I guess about I don't know five or six days ago, and I'm still just reeling. You captured everything that we've been concerned about, that we were afraid might have been happening, and you always do this. I mean, your movies are always fantastic, but this one, brother, I'm telling you every American needs to see this. So, man, where do we start? First of all, the website. So people that want to go get it, they can stream it, they can buy the DVDs. Policestatefilm. net Is that right?

Dinesh D'Souza:

Policestatefilm. net. It's streaming on a few platforms and you can connect to them from the website. It's also available in DVDs and now that we're in holiday season, you know, you can get a bunch of them for stocking stuffers or to share the word. So policestatefilm. net, that's the place to go.

Rick Green:

Appreciate it. Man, listen, thank you for doing it. You and Debbie do incredible, incredible work. This one's been I guess you've really been working on this one since January 6th, since the insanity started. I'm sure immediately you knew what was happening and that something had to be done to bring this to the light of the American people. Most people have not heard any of this, so we've got to get more people to watch this for sure. Yeah, Just walk us through the process.

Dinesh D'Souza:

Yeah, I started out wanting to do a film on January 6th. I thought that there's a big story about that event that has been suppressed in the official kind of narrative that we get in the movie, the narrative that we got in the media, that we got from the January 6th committee. But then I found out that a couple of other guys were working on documentaries about January 6th and I thought, all right, well, maybe what I'll do is pull back, take the larger picture, integrate things like systematic censorship, political targeting, the efforts to go after Trump. This is all police state tactics.

Dinesh D'Souza:

And I noticed that many of the defining features of police states, like mass indoctrination, systematic censorship, mass surveillance, political targeting, political prisoners all of these elements are now present in the United States. So the old distinction between us is we're the leader of the free world and we're on the other side. You've got the unfree world. All of this has become a little more blurred, and so that was the inspiration for me to frame the movie in this way Is America becoming a police state? I'm not saying we're a full fledged police state, but it is amazing how far we've come down that ugly road in just the last couple of years.

Rick Green:

And you also point out in the movie the technology that allows for a totalitarian state to come very quickly, which is, I think people kind of realize that. You know, they know there's something we should be concerned about here, but you show how it can be connected very easily, you know, and there's so much in so many roads we can go down here. I want to actually start with the. What is the solution? I mean, I know we want to talk about all these things and the movie nails it. What do you think the solution is? To at least stop the cycle that typically leads to totalitarianism using these tools.

Dinesh D'Souza:

Well, we need the Supreme Court to step in, as it might do next spring, and deliver a major drop kick to digital censorship. This is the Missouri versus Biden case that's coming before the court next spring. Now, this won't stop censorship at Facebook or YouTube or Google, but it will remove the government's grubby hands from the censorship process and that alone would constitute a measurable progress. Obviously, it's important to win the White House. You can't really renovate and reform the FBI, the DHS, the other police agencies of government, without controlling the executive branch. Part of the goal of this movie was to stiffen the spine of the Republican Party. This is a party that, even though it complains about these three letter agencies, routinely votes to fund them, to give them more money. You wouldn't. You would think a party would be like let's not fund a group that's targeting us. This is the profound stupidity of the GOP that they continue to do that. So there's a lot of work to be done at so many different levels.

Rick Green:

Our folks got to take a quick break. Stay with us, we'll be right back. You're listening to WallBuilders.

Tim Barton:

Hi, friends, this is Tim Barton of WallBuilders. This is a time when most Americans don't know much about American history, or even heroes of the faith. And I know, oftentimes as parents we're trying to find good content for our kids to read. If you remember back to the Bible, the book of Hebrews it has the faith hall of fame where they outline the leaders of faith who had gone before them, well, this is something that, as Americans, we really want to go back and outline some of these heroes, not just of American history, but heroes of Christianity and our faith as well. I want to let you know about some biographical sketches we have available on our website. One is called the courageous leaders collection, and this collection includes people like Abigail Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Francis Scott Key, George Washington Carver, Susanna Wesley, even the Wright Brothers, and there's a second collection called heroes of history. In this collection you'll read about people like Benjamin Franklin or Christopher Columbus, Daniel Boone, George Washington, Harriet Tubman, friends the list goes on and on. This is a great collection for your young person to have and read, and it's a providential view of American and Christian history. This is available at wallbuilders. com that's www. wallbuilders. com.

Rick Green:

We're back here on WallBuilders. Our special guest today is Dinesh D'Souza. It's actually an interview I had a chance to do with him in the tavern. Let's jump right back in with Dinesh D'Souza in the tavern.

Rick Green:

You say something in the movie that I felt like you were channeling me, man, because I felt the same things when you're having the conversation with Rand Paul Senator Rand Paul and you know I used to share when I was a state rep, Ron Paul was my congressman so we did events together. You know it was a friend he and Carol Friends, you know, love them. But I disagreed with him back when you know the Patriot Act and all that stuff happened. I thought he was too concerned about, you know, the civil liberties and that this would only target Terrorists and all that, and so I supported it and so, just like you said, to Rand in the movie You're like, hey, there's some of us that thought that was not gonna go too far. We were wrong, you were right.

Rick Green:

I thought that was a really powerful part of the program and so, in terms of solutions, part of it's getting our side to understand how these things can be abused and do a better job of drawing that line where we do have good law enforcement and we do have preventive measures but we don't violate civil liberties. I think I make a great next movie for you any as well, just like how do you do this right, what are the right principles and where do you draw the line to not violate civil liberties? But I'm just thankful for that conversation you had with ran, because that hit me close, close to home and I felt that personally myself.

Dinesh D'Souza:

You know interestingly, the abuse of the Surveillance powers given to the government Occurred after the Bush years. It, I think, started under Obama when he realized, look, I've got all this power, why don't I just turn it around and use it against my political opponents? So it began under Obama and then it escalated dramatically under Biden.

Rick Green:

Yeah, there's no doubt about it and and, Dinesh, you've experienced this, you talk about it in the, in the movie, but I mean, you've personally been on this side of the two-tiered justice system where they go after somebody because you're a political opponent, because you have the wrong political party or the wrong color of skin or the wrong, you know, religious persuasion, whereas other people that did far worse in, you know, in your instance, election things that don't don't don't even get looked at, let alone and of course we're seeing it now with honor Biden and you know Verses, what they did to Peter Navarro for not testifying. I mean, how do you, how does, how does a republic survive in a two-tiered justice system? I don't see how it can.

Dinesh D'Souza:

Well, in the end it can't. And I think the sad truth is that the aggression of the left and the Democrats is provoked by the sort of timidity and weakness of the Republicans. So the Republicans need to toughen up and in a sense they need to say look, you know, we're gonna start doing to you what you're doing to us. That is the way that the Democrats go, oh well, we better be a little careful, because two can play at this game.

Dinesh D'Souza:

In my own case, you know, I was determined to beat them at their own game, and by that I mean, I realize you know I'm up against the nearly infinite resources of the federal government. So they're, they're gonna try to get me. But what do they mean by getting me? Do they mean that they get me to pay a fine? They locked me up, they give me mandatory psychological counseling? Well, yeah, but what is that aimed at doing? What is their real goal? And I realize their real goal is to sort of take me out as a political, in other words, make sure that I'm ineffective.

Dinesh D'Souza:

And so I said to myself if I come out of this, you know, confinement center, and I am not invited by anybody to speak, and the Republicans kind of shun me and I can't publish any books, and I can't make any more movies, then they will have succeeded.

Dinesh D'Souza:

On the other hand, if I have a career that's just as big, if not bigger, when I come out before I went in, then I win. So I'm like let me look at that and focus on them not being able to succeed in disabling me as an effective public figure. So in that respect, I think I was successful in being able to push this back. Of course, it was all ultimately my record, even cleared up by the pardon from President Trump. So, but I can't say the same of a lot of other people. Look at these poor January 6 defendants. A lot of them, their finances have been crushed, their families have been wrecked, their lives are in disarray. So you'd have to say that the government of the Biden regime has been successful in that regard

Rick Green:

I think very similar what you're saying, for your story is happening to Trump now. The more they abuse him, the more they violate any sense of justice or blind justice, the more people are rallying to him and and he may come out stronger on the other end as a result of it. I'm not, I'm not sure he would have dominated in the primaries like he is if it hadn't been for the abuse. And so you know, maybe you know, maybe the old thing about what the enemy means for evil, God turns to good. You know, just as it happened in your case can happen to us as a, as a nation. But that requires what you just said the backbone of the, of the opposition, right? The opposition has to be willing. Well, good, or checks and balances if you don't check, if you don't balance, if you don't engage. So so maybe this movie Police State will infuse, if nothing else, out of fear, right, that we're gonna lose the whole thing, but infuse some backbone into the opposition.

Dinesh D'Souza:

Yeah, and I think also it's intended to be just a wake-up call for for citizens, because a lot of Americans are, well, we've never had a police state in this country, so it's not totally surprising that when people think of police state they think of like a Stalin overcoat, a Hitler moustache. They're looking abroad. Even a few years ago, I don't think I could make a movie called Police State. People would think I'm making the movie about North Korea or Iran or the old Soviet Union, right. But I think what's happening is people are figuring it out, which is to the credit of the American people. I say that because think about the thick fog of media lies and obfuscation, the efforts to promote the narrative of the Biden regime to cover up for Joe Biden and the whole Biden family of racketeers. The double standard, as you say, is not presented as a double standard in the media. In fact, in the mainstream media, what's presented as Trump is a ruthless career criminal and Biden is, if he has a single fault, it's that he is excessively affectionate toward his own son.

Rick Green:

Right, right, no, I even saw a headline just this morning that said the impeachment inquiry, formal impeachment inquiry, even though there is zero evidence. And I'm like how do you? That's as Orwellian, and you're literally minister of truth at this point, wiping away Biden's own words on television saying I got them to fire the prosecutor. So, anyway, I think that's going to continue. The fog is going to be there. What you said is you complimented the American people. You said, hey, many more of them, and I believe millions, are seeing through that fog. They're catching on. They realize how bad this is. I know for me. I hear the audience everywhere I go applaud more and responds more on the issue of J6 and the injustice that has happened than any other topic I talk about. So that tells me that you're right, that they are beginning to realize just how wrong this is.

Dinesh D'Souza:

Yeah. I wanted, in the film, though, to go beyond January 6, because I know there are going to be people who say hey, Dinesh, I'm not Donald Trump, I did not go inside the Capitol on January 6. I pay my taxes, I go to church, I'm a law-abiding guy, nothing's going to happen to me. Now, I think that could not be more wrong, and so I wanted to feature in the film a lot of ordinary guys, just involved in civic activities, moms concerned about what's being taught in schools, a pro-life activist, traditional Catholics. You've got people just living their American dream. And then, bam, they come face to face with the police state. And, of course, the other type of person I wanted to have in this film are whistleblowers, informants, people who know the genealogy, the origin of the police state. They know the architecture of it, how it's organized, how it works, how you can in a place like the FBI, how do you get even decent people to do indecent things? These are all some of the themes that are covered, I think effectively, in this film.

Rick Green:

One more break, folks. We'll be right back. You're listening to WallBuilders.

David Barton:

This is David Barton with another moment from America's History. In the case Lee versus Wiseman, the Supreme Court ruled that for an adult to mention the word God at a public graduation constituted both psychological and religious coercion against the students. Yet consider the actions of William Samuel Johnson, a signer of the Constitution and one of America's leading educators, who served as the first president of Columbia College. At his graduation exercises, William Samuel Johnson declared to the students you, this day, have received a public education, the purpose whereof has been to qualify you better to serve your Creator and your country. Your first great duties you are sensible are those you owe to heaven, to your Creator and Redeemer Founding father. William Samuel Johnson believed that a public graduation was an appropriate setting to remind students of the duties which they owed God.


For more information on God's hand in American history, contact Wall Builders at 1-800-8-REBUILD.

Tim Barton:

nd, as you've had the opportunity to listen to Wall Builders Live, you've probably heard the wealth of information about our nation, about our spiritual heritage, about the religious liberties, about all the things that makes America exceptional, and you might be thinking as incredible as this information is, I wish there was a way that I could get one of the Wall Builders guys to come to my area and share with my group whether it be a church, whether it be a Christian school or public school or some political event or activity, or even a church, or even a church or some political event or activity.

Tim Barton:

If you're interested in having a Wall Builder speaker come to your area, you can get on our website at www. wallbuilders. com and there's a tab for scheduling and if you'll click on that tab, you'll notice there's a list of information, from speakers bios to events that are already going on, and there's a section where you can request an event to bring this information about who we are, where we came from, our religious liberties and freedoms. Go to the Wall Builders website and bring a speaker to your area.

Rick Green:

Welcome back to Wall Builders. We're going to jump in and get that conclusion right now. Here's Dinesh D'Souza joining us in the Tavern and bringing it to you here on Wall Builders. I want our viewers to know there's stuff that you have in the film. I'm doing this every day there and you had things in there stories I had no idea had happened the two ladies with the school board like you're talking about, and how egregious it was what they did and going after them.

Rick Green:

I didn't know those two stories. So I think people are going to be surprised at what you reveal in the movie. What's the best way for people to get their- whether it's their local Republican club or Tea Party club or their church or whatever- to be aware of the movie watch parties? What do we do to get more people to see this? I really do. I feel like you've got to wake people up with this. I know that's what you're doing. I just want people that are watching to not just passively watch the movie. I want them to take it and be a force multiplier with it.

Dinesh D'Souza:

Well, we're being blocked in certain ways. Amazon, for example in Walmart, which has stopped all my previous films, won't sell this movie. Again, no reason given, it's like we can do it, we don't have to sell it. So we're not going to. We don't have to give you a reason, and it shows that we've got to go to take extra measures to be able to get this film out. So, yeah, if you watch the film, you enjoy it. I would say, round up your GOP group or your church group or your book club and on the website there's a little tab that says you know, want to do a group screening? We charge a nominal fee. I think it's like $5 per head. So if you get 50 people to come and watch, you just charge a nominal fee. You pay us that screening fee and this is a way to help get the word out.

Rick Green:

It's just like I always tell everybody listen, you want to live out the First Amendment, you know you got to live out your faith. You've got to speak, you've got to be the press. You're literally saying go be the movie theater! Be the person, be the one that gathers people together and watches this. So you know fantastic. Well, Dinesh, you always do such a great job of taking the things that I'm trying to say and you do it in such an artistic, powerful way. It articulates it so well. Your movies are well done. I love this one, and great job having Nick Cersei play the FBI bad guy. He was great and I know he enjoyed it as well. He's one of those few guys from Hollywood that's bold and willing to speak truth on this stuff. It doesn't care if he's canceled, and hopefully we get more of that in every area of the arena.

Dinesh D'Souza:

Yeah, he was terrific. And you know, I think the power of a film is that it can go beyond telling you something. It shows it to you. Right?

Dinesh D'Souza:

If I were to tell you, Rick, you know, I grew up in India in a middle class family, in a suburb of Bombay. That by itself wouldn't give you a good idea of what I was talking about. But if I then showed you, hey, look, there's my house and that's my family and that's me at the age of 10. And that's the school I went to, and these are the vendors who came outside our house and sold different things, you'd be like, oh, wow, you'd have a certain feeling, a certain experience of being there. And that's what I can do with a movie called Police Sate I, because Americans often think it can happen to me, it cannot happen here, it's not going to happen in America. My message is hey, sorry to tell you, it is happening in America, it can happen to you. And these are the actual incidences of Police State kind of the hot breath of the police state coming down on people. And I hope that by seeing it, by feeling it, by experiencing it, people go look, we got to stop this.

Rick Green:

Yeah you've mastered this. I don't know if it's a genre, I don't know how you describe it, but this real mix of the reenactments and everything, but then that interview you know the interviews where the people are actually telling their stories incredibly powerful. I know this is not the subject of our interview, but speaking of that, and I'm trying to remember which one of your movies it was, if it was 2016, I think, when you open it with that scene of George Washington actually being shot and killed and saying what would America be like? Right, that's the kind of thing that I think captures people in a way that, like you're saying, a conversation just just cannot do. So. It's a very powerful medium and you do it incredibly well and we want people to know about it.

Rick Green:

Rumble. Following you on Rumble, you've built a huge audience over there. What's the best way for people to find you there? And that's also a way to watch the movie they can, you know, click on the joining you on multiple options for subscriptions throughout the year, but best way to tell them how to get there on Rumble?

Dinesh D'Souza:

Yeah, I do. I do a daily podcast which is on Apple, Google and Spotify and audio. It's on Rumble, on in video. The movie is also on Rumble, but the easiest way to find it is you can search it on Rumble. But you can also just go to the website policestatefilm. net. There's a little Rumble tab. Click on that, boom, you're right at Rumble and you can stream the movie onto any device, including a big screen TV, and also on the website there are ways to buy DVDs in facts of five or 10. So it's a discounted like bulk order. Great way to drop it in a bunch of people's stockings or use it as Christmas presents. This is a wonderful way to spread the word.

Rick Green:

Our folks at a time I know Dinesh said get DVDs and such for Christmas. The interview obviously was right before Christmas. They did that just a few days before Christmas. I think he's right. That's an excellent way to gift to people.

Rick Green:

Doesn't have to be Christmas, though you know David Barton's about Christmas year round, so you can still go get copies of Police State. Give it to as many friends and family as you can. At a minimum, send out a link to this interview so that they can get a taste of what that movie is all about, and hopefully they too will get the movie, and then they will share with friends and family again, force multipliers what all of us are going to have to do. We're going to save this nation. We're going to save liberty. We're going to push back on this. You know, really, this march towards a complete police state and it can happen very quickly, folks. It's happening to other people right now, not to you, but trust me when, if we stand by and we let it happen to others, it's eventually going to come knocking at our door. So make sure you get that movie police state. Thanks so much for listening. You've been listening to WallBuilders.

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